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User:Lumitic/The Return (October 8-ish?)

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This is a sub-page of User:Lumitic.

Wow what a time it has been

2 Years this account was offline for reasons as I had to go through some things but I am back and Im sure you guys are not as happy at all or dont care :D
Ok jokes aside I did check back this site multiple times during the 2 years this account was offline its just that I never got the guts to make another contrib because I would be yelled at for some reason and then it goes back thanks to some error I made. We are not all perfect...
Due to the much amount of errors I made within 3 days I just said to myself "Well Im going to lock away from this account until I get the guts to login again :/" and that day is 10/9/2017 2 Years of inactivity... wow

There has been some things that want me to get back to this site for example one thing that happened In a steam game I played around a year ago that I managed to find a texture that's not used at all in final and its file is still in the games data, at that time I almost got back into the site but yet again the flashbacks of my mistakes came to me and it stopped me from logging in again. :(
So well... that's all I gotta say to my disappearance I really dont have anything else to say so here have some more info meanwhile you are here and a request and some info on account moving:

Well you might not know me that well...

Lets skip that...

Well finding unused objects, textures, models, etc. was something I always grabbed a interest off of as I always was fascinated at the history of a game when some of its own past is still in a game.

The contribs I did

The Gigantic Mistakes

The Sonic 2 Mistakes

I made a contrib for Sonic 2 (I think) that included more research on the broken and unused labyrinth zone with some 2 player screenshots and more that got a few hours later.
Another contrib to Sonic 2 (I think) by adding developer credits. God was I a gigantic idiot (This is also one of the soft marks that landed on me that caused my vacation of solitude)

The Embarrassing Ones

Mother 3

I added more unused enemy's I discovered by going through the encounter code and typing random values.
Looking back at these again I have made huge mistakes and I'm sorry for that

The Small Ones

Mario Kart DS

Well I did find a difference in a Mario Kart DS Kiosk Demo on the driver select screen, which the original images I uploaded also got deleted a few hours later due to me not realizing that someone already made a image that I could use on the article...

What caused me to go offline for those 2 years

Well I got sent with a comment on my profile which made me leave a bad mark on myself so I just stepped off and took the vacation of solitude (Maybe that's a bit too edgy) and waited until the day I decided its time to end the vacation and come back to the site.

What I did over the 2 years

During these 2 years I looked back at the site MANY times until a ISP switch early 2017 that broke my streak :(
I just clicked on all the contributions everyone did during the 2 years and see what they did on what I can learn from them when I have the guts to log back in and not be a wreck and get bad mark on myself and leave for 4 years.
Only thing I have learned during those 2 years is to never give up on what I wanted to do on this site.

What am I going to do to this account (If I can :/)

Well now that you mention it, Im moving this to another account. (Which I need to figure out [Someone from the admins or someone help me with this])

Main reason why... The name and some things which I EVEN MYSELF forbid to see (Even if the contribs are transferred over to the new one) I look back at what I have done and saw well I messed up alot for the first few steps and this name I have is just something I came up in a few minutes...

I need this account moved just need someone to help me find out how. :/

Or am I stuck with this account ;-;

If this account does get moved(?)

(INSERT JOKE USER CHECKING PAGE JOKE HERE) did you expect some bribe or "Quit the site situation" here NAH I'm not that type of person that does that to some of the great community here.

I mean if this account does get moved I will move all of this disappearance info to a subpage on this user page so I guess that's something.