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User:MalaBG/Sandbox/Unity Tut

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No More Unity, Now it's Source screw you

File Types

The most common file types you'll see while looking at Source Engine games are:

.bsp - file extension for maps/levels

.vmt - Valve Material Type. Text file that contains information for Source Engine to simulate surface types.

.vtf - Valve Texture Format. Texture format used by Source Engine.

.nav - Navigation Mesh file for bots. Walkable space in the map for bots to navigate around.

.vpk - Valve Pack File. Uncompressed archive used to package maps content. Such as campaign files for L4D2.

.vmt - Valve Map File. Raw map file data. File type used in Hammer Source Editor. This contains all the entities, brushes and textures that you see in Hammer Editor.

Some additional, but not as common file types include:

To do:
Write descriptions for all of these










  • Crowbar, also primarily used as a modding tool, can be used to unpack .VPK files, and many of the map formats in Valve games (or endorsed titles, like Garry's Mod!)


  • Typically used as a modding application, This application can read and export .vtf and .vmt files