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User:Plague von Karma

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The cover for MicroGroup Game Review Vol.14, scanned by myself.

Heya, welcome to my userpage! Been around for 6 years but I may as well get it sorted now. I am best contacted on my Talk page.


So, I mostly deal with Pokemon things but have done a few other things in the past. I'm far from savvy in programming and the like, so I try to reserve myself to old advertising material, history, and things like that. You can probably see some of my less bright moments in my Pre-2017 contributions. I've contributed primarily to Gen 1-2 Pokemon pages. I'm getting better at it, I promise!

You can find the various things I've preserved on my Archive.org page, including a few Kiosk Demos and the like. I run a blog for various interesting Pokemon prototype things as well, though I don't post there often anymore. These days, I run an RBY Sprites Project on GitHub that aims to document all pre-GSC sprites of the original 151 Pokemon, which also includes making usable GIFs of the Stadium models, restoring prerelease sprites that never made it into a game, and more.

Oh and I'm a VTuber I guess

Page contributions

I made the page for No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either! (Steam) and will be adding small amounts of content to it over time. I'm a big fan of this franchise, almost single-handedly running the No Heroes Allowed! Wiki since 2021. Finding out this game had a whole unused Korean translation among numerous other oddities was a shocker for me, but it's proven to be helpful in improving the language documentation over there. Over here, well, I get to show the game's wasted potential...

Magazine Scans

Sometimes I go out of my way to purchase notable magazines relating to Pokemon history without good scans. It's not the easiest or cheapest thing in the world, but hey, someone has to do it. I'll note purchase prices because these always tend to balloon in value in the west, despite not actually being worth that much. I'm currently targeting The Official Pokemon Fanbook 1997.

MicroGroup Game Review Vol.14

The first magazine I went out and scanned was MicroGroup Game Review Volume 14, released in April 1997 to advertise the new Pokemon anime. The striking cover has made it a pretty large point of speculation as to whether these were scrapped designs. As a translation of my scan by Obskyr went, this turned out to be false: the designs were non-canon. Cost me around £50.

Cropped Rhydon sprite from the magazine, scanned by myself.

Corocoro Magazine (November 1996 Issue #223)

I bought this from an online Japanese book store called "Kosho" for around 4,000 yen, including postage, which amounts to around £28. This magazine contains Japanese Pokemon Blue sprites that didn't make it into the final game and gave readers the opportunity to order it by mail. This version would not be released again until 1999, alongside Pokemon Yellow. I've only scanned the Blue sprite page, as the book itself is gigantic. My friend EyeDonutz is reconstructing the sprites using my scan.

Cropped Persian sprite from the magazine, scanned by myself.

Corocoro Magazine (December 1996 Issue #224)

I bought this from the same person who sold me the November 1996 issue. This was a continuation of the previous issue's statements on the new Blue JP sprites, featuring sprites that weren't seen prior, as well as repeats of the others that are no longer obscured by the black marks. There are two sprites that we finally got proper looks at that were previously obscured by god-awful quality: Aerodactyl and Persian.