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User:Mr. Argent/Scratchpad/Syvalion (Arcade)/Text Dump

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Congratulations* You're now a top pilot of SYVALION,    and built up enough strength to atand up to real combat!This ends the basic series of combat simulation.        Today, let's start for real combat with courage and     pride*                                                  
       <Basic Series>                                            You can play while learning*                   
       <Real Combat Series>                                      Your conduct can reinforce your                        equipment* As you play,the scenario,                    course,and sound will change*                                    (Bonus doubles*)                       
        Play with ball,and make decisions                       with button*                                    
<How to Play>~Operate MECHADRAGON with ball.Attack boss at goal to clear first screen!Use flames(button)to blow out enemies and bullets*                                                                                        If you release the button,fire flames are stored!       (If you move fast,it stores faster!) Avoid damages and  move ahead*                                             
Congratulations,you've cleared screen1 If you waste     your flames it's suicide. Use only when needed is the   trick!                                                  Light blue shining VARIA is indestructible. But your    flames will temporarily shrink some enemies. Use it     wisely and move ahead!                                  
If you've come this far,you know now that orange balls  appear as you go on killing the enemy and will double   your score*                                                                                                     Always try to get rid of damage recovery sources        (orange triangles) which appear occasionally!           
Basic Series is almost ending* Go at it* If you're      aiming for high score.the best is to reach the goal fastwithout damages.~                                                                                               But if too hasty and lose all your reserves~it's no use.It's important to adjust your speed depending on your   skill. (Watch the timer.)                               
You've cleared,congratulations! At last,you're at the   last screen of the basic series* At the end of this     screen,there's a huge enemy MECHA                                                                               waiting for you who controls this entire base. If you   kill it,your duty is completed for the present* I'm     hoping for your safe return*                            
After inserting the coin,rechallenge with 1P button*    
                     < GAME OVER >                         This is a new concept game,where the course,enemy       boss,stories,and BGM change sa you play and depending   on your skill!                                                                                                  Move ahead further to challenge higher scores and new   adventures!                                          
A spaceship travelling through space crash landed on a  strange planet called GELMOS due to unknown engine      trouble*                                                                                                        A fatally injured earthman appeared uttering "It's      terrible* A strange star to wipe out humans~ a huge     killer MECHA,"~ and he finally died.                                                                            I'm going to capture enemy's secret weapon SYVALION for a showdown.                                                                                                            <Kill all enemies disturbing world peace*>       
A strange huge spaceship appeared. Then a beam floated  my body up* After being unconscious~ I realized I was   standing on a strange planet.                                                                                   They're planning to invade earth*~ As I realized that,  I sneaked around the enemy and captured the giant robot SYVALION*                                                                                                       Somehow, I must crush their ambition and save the       earth's crisis*~                                                                                                              <Avoid damages and advance*>              
As I caught an SOS message from a strange planet, I got on board the fighter SYVALION and arrived here~.                                                                "Those guys are developing a huge fighter MECHA to      invade earth* If nothing is done the earth will~" and   the SOS sender died.                                                                                            I rushed to contact earth,but the transmitter was not   working!                                                                                                            <I must quickly shoot down enemy's huge MECHA~!>    
While travelling in space I was hit by a mysterious     fighter. My ship was damaged heavily but I survived and escaped to a planet called ZAIROS.                                                                              Here,I seized an important secret! In the underground   of this planet, I found out that a huge MECHA was being built to invade earth*                                                                                          I'll capture SYVALION an enemy's MECHA and destroy theirfactory*                                                                                                               <Rush* Invasion is expected every moment.>       
Now at earth,there are many people disappearing for     unknown causes. In fact,I'm one of them~. Aliens took meaway to planet GOLDOF!                                                                                          They're planning to invade earth* Captured human beings are to be converted to android soldiers* I'll capture   SYVALION off guard.                                                                                             I've decided to destroy the huge MECHA built to invade  earth*                                                                                                                <Rush* I'm going to save earth from danger!>      
