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User:Name Not Needed/Godus

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Title Screen


Developer: 22Cans
Publishers: DeNA
Platforms: Android, IOS
Released internationally: August 7, 2014 (IOS), November 24, 2014 (Android)

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

<Sanky> please suggest an unused sprite with a clock or something
This game is still under active development.
Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary!
This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
  1. Revisional differences, and particulary advance cards. Why seemingly complete cards were removed from everywhere except abandonware PC version, as evident by various videos and forum topics? Things such as Enhanced meteors are especially obscure.
  2. Various models and UI with military theme and "_war" prefix. These might be leftovers from Godus Wars but to my knowledge they are not related, so it might hint wars were at some point planned to be intergrated into the game, Clash of Clans-esque.
To do:
Oh boy, where do I even begin...
  • LOTS of materials for proto and prerelease pages. Check this, that, here and especially there - the archive of Kickstarter updates.
  • Crapload of unused cards, stickers (especially khaki ones, also isolated khaki point type), other graphics.
    • Is Weyworld Voyage upgrade card by any chance used by just as cut and very obscure Longships card?
  • Check for unused models, perhaps Archers are still here and maybe you'll find something else.
  • Godus revisional differences are extremely confusing. Apparently various PC-only cards (e.g. military settlement, villages or ship upgrades and khaki stickers) DID exist on mobile and were removed, and it's a question whether some cards might have been IOS-exclusive too, especially some cards which are particulary obscure, such as Longship upgrage or Enhanced meteors which I am sure existed at one point of time on the IPad version, but unsure whether they ever been on PC or Android.
  • Dig into unused text and code, there's a huge lot of stuff that waits to be documented. There's basic code for Hubworld done alongside with Mercants, it actually was in development circa 2015. Among other things, a plentora of unused God powers (such as "musics", like music of work, or promised but undelivered Volcano) and advance cards, cut ages, Shepherd settlements etc...
  • Should limited time event graphics count as technically inaccessible content?
  • Check whether numerous expired Voyages are still accessible.

Ah, Godus... Yet another God game designed by Peter Molyneux, and also a mobile game. And yes, the game, at the moment of writing, is in fact still a thing. The ungodly (get it?) controversy has to be the only reason it is still remembered by many, but we're not here to discuss controversy, we're here to discuss cut content, as it has a whole load of both!


Unused cards
Ranging from cut cards present on the PC version and beta leftovers to promised yet undelivered features and completely unseen and unheard of powers.
Unused text
Hubworld was actually in development at some point! That and many other cut stuff.
Revisional differences
Oh wow, the game is still alive. Oh wow, they repurposed Redhead as a Shaman...

Unused graphics

Unused cards

To do:
Note that the final article is going to feature this section in a subpage as it is very long and is present here just to not create too many sandboxes.

Way, way more cards await to be documented. Check whether some of the cards might actually be leftovers from older versions of the timeline, Beta 2.0 times specifically.

Keep an eye on new updates coming out that might reintroduce some cards.
Please elaborate.
Having more detail is always a good thing.
Specifically: Did, and if they did indeed, how did some of the Beta 2.0 leftover cards function? Were Facebook integration cards ever actually used, and if they were, how exactly did they work?


Filename Card Description
Imperial age (misspelled as "Imerial"), the age that was supposed to follow Iron before being changed to Frontiers. Weyworld's card filenames still reference Imperial. Notably, this card doesn't align with resource sticker cards' design.
Pit of Doom from the PC version, inexplicably present among other card sprites.
The ability to raise land. Used in the PC version.
Unused God gift, Holy spring, that creates, obviously, a water spring. Used in the PC version. Recently introduced Eden spring uses a whole different sprite.
God power card (as evident by God prefix) that is related to granite, either allowing you to destroy or even create it, the latter is something you cannot do normally. Note the odd green tint. Oddly, it is present among Homeworld cards where granite is absent to begin with.
Military settlement that is used in the PC version. Used to create (just as unused) Archer followers.

Beta 2.0 leftovers

These cards are leftovers from Beta 2.0, which brought the timeline in more or less final shape.[1]

Filename Card Description
Farm upgrade. Could be an early version of Advanced farming.
It allowed you to build roads within the settlements, back when settlements looked like settlements.
Craft shrine, that was supposed to enhance the mastery of your followers in whatever job they're doing. This shrine got ultimately cut since final Timeline redesign.

Facebook cards

These cards are related to Facebook integration.

Filename Card Description
Reward for other people visiting your game.
Reward for progress of your game.


