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What Is This?

They were cluttering up my main page, so they're here. If you see one you like, feel free to use it.

Columns 1-4

Column I Column II: Electric Boogaloo
~ This user uses the first userbox ever. And is proud of it.
Yay cactus! This user supports the cactus!
DumbKey. This user hates this key!
DON'T PRESS THAT BUTTON This user loves pressing switches.
Mystery of the ages. This user wants to know what the heck that coliseum structure was for!
The in-game shop was half the replay value! This user prefers the Dreamcast Marvel vs. Capcom 2 over the Xbox 360 one.
Maybe a pizza trophy. This user won't be getting a trophy anytime soon.
YOU'LL EXPLODE THE UNIVERSE This user avoids F12 like the frickin' plague.
I'm laughing *next* to you. Big difference. This user is laughing at you.
YOUR JAMES OVER This user enjoys watching epic failure.
Yes, you. The one looking at this alt text. This user wonders why you look for alt text.
This user needs more userboxes.
Column III: Better Than Columns Crown Column IV: The Voyage Homeward
Bound For Glory
d'aww This user loves adorable kittens.
Pictured: Four teeny tiny doggos This user loves adorable puppies.
Tell me this wouldn't have been the most adorable thing ever. This user thinks Pichu would've been a fun surprise Trainer in Pokémon Stadium 2.
ooh This user really likes this environment sphere...
ahh ...and this one.
Hm. This user is curious as to what that whole Ln-MOS thing is about.
Huh. This user is curious as to what that whole Ir-GOS thing is about.
Seriously, what was their problem? This user wouldn't mind knowing why Atari hated crediting its production staff.
Jury's still out on that one. This user is awesome.
Roll the dice (come on!)/It's paradise (oh!) This user likes games such as Yahtzee and Farkle. Y'know, with dice. (And if you get the reference in the alt text, congrats.)
ooh shiny This user pressed Hiccup's P-Switch.
A reference to "The Price Is Right"? On *my* TCRF? This user wishes he could take credit for the Master Key alt-text joke, but can't.
Everybody makes mistakes. And if the past decade-plus of Wiki editing has taught me anything, I'm no exception. This user has some knowledge of the Wiki markup, but will probably make mistakes and apologizes in advance.

Columns 5-8

Column V: The Antepenultimate Frontier Column VI: Not "Column Sucks"
This looks really cool. Too bad the eventual game was a steaming pile. This user really likes the Sonic Synergy title screen.
Hey, Rockstar made a table tennis game so... This user would probably play Darren Thorne's Pro Ping Pong.
*bip* This user is amused by fake barcodes.
No, seriously, leave. This user really doesn't like people who take craps all over the internet.
Rest in peace. This user will remember Satoru Iwata's great contributions for the rest of his life.
Please stand by. This user is taking a Wikibreak.
Please stand by. This user is taking a Wikibreak.
Unless you work somewhere that does that kind of NSFW stuff. This user knows better than to look at NSFW stuff while at work.
"I have seen sh*t that'll turn you white!" -Winston Zeddmore This user wishes Brain Bleach was a thing.
Column VII: The Force Retreads
40-Year-Old Ground
Column VIII: TCRF User Runs Out of
Column Titles
The hidden text, this picture, that story, and that website all feel connected to each other - and to "DDLC" itself. This user wants to know what that whole Project Libitina thing is about.
So cute. :3 Feeling down? Here's a box of kittens.
+ One Spin 1,000 what? That's for you to decide...
Do mushrooms work like Viagra? Don't eat the mushroom.
Um...I think it's busted... Sonic Slots: Good idea in some cases, bad idea when using Sonic's head.
I see good days ahead for you... Your lucky numbers today are 07, 29, and 2024.
b£ink¥ ¢a$h This user likes collecting coins.
Look at the infobox text. Look at the alt text.
Yes. This has also been reported to the Scutters. That's a bucket.

Columns 9 and Onward

Column IX: Future Inspiration
(or Lack Thereof)
Column X: The Unauthorized
Seriously, these look like game show displays. Don't pull a Clavin!
I like their taquitos and cheeseburger hot dogs. This user likes 7-Eleven.
Smarmy. Have a pint!
Gabwaah! Box of oranges
Nekomiya Hinata
Me while I watched the final two seasons of "Shop 'Til You Drop". Your joke? Not funny.
"Finally...the monster of all demons, is DEAD!" This user stands for Korone Inugami.
(Don't) Get Blue Balls Get Blue Spheres
It's probably poop, yeah. What's in the bags? Gold? Diamonds? Prototypes? Poop?
Tries to scare people, ends up being loved because it's cute. Mission failed successfully. :3 This user thinks this little Boo is adorable.
In Soviet Russia, clock beats you! It's time to stop!
This space reserved for future silliness, references, and brainfarts.