I went on board SYVALION, a dragon like spaceship,and   was heading homeward to earth. Then,I received a strangeradio wave,saying;                                                                                              "Rush the development of huge MECHA for wiping out humanbeings!" of inexcusable words. Radio waves came from a  planet called SYSTAS.                                                                                           I invaded this planet to have a showdown and crush theirambition*                                                                                                                <Avoid damages and advance carefully!>         
After a short relief a woman's figure appeared on the   monitor. She was also lost in this planet too,and       wanting to escape from the enemy.                                                                               "Natural shape of outerspace aliens is an evil living   being without any form of figure! They get inside and   dissolve human bodies one by one."                                                                              I got her on SYVALION and departed! I've gained valuableinformation.                                                                                                              <Avoid damages to protect her life*>          
After extinguishing fire inside the ship,a man's figure showed on the monitor. I looked at his fase,and I was   surprised*                                                                                                      Why! He looked exactly like me*  I felt uneasy,so left  there quickiy.                                                                                                  Mysterious man? After this,the story goes on to a       surprising mystery*                                                                                                  <Be aware of rest of the fighters and advance!>    
A fatally wounded android soldier is saying,"If you'll  help me,I'll tell you where the transmitter is!"        I wanted to communicate with earth*~.                                                                           I helped him. But as the soldier braced himself up,he   suddenly started to attack me* "Damn it!" I hit him hardin the face!                                                                                                    No transmitter,but I took the wide destructive bullet   from the soldier*                                                                                                  <Always get the life resources and destroy all the       enemies!>                                           
Ship's food also reached the bottom! I found a queer    looking piece of meat in the enemy's food strage room   and decided to fry and eat it.                                                                                  My empty stomach didn't care what kind of meat,so I tookone piece and it was irresistibly delicious* Suddenly   I gained power*                                                                                                 Player's mental energy helped SYVALION. Flame storage   doubled*                                                                                                             <Big chance* Burn all the enemies with flames*>    
I've finally destroyed the first giant MECHA* But I'm   concerned over the people at earth of not being         aware of this invasion plan at all!                                                                             I sneaked into enemy's headquarters to communicate with earth,but all the transmitters didn't work! I looked    for other things worthwhile.                                                                                    With VARIA's energy resources,I can be invincible for a certain time!                                                                                                     <But don't forget! Kill all the enemies you can and      advance.>                                            
Damage conditions of SYVALION were more than expected.  Then,a bright object shined from the pile of enemy's    scrap~*                                                                                                         It's a high precision transmitter* Not even one scratch * "Now, I can communicate*" ~ It's a success* Now,      reinforcements will come*                                                                                       Reinforcement fighter is invincible! But, what if the   player is hit ~.                                                                                                      <Yes, You should never die even by mistake*>      
I asked the woman I rescued for weak points of the      aliens. Then, she started a fit and said, "An alien got in my body~don't get near me*"                                                                                  Without knowing the reason, I closed the hatch, and     watched her through the window! She died mercilessly    melting like wax~.                                                                                              Damn it,is this the invisible alien's form? I locked    the hatch with anger.                                                                                                <I've decided to use the secret weapon! Rush*>     
The woman I rescued is looking strange! She suddenly    started to laugh and declared, "Hee hee hee, you        certainly got fooled didn't you*~"                                                                              Suddenly, the woman's body started to meit like wax, andan ugly alien figure appeared from inside.              "You're going to die too*"                                                                                      Quickly, I pulled out my laser gun and shot right       through alien's chest*                                                                                              <Dodge the enemy attacks skillfully and advance!>   
The woman I rescued died of shock due to damage of the  ship. As she was dying, she took out an unusual ultra-  miniweapon and murmured*                                                                                        "This is a diffusion gun under development by the enemy!I snatched it from the enemy~ it's small but very       powerful~!                                                                                                      Please, stop their earth invasion plans!" Her death     can't be sacrificed*                                                                                                  <I promised her I will wipe out the enemies*>     
