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MoonbowJelly's Avatar

Name: Clara

Birthdate: March 15

Located in: Poland

Twitter: @MoonbowJelly
My cutie girlfriend: Luna


Polish trans girl, that found tcrf thanks to her girlfriend. Will probably mostly work on translations when I have some time, but will look into expanding articles about games i like, uploading title screens, and helping my girlfriend with her contributions to the site. I also keep getting rekt by my girlfriend who ninja's me on all my edits -///-
Ferrets are best animals!! And Luna is the best ferret UwU
And if you think otherwise you're wrong!!

Babel user information
pl-N Polski jest językiem ojczystym tej użytkowniczki.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
fr-1 Cette utilisatrice dispose de connaissances de base en français.
de-1 Diese Benutzerin beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
Users by language


  • Work further through missing title screens
  • Maybe rework the Patapon 3 page, so whenever an alternative audio is mentioned, there is a comparison.