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User:SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA)/Pizza Tower if Mods & Hacks were documented/Prototype info/March

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This is a sub-page of User:SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA)/Pizza Tower if Mods & Hacks were documented/Prototype info.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?

The March 2019 build of Pizza Tower is the second demo given out to the game's Patrons. This build introduced two more levels, being Sewer and Freezer (the latter of which can only be played in as The Noise, in his playable debut.

Title Screen

  • The player no longer has the ability to press Left/Right to switch Peppino's clothes.
  • Selecting "Start" will bring up a more basic level select, instead of the hub from the previous Patreon build.

Level differences


  • Cold Spaghetti plays on this level instead of Hot Spaghetti.
  • The cheeseball doesn't spawn when the player collects the key.

The Noise's moveset

  • The Noise could only reach Mach 2 with his dash move, not allowing him to break metal blocks normally.
    • However, a few washing machines are present in the Freezer level, which The Noise can ride on to break said metal blocks.
    • The Noise riding the washing machine can be found in the final game's "Wash n' Clean" secret room.
  • The Noise had the ability to glide during jumps, by holding the jump button whilst in midair. One portion of the Freezer level is built with this mechanic in mind.

2 parts

This build was split into 2 parts. The second part was basically just the golf demo but with the level select accessible by default.

Unused Music