I went to the rear to check out a strong life reaction. Surprisingly, that man a little while ago looking       exactly like me forced himself in*                                                                              "Who are you?" I'm your clone* Outerspace allens are    producing many clones to provide human flesh for their  food supplies*                                                                                                  He escaped and now my other self is on our side* 1UP by a miracle*                                                    <Fight without losing this increased point*>      
That man looking exactly like me had invaded the ship*  "Ha,ha,ha, don't worry! I just borrowed your figure     for a moment*"                                                                                                  "Now,I have no use for you! You're going to die*" And   green mucus spitted out from the enemy's mouth!                                                                 After beating him I got the mystery map! I sneaked in   the secret area!                                                                                                <There might be something very secret hidden here~      rush*>                                                  
There was an earth made spaceship lying beyond the pile of shell fragments. I went inside to look for survivors,but found no one!                                                                                               The logbook read,"Those guys after hypnotizing us,      started creating many clone soldiers out of us* This wasto conquer earth~*                                                                                              Clone soldiers are controlled by computer in enemy's    boss MECHA~!"                                                                                                     <Destroy the Boss, and stop the increase of enemies!> 
Ally fighters have fought brilliantly without great     damage* But the crew were sick with critical space      diseases by wounds during combat!                                                                               "Darn it! I'm going to fight them even alone! If I don'tfight them now, more chances for them to invade earth*"~                                                        Myself and enemies were caught in the space transmissionsystem net*                                                                                                       <I was set back 100 million years~I must rush ahead!> 
Ally fighters disappeared by its own huge explosion.    I've contacted earth for help but not available.                                                                "Oh,it's all my fault* If I only didn't miss that time~.I've lost the only one ally~but it's no use crying over split milk.                                                                                                     I don't want him to die for nothing* I'll fight as long as I live*                                                                                                           <Try hard not getting killed in the next area.>    
I've destroyed everything I can in this base* By doing  so, I've succeeded in rescuing an old earth scientist   from enemy's hands*                                                                                             "I've been doing research at this planet creating super intelligence being by gene manipulation~but, those guys went against me ~                                                                                               and are trying to destroy me and the earth* Destroy themwith this*                                                                                                           <Powerful revolving gun* Be careful of VARIA*>     
After being relieved from destroying the huge MECHA,    alien's commander who escaped appeared on SYVALION's    monitor.                                                                                                        "You've been pretty tough with us*~But too late, we're  about to start attacking earth*~Ha,ha,ha, how far can   you stop us?!"                                                                                                  Damn it! Never thought it was the enemy commander's shipI missed!                                                                                                            <I'm running out of time! Rush* You must rush*>    
With ally's help,I destroyed the enemies at last. A crewreported,                                               "My name is PROCO. I've received your SOS. I've come    from earth*                                                                                                     But,I have to go and rescue mother planet DARIUS. I'll  give you this secret weapon,It was a short time,but     let's meet again somewhere*"                                                                                    Farewell is always sad~but let's play rough with this   secret weapon*                                                                                                         <However,be careful not to contact VARIA!>       
After a pause.I suddenly looked back,and the woman      supposedly dead was standing there* "It's ridiculous~,  I just can't believe it~!"                                                                                      But I was ready with my gun* If you get close,I'll shootyou* Then her body split,and a weird creature came      crawling out*                                                                                                   It's a brain monster* While escaping,I pulled the laser gun trigger~                                                                                                        <Enemy escaped from the ship* Don't let the enemy        fighter escape.>                                   
To identify her dead body,I started for the rear of the ship.As I looked at the dead body through the hatch~    unbelievable,it was talking*                                                                                    Between the pieces of flesh,an artificial brain can be  seen*~She was not human* She~no the artificial brain    started talking to me,saying~                                                                                   "Their invasion is now in a count down! Look,reinforce- ments*"                                                                                                         <Thank God,reinforcements! Fight with the risk of your  life*>                                                  
