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LuigiIsCanonicallyTheAntiChrist's Avatar

Pronouns: she/her

Birthdate: April 18th

Located in: no

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/jermafan999/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cyanamespace
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@cyanamespace
Also known in other places as: namespace

I like to watch videos about and search for unused content, and mod games. Sometimes stuff I learn about through these isn't documented here, hence why this account exists.

Pages I've Contributed to


WIP Pages
Pages I don't want to put out until I'm happy with them. Probably a bit messy.
Pizza Tower Build Revision List


Pizza Tower

  • Finish documenting unused moves, upload video after
  • Document unused objects
  • Finish documenting unused text
  • Finish documenting the Western v3 source code

Mother 3

  • Finish documenting unused text, enemies, and tables.

Persona 5

  • Finish documenting the stuff below.

Why the Pizza Tower Leaks are Probably Real

Unused Halloween Update States

First off, some new states are referenced in the code starting with the Halloween Update, being states 300, 301, 302, 304, and 305. These states have no scripts associated with them but, although it can't be confirmed, I've figured out what 3 of these states probably were by looking at the leftover code that they're referenced in and the Mr. Stick footage. This is all circumstancial, but if you ask me it's way too much to be pure coincidence. I've even been working on my own recreation of the Mr. Stick leaks lately and tying my custom scripts to the following states worked perfectly.

State 300 (Flying State)

I've determined that this was likely the state for Mr. Stick flying.

  • The Mach 2 state's code includes that the game shouldn't make the player bump into a wall if they run into it while in this state, same with the Mach Slide state.
  • In scr_player_destructibles, this state is included in the states the player can break blocks from when going upwards. It's notably found right after the state for the Noise's dive equivalent.
  • In scr_collide_player, a few states that aren't affected by gravity are set to be excluded from making the player go down in the air: states.ghost, states.rocket, and state 300.
  • In the step code for the pizza box the player can enter, the code includes this state as one of the states the player can enter the box from when going upwards. It's also included as one of the states the player can enter the box from when going downwards, where it's found right after the state for the Noise's dive equivalent and followed by state 303, which I'll get to in a second.

State 301 (Spinning State)

I've determined that this was likely the state for the spin attack Mr. Stick does.

  • In scr_player_destructibles, this state is referenced in the both the code that decides whether the player should destroy blocks when going sideways and the code that decides whether the player should destroy blocks when going upwards. In the latter it's even specified to be one of the states that, after breaking a block, the player should not have their vertical speed set to 0.

State 303 (Fly Cancel State)

I've determined that this was likely the state for Mr. Stick cancelling out of flying.

  • In the step code for the pizza box the player can enter, the code includes this state as one of the states the player can enter the box from when going downwards. As mentioned before, it's also found right after state 300, the flying state.
  • The kind of "smoking gun" for this one is that obj_stickhat, one of only two objects from this leak present in the game's files, is set to destroy itself when the player is not in either this state or the hurt state. This perfectly matches the object seen whenever Mr. Stick leaves cancels out of flying in the footage.

State 302 (Possibly Alternate Superjump State?)

I'm not too sure about this one, but my current theory is that this MAY be an alternate superjump state for Mr. Stick, as his is seen functioning differently in the leaks. It's possible that it's a different state considering that he lacks the afterimage that normally appears when superjumping.

  • In the step code for the pizza box the player can enter, the code includes this state as one of the states the player can enter the box from when going upwards, where its right after state 300, the flying state.
  • In scr_player_destructibles, this state is referenced in the the code that decides whether the player should destroy blocks when going upwards. It's also specified to be one of the states that, after breaking a block, the player should not have their vertical speed set to 0.

State 305 (Literally Nothing)

This state isn't referenced at all.

Unused Graphics

Next I'll move onto the unused graphics, all of which were added in the Halloween update. Most of the graphics actually aren't in the leaks, as the footage instead had placeholder graphics for the collectibles. Nonetheless, I've figured out what was likely supposed to be what:

  • spr_stickcollect_bill is the small green collectible in the footage that gives the player 5 points.
  • spr_stickcollect_billstack is the large green collectible in the footage that gives the player 50 points, and creates multiple collectibles that go towards the score counter similarly to the Pizzasonas.
  • spr_stickcollect_coin is the small yellow collectible in the footage that gives the player 1 point.
  • spr_stickcollect_largecoin is the large yellow collectible in the footage that gives the player 10 points.
  • spr_stickcollect_smallcoinbag, spr_stickcollect_smallcoinbag_open, and spr_stickcollect_smallcoinbag_end is the small yellow collectible with a cash sign on it that's always on the ground in the footage, gives the player 15 points, and creates multiple collectibles that go towards the score counter similarly to the Pizzasonas.
  • spr_stickcollect_largecoinbag, spr_stickcollect_largecoinbag_open, and spr_stickcollect_largecoinbag_end is the large yellow collectible with a cash sign on it that's always on the ground in the footage, gives the player 35 points, and creates multiple collectibles that go towards the score counter similarly to the Pizzasonas.
  • spr_stickcollect_billlargestack, spr_stickcollect_billlargestack_open, and spr_stickcollect_billlargestack_end is the large green that looks like a stack of bills in the footage, gives the player 100 points, and creates multiple collectibles that go towards the score counter similarly to the Pizzasonas.
  • All of the unused goblin sprites are for the follower seen in the footage that only uses Gerome's idle animation as a placeholder.
  • The unused chest (spr_stickchest) and switch (spr_stickswitch) sprites are left in the files the same as they are in the footage, while the goblin coins (spr_stickcollect_bennies) either don't have placeholder equivalents in the footage or I wasn't able to figure out what they were.

