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User:Null/Workspace/Army Men: Sarge's War (GameCube)

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Title Screen

Army Men: Sarge's War

Developer: 3DO Company
Publisher: Global Star Software
Platform: GameCube
Released in US: August 21, 2004

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Sarge's War is just another game in the surprisingly prolific Army Men series. Notable for being 3DOs last known project, released one year after them filling for bankruptcy.

Debug Mode

AMSWgc devMain.png

A very extensive suite of debugging options can be accessed via the following Action Replay codes on the NTSC-U version.

(m) [Ralf]

Enable Development Kit [Ralf]
(Codes: Ralf@gc-forever)
To do:
Finish sorting out which menus and options do and do not work. (Hint: Several appear to not work at all, disappointingly.)

Start Game

Loads the regular frontend menu of the game.

Jump to Level

A level select, organized by stages. It even includes a fair amount of test maps.

AMSWgc devLevel.png

Unit Tests

Some miscellaneous testing fuctions in the control and video departments.

AMSWgc devUnit.png

  • Vibration Scripts - tests different rumble configurations on the GameCube controller, classified by their in-game action.
  • FMV Player Test - your average FMV viewer. Interestingly, it lists some videos that aren't even on the disc! These include Fish, Rebirth and a trailer of some sort labeled 4HM_Trailer.

Debug Menu

AMSWgc devDebug.png

Render Modes

AMSWgc devRender.png

Debug Text

AMSWgc devText.png

Unused Areas

Sarge's War has a total of 17 test maps, eleven of which are still functional. These can be selected from the Tests subheader of the Jump to Level menu.

AMSWgc devLevel2.png

The following do not work on an emulated environment at the very least.

  • Script Test - crashes the emulator.
  • SPARX Test B - crashes the emulator.
  • SPARX Test D - crashes the emulator.
  • Animation Test - refuses to load when selected.
  • Multiplayer Test - prompts the number of players; then crashes, even when there is at least a second player configurated.
  • Temp Test - crashes the emulator.

Movement Test

An oddly dark building with enemies scattered through. The collisions are a bit off at some points.

AMSWgc moveTest1.png AMSWgc moveTest2.png

AMSWgc moveTest3.png AMSWgc moveTest4.png

Combat Test

An almost barren map with NPCs that shoot at you and nothing else.

AMSWgc combatTest.png

AI Test

More enemy NPC testing, this time in a bland battleground with some dodgy draw distance and an enemy placed below the map.

AMSWgc aiTest1.png AMSWgc aiTest2.png

AMSWgc aiTest3.png AMSWgc aiTest4.png

Camera Test A & B

Essentially the same village map in both cases, except B has no AI inside the house.

AMSWgc cameraTestA1.png AMSWgc cameraTestA2.png

AMSWgc cameraTestA3.png AMSWgc cameraTestA4.png

Graphics Test A

A random assortment of models (including a few placeholders) laid out in a plain field.

AMSWgc gfxTestA1.png AMSWgc gfxTestA2.png

AMSWgc gfxTestA3.png AMSWgc gfxTestA4.png

Graphics Test B

The same concept as the previous map, only with a slightly different selection of props and placed in a blue floor.

AMSWgc gfxTestB1.png AMSWgc gfxTestB2.png

AMSWgc gfxTestB3.png AMSWgc gfxTestB4.png


An itty-bitty wasteland to test the game's particle engine; very little to no collisions.

AMSWgc sparxTestA1.png AMSWgc sparxTestA2.png

AMSWgc sparxTestA3.png AMSWgc sparxTestA4.png


One of the two more interesting environments. It's another particle engine test, but all of the effects are encapsulated in a myriad of gray boxes. Shooting or touching them triggers each, although some of them do not work or simply spawn another box on top. Located at the spawnpoint is a white flag to be collected; it teleports you to the cyan ripple swirl next to it, triggering a small cutscene.

AMSWgc sparxTestC1.png AMSWgc sparxTestC2.png

AMSWgc sparxTestC3.png AMSWgc sparxTestC4.png

Object Interaction Test

A small room with every single collectible in the game, complete with their annoying sound effects when you pick them up.