Fire broke out in the ship because of the damage        a little while ago! I've been wounded in the right arm  by the blast!~What a disappointment~!                                                                           If I had dodged enemy's  attack such an explosion       wouldn't happen~ but, no sense being discouraged. After I had put out the fire~                                                                                         I've started dissecting the dead alien body! Then, a    strange fact?!                                                                                                    <What could be the strange fact? Anyway start rushing    ahead*>                                              
An earth made spaceship appeared on SYVALION's monitor, trying to escape from the base by breaking free from    enemy's chase*                                                                                                  "Watch out*" Enemy's laser just missed the spaceship.   I rushed to get ready to rescue! With a narrow escape, Irescued the spaceship and got it inside the SYVALION.                                                           I've gained one earthman to our side~*                                                                                 <Lucky! It's 1 UP* I'm losing time! Rush*>       
I promised the woman who died that I'd wipe out the     enemies but I couldn't keep it. I was feeling dis-      couraged, then, on the monitor the enemy's commander                                                            appeared* "Huh, ha ha ha ha! You're wasting your time!  Give up, and be on our side and help* If you do, I can                                                          even revive the dead woman with our advanced science*"  "No thank you*"                                                                                                       <Earth's danger is closing in! I must rush~>      
I started to destroy the enemy one by one as if I was   mad with anger* But the woman who had died for my sake  is not coming back~*                                                                                            With tears in my eyes, I carried her dead body in my    arms ~then, what do you know* A sheet of paper looking  like a design plan came fluttering down from her clothes* She must of stole it from the enemy!                                                                           <I've finished making a secret weapon from the design*  Rush ahead.>                                           
My other self, the clone is saying that he'll show me   the actual clone factory! As I went there, I was        petrified with what I had seen*                                                                                 Amazing, thousands of my other selves were being        produced* Then, the factory siren started ringing! "Darnit! They must of found me!"                                                                                     A clone jumped in front of me just before enemy bullets hit me*                                                                                                         <I escaped stealing a guided  missile from the factory* Rush ahead.>                                            
Fire broke out being hit by enemy attacks* I don't see  my other self around as I did a little While ago,       "Maybe?!~ Oh, no*"~                                                                                             I rushed to the rear of the ship* Fire was already out  with the automatic extinguisher. But there was my other self completely burnt*                                                                                          My gosh, I'm all for the blame* If I only didn't miss   pilot that time*                                                                                                 <I just can't be sad about it~ I'm losing time! Rush.> 
I've seized an important secret* It's an exact dupli-   cation of the earth's super cultural form disappeared   several thousand million years ago.                                                                             It has been told that they had self-destructed them-    selves by abusing their advanced science~* But,there's  no doubt*                                                                                                       They are indeed the ancestors of our mankind*~ Why,here now?!~                                                                                                               <Advance carefully by dodging enemy's damages!>    
I was able to destroy the giant robot who controls the  clone soldiers and succeeded preventing increase of     enemy soldiers*                                                                                                 After a short relief! Then,the face of enemy's commanderappeared on the monitor~ "You certainly gave us a tough time* But,I bet you can't destroy the two body gaint    MECHA* Why don't you try?!" Why not?!                                                                           <The only way is to use the secret weapon* Advance ahead*>                                                      
Just when the fighting paused temporarily~a glaring     light beamed through the SYVALION~* "Ooh" I blacked out~                                                        I wondered how long I was out~?! During the droway driv-ing, the space transmission system travelled SYVALION   through the time wall, and transmitted me back to the   original word~* What's that I saw?!                                                                                     <Anyway,I must destroy the giant MECHA~>        
By tracing back time,I was now able to find out clearly about the surprising roots of the outerspace aliens*~                                                           They were indeed the super-civilized people of Atlantis who had disappeared several million years ago. They're  still alive*                                                                                                    They escaped earth due to catastrophic disaster.Now     reconquer earth?                                                                                                <I've stolen the secret weapon from ancient people*     Rush ahead.>                                            
I've discovered a large group of people dashing out at  once from enemy's base*~It's earthmen! When I thought                                                           I must rescue them,strange light beams projected from   enemy ships,and threw earthmen high up in the sky!      "Huh ha ha ha ha* I'll hold them for custody!                                                                   Stop useless resistance~*" ~Damn it! I'll use that      secret weapon*                                                                                                  <I'll have to chase the enemies in a hurry* Rush! I meanrush*>                                                  
