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Wabvah - your local early firmware finder
Discord: .randomuser8219.
E-mail: windowsfacts101@gmail.com
GitHub: ArbestRi02
Reddit: u/Weak-Sherbet9341
YouTube: Randomuser8219

i am your local early firmware finder, searching through obscure gamers Discord and finding niche YouTube videos
User:Wabvah/Sandbox is where I make and plan big changes to pages.

Unused images extracted by me

Wii U System Software

Wii U DummyAppIcon.png
Wii U Friend List Dummy.png
Wii U PictDummy.png
Wii U DummyLaunchBG.png
Wii U DummyAnimation.png

Xbox 360 Dashboard

Xbox 360 Dashboard Yak1.jpg

Images/videos of firmwares I found and put on TCRF (sorting by console date)

  • Images and video of Xbox 360 dashboard 1529 and 1746, one from a Chinese wiki and a few niche YouTube videos I found while searching.
  • Images of Xbox 360 dashboard 1640, from a random archived forum.
  • Images of PSVITA firmwares 0.945 and 0.990, from Obscure Gamers Discord.
  • Images of PS4 firmware 0.915, from that same Discord.
  • Video of PS4 firmware 1.000.071, from an August 2013 YouTube video that's suprisingly quite popular.
  • Video of PS5 firmware 0.850, from (C)ode e(X)ecute's YouTube.