Filename Card Description
Perhaps we all wanted this card to be real, but sadly, climbing does not exist in any known Godus version. Only Astari and Shamans are able to climb.
Strength advance card. Whatever it does is unknown.
Smash! Whatever it means is unknown.
Movement... Movement of what?
Extra storage. Could imply you had limited storage for resources.
Extra life. Could function similarly to Fleet of foot (internally called "Extra speed") but adding more health instead, yet the design doesn't reflect it.
Card for another Voyage upgrade. Just as cut Voyage upgrades from the PC version use the default Voyage card instead, without the plus and person icon.
The fabled Enhanced meteors mentioned in the Kickstarter updates and apparently present in some versions of Godus. Just like the village card, could have been removed due to gem upgrades introduction.

UI leftovers


Extremely old UI. In the bottom left, we see the Wildman follower, recently reused as Shaman. The orange icon is for the Buffers, unused basic follower type. Most interestingly, we see a purple icon for the Merchant followers, the most obscure follower type whose appearance we can only speculate from the concept art.


Very old designs for the powers. It includes cut ones, such as Totem, Champions as summonables, shrine of exploration, shrines of health and happiness; and never implemented ones, such as Tidal wave, Earthquake, Volcano, Tornado and Armageddon.


Old design for the God powers submenus circa Beta 2.0.


GodusHoloStickerVoyage.png GodusHoloStickerSocial.png GodusHoloStickerFaith.png GodusHoloStickerSettlement.png

Inaccessible holographic stickers, including cut Voyage sticker type.


Cut sticker, star chart, related to the khaki point type.



Icon for a treasure temple. In-game, these temples grant you gems and stickers. Packed among shop packs graphics.


A pack of followers? Huh. It uses an image of a farmer.


Old tutorials. It reveals Finger of God's original name: Touch of Wrath. Old card design with captions.


Image of Samson, cut unique follower alongside Wildman.


Miniscule 22Cans logo.


Swamp placeholder.


Obviously not intended to be seen.


Excuse me... Blood? There's not a trace of blood in the final game.

To do:
Get a proper model and move to unused models section.


Something related to protection. See unused models below for more context.


Seemingly war-themed UI. Could be a leftover from Godus Wars but it doesn't seem to have such UI. Top icons use placeholder texts that read "MOO", "TOT", "SPD" and "QUAKE".

Duplicate cards

Weyworld graphics include duplicates of Dig down card with the names Card_Buff_WEY_RiverBuff, Card_Miner_WEY_MoreGems and Card_Sculpt_WEY_SmartSculpt respectively. Smart sculpting, just like digging down, was a feature in the Godus alpha version featuring the oldest UI, and apparently, it was planned to make a return.

Bunch of unused cards imply that Weyworld's abodes were also intended to be unlocked one by one and separately for different heights being sand, grass or mountain (which are internally called Low, Mid and High). The only finished cards are 1 and 2 ranks for High (rugged) abodes and 4, 5 and 6 ranks for Low (verdant) abodes, while everything else (including small and locked variants of the otherwise finished cards) are duplicates of Next age abodes as a placeholder.

Card_God_MeteorBuff01 is a complete copy of normal meteor card, which implies that, akin to settlements, upgrading it would change the graphics to something more suitable, or it could be an unused advance card that's different from Enhanced meteors.

Unused models

Various models that are called "home", "strategy", "wars_expansion", "wars_battle" and "warriors" respectively. These hint on some sort of Clash of Clans-esque functionality that was ultimately cut. Multiplayer was promised as way bigger part of the game early on. These might be leftover from Godus Wars but it doesn't seem so.

Unused cinematic

Very old intro of the game.

Unused text

Hubworld and merchants




Cut cards


Cut powers


Cut ages


Revisional differences

Loading screen & splashscreen

Old 1.28101.0
GodusLoadingOld.png GodusLoadingNew.png

Loading screen changes over the updates. Most notably, the render is more zoomed out in the new version.

Old 1.28101.0
GodusSplashscreenOld.png GodusSplashscreen.png

Old splashscreen, with less logos.


Khaki card border

To do:
Rip respective card border graphics, assemble sprites and replace images for clarity.

GodusMobileTemple.png GodusExploreNewWorlds.png

Despite current mobile version lacking khaki stickers and any Voyage upgrades, these particular cards, Connected to Godus and Explore new worlds, use khaki border.

Imperial age

Weyworld's filenames refer a lot to Imperial age as opposed to Frontiers age, which makes it seem like Frontiers age is merely masqueraded Imperial age.

Weyworld's cards in Homeworld

Dig down and (ever as unused) Raise land powers, as well as Ore and Harvest shrines and nine level scultping (alongside unused graphic for eight level scultping), are grouped among Homeworld's graphics. At least Dig down was used circa Beta 2.0 and advertised as a comeback when Weyworld was announced.