During combat,earthmen trying to escape from enemy base were killed by SYVALION's blast~.                                                                               Oh no! While wiping my tears and when I suddenly looked ahead~ it certainly looked like the earth's probing ship*                                                                                                               As I checked,all the crews were dead with their brains  scraped out.                                                                                                      <Found a memo regarding enemy's secret* Rush ahead.>  
The old scientist with a pale looking face said, "The   intelligent creature which I made started multiplying   faster than I thought~! Once those guys tasted human                                                            flesh are eating up our earthmen one by one*~ If those  guys really start invading earth,it's going to be       disastrous~* Oh,I must try somehow to stop them~*"                                                              <The old scientist developed a powerful guided missile! Rush*>                                                  
The commander who got away must've escaped in the giant robot in the next area! I'm sure the enemies will rein- force their attacks too*                                                                                        The earth invasion is now in a count down stage~, then  suddenly a shining gold spaceship appeared* "Why it's   TIAT*"                                                                                                          TIAT is an ally once at planet DARIUS. "PROCO, I'm goingto help you*"                                                                                                   <It's the ally fighters* I must destroy the giant MECHA quick.>                                                 
The escaped enemy commander's face appeared on SYVALION's monitor* "Listen here carefully* We'll never tolerate                                                         with your getting in our way! Look, your younger sister*If you want her back, you'll have to join us now and    give us a hand in the earth invasion *"                                                                         You cowards*~ But, how come my sister is around here?                                                           <My younger sister is already died~ I must move on care-fully~>                                                 
The huge MECHA crumbled and disappeared* At last,enemy'swild ambition was crushed!~ Peace will come again to theearth*~ Then, a new giant MECHA showed up with a big                                                            explosion* "Huh ha ha ha ha! You thought this was the   end didn't you* We are immortal, our ambition will      happen*"~ Then it went away with tremendous speed*                                                              <Go after them* If only PROCO was here at the time like this~.>                                                 
SYVALION's body cracked by the damage a little while ago* Somebody must have sneaked in from the crack~*        "YOU're P,PROCO*                                                                                                ~Didn't you go to the planet DARIUS?~ I hurried to take him to the flight deck~ but he seemed strange~*                                                                 He seemed drowsy and walked dizzily~ I wondered what    happened?!                                                                                                                     <Anyway,I must go ahead*>                
Self-repairing feature of the SYVALION fixed the damagedhole. but, it was too late* Many jelly flesh monsters   started invading the ship*                                                                                      Then, the woman who was supposedly dead wiped out the   monsters*~                                                                                                      <I wonder who she is?! Never mind, I must go ahead.>    
At last, the time for final showdown came* Their inva-  sion plan is now in count down stage! Go and destroy    enemy's united huge MECHA.~                                                                                     Then,SYVALION's engine started right after* There was   some sound in the back~ I looked back, but there was no-body there~.                                                                                                    "Huh, is it just my imagination?~ I'll make sure I'll   get those guys*"                                                                                                        <Anyway, I'm losing time* I must rush.>         
I was thinking of the weird intelligent creature which  escaped inside of the huge MACHA could of been killed bythat big explosion!~                                                                                            But, my thinking was too optimistic* The brain monster  turned into a giant with tremendous speed, and it's     creaping up to me now*                                                                                          Then, the brain's skin tore, and a new giant MACHA      appeared*~                                                                                                         <Gaint MECHA is running away* Go after it quickly.>  
After catching the wounded android soldier,he asked,    "What's that brain monster?" "He's our God,of immortal  life" So he was the alien*~                                                                                     When the alien is in the iarval stage,I found out that  he likes to parasite in the brain of the intelligent    creature*                                                                                                       They are trying to invade the earth to spread their off-springs*                                                                                                            <It's going to be terrible,if left alone! Rush*>    
