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Vampire Panic

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Title Screen

Vampire Panic

Developer: Alfa System
Publisher: Sammy
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: June 24, 2004

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

To do:
  • Document more of the debug menus and elaborate on what they do. There is a lot to cover in these menus.
  • Document more of debug menu's sub-menus.
Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!

Debug Menu

Vampire Panic - debugmenu1.png Vampire Panic - debugmenu2.png Vampire Panic - debugmenu3.png

An elaborate debug menu can be enabled in this game. This menu contains a lot of interesting sub functions, such as a camera editor, level select, event viewer, and sound tests among many others. Apply the code below and hold L3 + R3 while the game is first booting up to be taken to the debug menu.

Master Code (For use on an actual PlayStation 2 only)
90111810 0C0445AC
Debug Menu (Hold L3 + R3 while the game is first booting up)
D03CEB82 0000FFF9
201A4A48 2404001C
D03CEB82 0000FFFF
201A4A48 8C24C4F8
Text Translation
タイトル Title
オープニング Opening
エンディング Ending
デモ Demo
メニュー Menu
チュートリアル Tutorial
終了後処理 Process after Finish
避難所内 Inside of the Shelter
避難所外 Outside of the Shelter
城外 Outside of the Castle
城内1階 Castle 1F
城内2階 Castle 2F
城地下 Castle Underground
地下墓地 Underground Graveyard
ドック Dock
ラスボス戦 Last Boss Battle
キャラ劇 Character Act
キャラシステム Character System
マップシステム Map System
エフェクト Effect
イベント Event
キャラ劇テスト Character Acting Test
メモリーカード Memory card
サウンドテスト Sound Test
モデリンテスト Modeling Test
みんなのテスト Everyone Test
デバッグメイン Debug Main
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Character System

Selecting キャラシステム will bring you to this map. Pressing Triangle here will bring up the main debug menu. Pressing Select will bring up another one.

Vampire Panic - charactersystem1.png

Text Translation Effect
ボタン割り当て変更 Change Assigned Buttons It is unclear what this does exactly.
プレイヤー変更 Change Player Allows you to select from a list of the currently loaded AI to control.
DEBUG Debug Opens a sub menu.

Vampire Panic - charactersystem - debug.png

Pressing Triangle will bring you to this menu.

Text Translation Effect
デバッグカメラ Debug Camera Crashes the game.
エフェクト編集 Effect Edit Crashes the game.
時間変更 Change Time Changes the current time in the map.
部屋ワープ Room Warp This menu contains nothing to choose from.
デバッグスイッチ Debug Switch Opens a sub menu.
カメラ固定ON/OFF Camera Fixed On/Off
環境エフェクトON/OFF Ambient Effect On/Off
敵生成 Spawn Enemy Opens another menu allowing you to spawn enemies or allies.
ノイズのON/OFF Noise On/Off Turns the background static on or off.
イベントデバッグ Event Debug Allows you to set various game related flags.
プレイヤー変更 Player Change Allows you to change the currently controlled player.
アトリビュート表示 Attribute Display Enables various debug lines throughout the map.
明るさ調整 Light Adjustment
脅威度調整 Menace Value Adjustment
人間作成 Create Human Spawns a NPC of your choice.
微調整 Tune

Vampire Panic - charactersystem2.png

This menu allows you to set various flags, such as disable AI and toggle invincibility for all AI.

Text Translation Effect
NPCのAI停止 Stop the NPC AI
あたり判定表示 Display hit area
エフェクト発生位置表示 Stop the NPC AI
プレイヤー無敵 Player invincible
プレイヤー疲れない Player will not tire
エフェクト無効 Disable effects
常にデモキャンセル有効 Always enable demo cancel
右下の座標を隠す Hide coord at bottom-right
イベント番号表示 Display the event number
起動時のロゴOFF Disable display the logo in booting

Vampire Panic - charactersystem3.png

This menu appears when selecting Event Debug. This allows you to view various statues of enemies in the map.

Text Translation
NPC情報 NPC Information
イベント実行フラグ Event Running Flag
特殊フラグ Special Flag
アイテムフラグ Item Flag
NPC救出 Rescue NPC
NPC全員救出 Rescue All NPC
通常アイテムを得る Get the Normal Item
鉱石を得る。前半 Get the Mineral. First Period
鉱石を得る。後半 Get the Mineral. Second Period
テキスト閲覧 Watch the Text

Vampire Panic - charactersystem4.png

These will appear when selecting Attribute Display.

Map System

Vampire Panic - mapsystem1.png Vampire Panic - mapsystem2.png Vampire Panic - mapsystem3.png

Selecting マップシステム will bring you to this menu. Here you can freely view all the maps in the game with free camera movement. There is also a camera tool where you can edit and make new camera points in maps. You can also save your edits, however it is unclear how that works.

Text Translation
フリー Free
カメラ設定 Camera Setting
フォグ・環境光設定 Fog・Ambient Light Setting
フォグ・環境光全出力 Output All Fog・Ambient Light
カメラバックアップ Backup Camera

Character Play Test

Vampire Panic - charactertest1.png Vampire Panic - charactertest2.png Vampire Panic - charactertest3.png

Selecting キャラ劇テスト will bring you to this menu. Here you can set camera points, place characters on any map in the game, and view all of the game's events.

Text Translation
カメラテスト Camera Test
キャラ劇テスト Character Acting Test
カメラ設定 Camera Setting
キャラ配置 Place the Character
アンビエント Ambient
フォグ Fog
エリア変更 Changes the Area
セーブ Save
終了 Exit