AMSWgc objInteractTest.png


The second most interesting map from the bunch. It's divided into two parts: the "Arena" and the "Zoo". You are spawned in the former, in front of a row of cubicles. Stepping on each generates an NPC enemy wielding the weapon listed on its label. Behind is a reset "point" that disables it. Further on the map has a static helicopter that shoots at you. The rest of the Arena consists of scattered crates, vehicles and a textureless yellow house.

AMSWgc npcZoo1.png AMSWgc npcZoo2.png

AMSWgc npcZoo3.png AMSWgc npcZoo4.png

The Zoo is housed in a different position in the level, and is accessible through a warp on the eastern side of the Arena. It has the same layout as the cubicles on the Arena, but each enemy is placed inside each compartment. On the very left of the spawnpoint is the reset space, and on the right is a warp to the previous area.

AMSWgc npcZoo5.png AMSWgc npcZoo6.png

Unused Graphics

Just like the one you're watching this second. Oh wait, it's not.

Present inside the Temp folder on the game's root is cursor.tga, a Windows cursor.

Development Text

Sage.INI in the Data folder is a heavily commented configuration file related to the game's engine.

; Tunable parameters for SAGE (Shared Action Game Engine)
; Copyright 2002 The 3DO Company. All rights reserved.


; the first single-player level (note which line is NOT commented out)

First1PGameLevel			= GnTwnND1		; Sarge full game
; First1PGameLevel			= ItalCity		; Sarge 7/1 Demo
; First1PGameLevel			= NY_City1		; 4HM full game
; First1PGameLevel			= Calcuta1		; 4HM 7/1 Demo

; the name of the win-game movie (just the filename, no directory, no extension)

WinGameFmvName				= AMSW_FMV_20_AV	;

; what the HUD looks like and what info it shows

HUDType						= 1				; 0 = FHM, 1 = Sarge

; is demo active (menu flow is abbreviated and there is no load/save game when active)

DemoEnabled					= 0				; 0 = off, 1 = on

; if demo is active, what mode is it in (note which line is NOT commented out)

DemoType					= Sarge
; DemoType					= 4HM


; what art to display for the loading screen (note which line is NOT commented out)

LoadingDefaultFileName		= LD_AMSW		; Sarge
; LoadingDefaultFileName	= LD_4HM		; Four Horsemen

; Texter messages for general use on the loading screen.
; Note that these are the Texter message name without the "ID_" at the start (or 'none').

LoadingMessage		= SCR_LOADING_SCREEN				; "loading, please wait"
ContinueMessage		= SCR_LOADING_SCREEN_PROMPT			; "press button to continue"
BriefingMessage		= SCR_LEVEL_LOADING					; formatting message for level name and briefing


; analog stick pressure values are scaled between 0.0 and 1.0 between these two
; values which are the percentage of readable pressure (zero to one)
; any value less than min will be treated as min, any value greater than max will treated as max

JoystickXDeadzone			= 5		; amount (out of 128) to be ignored by a joystick read (no less than 30)
JoystickYDeadzone			= 5		; amount (out of 128) to be ignored by a joystick read (no less than 30)

AnalogMinPressure			= 0.3	;
AnalogMaxPressure			= 0.95	;

; amount of analog pressure required (1-255 valid) to set L and R GCN triggers to read as 'pressed' by game code
TriggerSensitivity			= 150


Platform_MaxSpeed              	= 1000			; Maximum speed in meters per second
Platform_TurnRate				= 1.60			; How fast do they rotate (radians per second)


FOVFullScreen			= 60.0		; FOV when in single player
FOVHalfScreenHorizontal	= 90.0		; FOV for a miltiplayer viewport that takes up the top or bottom half of the screen (horizontal split)
FOVHalfScreenVertical	= 30.0		; FOV for a miltiplayer viewport that takes up the left or right half of the screen (vertical split)
FOVQuarterScreen		= 67.0		; FOV for a miltiplayer viewport that takes up a quarter of the screen (3 or 4 player mode)