The woman whom I always thought was an earthman was act-ually a robot from another planet~. It still was a big  shock for me~.                                                                                                  But,now she lost her human like skin,and turned into    just a bare artificial brain~What a pity. Then,a signal from our reinforcement fighter came,wanting to come in* So I let him in the SYVALION.~                                                                                    <The reinforcement was hurt and impossible to fight!     Rush ahead*>                                         
The reinforcement fighter disintergrated by the explo-  sion and turned into scrap in space,and now lying down  in our ship.                                                                                                    She~ no,her artificial brain started talking like this~."It seems the final showdown is just about to begin~the enemy's last giant MECHA is getting ready to head                                                               for earth* You must immediately destroy it,otherwise    it's going to be terrible*"                                                                                      <Okay,let's start right now* I'll make sure to protect  earth!>                                                
As I had the SYVALION's computer investigate in details of the results of the alien's autopsy,I ran into one    surprising fact*                                                                                                Although the figures of aliens looked weird,its blood   and tissue were found to be the same as the earthman!   But,its intelligence was more advanced than the earth-  man* I wonder what their real form is?!                                                                            <All the guys who break earth's peace will not be        excused*>                                           
SYVALION's computer came out with results of the alien'sautopsy* "They take brains of intelligent beings like   humans as regular diet,and they can change themselves toother figures,or even possible to vanish. They are      structured by unknown tissues~"                                                                                 The results of the computer were all unbelievable~*                                                              <Whatever the results,for now I can only do but rush!> 
The man I rescued is looking strange* He's been looking at me with a fearless grin for some time. "I wonder     what's so funny!"~ "Huh ha ha ha!                                                                               You can't recognize me yet?! I'm the one you killed a   little while ago* Did you think I would die that simple?Ha ha ha ha ha*" Man's body melted and an alien appearedfrom inside* "He's getting inside of me*"                                                                          <My b~body is getting numb* Darn it* I must rush~.>  
I said one word to the man I rescued a little while ago."Why don't you stop your poor acting? I know your       natural form now*~"                                                                                             The man fearlessly grinned, and suddenly melted his bodylike wax* An alien appeared from inside~*"I'll get even with you* How's this*"                                                                                          I quickly dodged alien's attack, and I killed him with  my flame gun*                                                                                                        <The alien died, but~anyhow, I have to rush~.>     
I was thinking about what the enemy's commander said~   "Did he say he can revive the dead woman? huh, I'm sure he's just bluffing*~                                                                                            Right after I said this, the commander came on the moni-tor again~*                                             "Don't hold our scientists cheap* Look at this*"~ A hazylooking object                                                                                                  came on the monitor, and turned into a woman's figure*  "Oh! Look*                                                                                                      <Is it the revivai of the dead woman? But, I don't have enough time.>                                           
The enemy commander seen before was inside the huge     MECHA*~                                                 But, he escaped at time of the big explosion* I tried togo after him*                                                                                                   Then, a strange light appeared inside the huge MECHA's  remains*                                                "What's that?" I got closer! Then a glaring light came  in the ship.~                                                                                                   Then, the dead woman's body started wiggling*~          She revived*                                                                                                      <I've found an enemy's secret weapon from the wreck*     Let's rush.>                                         
I've heard some strange sounds from rear of the ship*~  How come? Then the supposedly dead woman started attack-ing me* "Gr r r r r ~"                                                                                          "You monster! When did you sneak into the woman's dead  body?! Show your natural shape*" As the monster melted  her body like wax,                                                                                              and a weird slippery figure in* My gun blew flames out~.                                                        <Pieces of monster's flesh scattered* I must destroy allthe enemies.>                                           
What was that thing I saw a little while ago?~          I recalled what our allied clone who died had once said to me.~                                                                                                         "~They're producing many clones because of human flesh  for alien's food supplies~."If what I saw is the food ashe said~and, if they                                                                                            are invading earth for food resources~ humans are like  livestocks*                                                                                                     <If we don't destroy all the enemies, it's going to be  terrible.>                                              
After a short relief an alien figure came on the monitor* "You've been quite rough with us weren't you." But,   you won't live any longer*~                                                                                     I got good news for you. I just set a time bomb         somewhere in your ship* NOw,what are you going to do    about it? Ha ha ha ha*                                                                                          "You'd better surrender for your sake*"Over my dead body,I would*                                                                                                       <I'll have a quick showdown with you with my secret     weapon*~>                                               
Suddenly,an alien figure came on the monitor* "You know too much of our secret* Listen carefully before your    last journey to hell*~                                                                                          We were overthrown once~but the survivors left the cata-strophic earth and arrived at this planet* That's right,to recover our original                                                                                         mother planet,we must wipe out all human beings."                                                               <Our only chance is to use the secret weapon* Now,let's rush~*>                                                 
The commander seen before shouted at me through the mon-itor* "Darn fool*~you sure hit us hard* But,it looks    like you've                                                                                                     spent too much time on combat*~"~As I looked ahead,the  remaining huge base which was not damaged was floating  high                                                                                                            up in the sky*"Damn it* It's heading for earth*"        I rushed after him*                                                                                               <I just barely made it inside of the base* Now,rush!> 
The enemy commander's face who was burnt all over his   body came on the monitor again* His face was melting    down like wax*~He's                                                                                             staring at me with a horrible feature!"You.you sure~you sure did it* Anybody interferring with our plans will   not live* Get it?                                                                                               This is going to be your graveyard*~Then,a glaring      fighter appeared.                                                                                                   <Oh! thank God,my big brother came to help me*~>    
The object which hit my eyes breaking through the time  wall a little while ago~was clearly the figure of the   earth of a hundred million                                                                                      years ago! "Are you saying this planet is the earth!?~" "But,that was the solid truth* "Is the earth already    conquered by the aliens~or~*"                                                                                                I took out the secret weapon and sweared to myself~                                                                       <I'm surely going to recover earth*>          
An alien on the monitor~no,they're the decendants of thepeople once flourished on earth~appeared. "You know by  now that we are                                                                                                 the people of the empire blood once flourished on earth~we plan to reconstruct our second empire on earth~      nobody's going to interfere*"                                                                                   At the instant shine of a glaring light,I was back to   the present!                                                                                                    <I'm never going to have them rebuild the second empire*Rush>                                                   
The earthmen where locked up in the last base deep unde-rground~if I had only chased the enemies a little       earlier at that time, I could of                                                                                perhaps rescued them~but,no use crying over spilt milk~ I swore to myself that I'll do my best in rescuing them*                                                        I must first destroy the last huge MECHA,and crush      their ambition*                                                                                                       <Destroy the huge MECHA as soon as possible>      
Finaly, I was able to destroy the huge MACHA* At the    same time, the shutter at the base where they had       captured the earthmen opened!                                                                                   "Oh! That's*~" The earthmen captured are now trying to  escape* I rushed to rescue them*~ The rescue succeeded* (1 UP!)                                                                                                         I greeted them, and piedged together to fight to the    last battle*                                                                                                      <This is the last showdown* Rush to destroy the huge     MACHA.>                                              
A surprising message was on the memo. "They're monsters who eat intelligent creature's brain* Inhabitants of    this planet were all eaten*                                                                                     Their next target seems to be the earth*~ Now that we   know this situation, it's our duty to let the earth knowabout this!                                                                                                     We're in danger too*" I wonder if they really contacted earth.                                                                                                            <Are the reinforcements really coming? Let's advance     carefully.~>                                         
While we were detained fighting, aliens sneaked in the  ship~* "The sight of that old scientist is not seen     around~ Where can he be?"                                                                                       Then someone was shouting from the rear* "It's that old scientist's voice." I rushed to him, but there was no   sign of aliens anymore*"                                                                                        The old scientist was killed in cold blood. Their       creator was killed.                                                                                                       <Avoid damage, and advance carefully*>        
The old scientist was busy working at something. "What  are you doing?"~ "Well, I'm just rebuilding a little~   trying to improve                                                                                               SYVALION's features* You'll see~I'm not a scientist justto show off*"                                                                                                   The old scientist's forehead was perspiring.~           "Now,SYVALION's thermal power will always be at maximum!Try it."                                                                                                         <Believe it or not,the only way is to try it* Let's go   ahead.>                                               
With comrade TIAT's help, I destroyed the huge MECHA*   "PROCO! the enemy commander is one of the clans of our  long time enemy BELSER*                                                                                         Those guys,are not just thinking of invading planet     DARIUS,but even our second mother planet earth*~        Commander,was on the                                                                                            MECHA which we destroyed now~he won't survive that      explosion.~"                                                                                                       <Do you think the commander really died? Advance         carefully.>                                         
"PROCO* The enemy's commander escaped from the heavily  damaged giant MECHA*"~Darn it* I must of spent too much time fighting the                                                                                               huge MECHA,so he had the chance of escaping* Then, the  commander's voice sounded out saying*"We are the BELSER*~                                                                                                               We will pay our revenge for planet DARIUS,and conquer   earth."                                                                                                           <It's alright to chase the enemy,but you must advance    carefully.~>                                         
Commander appeared on the monitor again* "Don't you wantto save your younger sister's live?" I shouted back at  the monitor*                                                                                                    "Say aliens,you sure have a weak head on you! My sister died just not too long ago*"~The enemy commander's face turned pale*                                                                                                    "Darn it* Now that you know,it can't be helped* But     don't forget*~"                                                                                                    <Now,I'll have to use the last resort weapon* Let's      rush.>                                              
"Oh,PROCO* I thought you'll never return~thanks!" "I    thought so~ so I rushed getting back*~                                                                          but,I'm sorry I can't help you further anymore* I have  to recover my mother planet DARIUS from our long enemy                                                          BELSER, A big danger may come to this great universe*   Well then,good-bye*"                                                                                                  <Say PROCO,thank you! Now,let's rush ahead.>      
I destroyed the huge MECHA,and suddenly I looked at     PROCO~ he's coming towards me with bubbling mouth,and   red blooded eyes*~                                                                                              "Wha,what are you trying to do?!" PROCO was trying to   choke me* "Huh uh uh~you're going to be a slave of      BELSER's army! Hee hee hee"                                                                                     "PROCO! Have you been brain washed?!"~ I hit his stomachhard*                                                                                                           <The enemy's natural shape is the BELSER army* Now,rush .>                                                      
I finally had a chance to hear from PROCO why he had    come back here with groggy legs.                                                                                "Our mother planet DARIUS has just been bombed by the   hands of BELSER's force*~ Darn it,as for now,I don't    have the spirit to fight.                                                                                       Danger is closing in on my mother planet,and even at    earth*                                                                                                             <Now,it's the last showdown* I must destroy all the      enemies~*>                                          
At the same time destroyed huge MECHA,an emergency      massage came in from TIAT* "Alien's disguise is now     clear to us! Those guys                                                                                         are part of the BELSER's army who invaded our mother    planet DARIUS! Finally they even started to invade earth* I'm heading for their                                                                                         home base,DARIUS* Try to stop their invasion to earth   from there*"                                                                                                       <Crush the ambition of BELSER's force*  NOW,rush.>   
Pardon me,but this is MTJ from the Development. Congrat-ulations for clearing all the screen* The final conclus-ion of the story is secret for now! (Still under develo-pment)But,you're indeed a good player*                                                                          This game is as you play,many elements change one after another. It's a new type game! Where does it change~?                                                           Well,it's up to you to actually find out yourself by    playing many times. Bring your friends and play together!~<from the Bubble developer.>                          
How did you like the 3rd stage of this game developed bythe Bubble Development Team? Since we are still in the  process of developing,the story ends here for now~(But, you're certainly a good player.)                                                                                By the way,the scenario is something like this with morethan several hundred tens kinds* The endless pleasure   along with the player                                                                                           such as BGM,graphics,courses during game,enemy boss and its attacks,and scenarios are something unique than the games before* It's up to you to check for yourself by   playing many times*~words from MTJ.