Footage/Concept Art

Now I'll move onto the actual footage and art. Several things have convinced me that they're real:

  • In the footage of Mr. Stick going through a level, at one point a Steam profile appears in the bottom right as a "friend is playing" notification. I've found the account, called Clown Chowda, and found that they're friends with a few of the playtesters: CrayFray, Skidsii, Comrade Zach, and Kyoobot.
  • The videos are all timestamped, seemingly recorded with OBS. All of the Mr. Stick footage is dated on September 13, 2023 and September 26, 2023, a month away from the Halloween update which explains all the placeholder assets. Yes, I know that the music playing in the footage is fanmade music, but judging by how it starts a bit later into the song at the start of the video while the titlecard is still onscreen, whoever recorded this footage either just had it playing in the background or edited it in, probably because the level being played lacks music. I did the same thing while playing early builds such as April 2021 that lacked like half the music.
  • The Mr. Stick footage shows he has the ability to superjump without being at Mach 3, an ability that was given to the Noise in the Noise Update.
  • A fair bit of concept art for currently unreleased games is included, along with a couple for Mr. Stick's Moveset. The concept art for the unreleased games won't be covered, but it all looks just like concept art McPig has shared in the past.
  • The footage for the one unreleased game looks pretty convincing to me too. Some have pointed out that the Noise and Noisette are lankier and the Noise sometimes uses his Pizza Tower hurt sprite, but to that I say 1. what's stopping McPig from using a slightly different look for them, especially since this isn't Pizza Tower anymore, and 2. you're forgetting that not only is this is all early footage for the game, it's footage we're not even supposed to have, so that sprite is likely a placeholder.
  • Probably the second biggest thing that convinced me of how real this all is, there are also videos of the Noise's new moveset which all date to November 17, 2023, a month before official footage of the Noise's new moveset was released on December 22. The wall bounce and the Noise's superjump cancel are in the footage, which couldn't have been faked since the the leaks were sometime before December 10th.

P5 2015 Beta Document Later

Seeds of Doubt


"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\field\script\caution.bf"


"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\field\npc\giwaku00.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\field\npc\giwaku01.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\field\npc\giwaku02.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\field\npc\giwaku03.GMD"


Random grey sign. Placeholder for random white sign with Japanese text.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it0316_001.GFS"

GFS duplicate of some NPC hair.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it1532_001.GFS"

All of the below were replaced with tiny red fishing tags in the final game for some reason.

A model of the Lying Hablerie from Persona 4. This model still left over in the final game, but in a different location.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9000_000.GMD"

A couple bags.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9001_000.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9002_000.GMD"

A can of Ribbon Citron, a Japanese drink. It's worth noting that Atlus collaborated with Ribbon Citron to make a Persona 4 Golden themed drink before it released.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9003_000.GMD"

A couple juice boxes.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9004_000.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9005_000.GMD"

A model of an iPhone 4. Try and find out where they got the textures from maybe.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9006_000.GMD"

A model of some lines. It's textures call it "speed_line_test".

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9007_000.GMD"

A chair.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9008_000.GMD"

A bag.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9009_000.GMD"

A model of some sort of plaque. Uses a texture for Kamoshida's medal, and it's textures refer to field 051, which is used for parts of Kamoshida's palace.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9010_000.GMD"

School supplies. All seem to be meant to be laying on a table or something. 9015 uses Yu's P4G room supplies texture.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9011_000.GMD" This one has a phone that's using an odd texture showing various early phones.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9012_000.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9013_000.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9014_000.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9015_000.GMD"

An untextured model of a pole. It has an animation for moving slightly up and down.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9016_000.GMD"

A model of an envelope for a love letter.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9017_000.GMD"

Models with various textures relating to missions. They have identical textures saying stuff like "mission FAIL", "mission COMPLETE", "mission REVENGE", and Japanese text relating to Kamoshida's Arc. However, they also contains unique textures of black and white screenshots of places inside the school. The first one is just a black image, the second one has an image of Joker and Ryuji in an unknown unfinished looking room, and the third one has an image of a desk beside an open door leading to an unknown room.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9018_000.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9019_000.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9020_000.GMD"

A copy of the model of an iPhone 4, but now it has a ton of textures with green placeholder text for the Metaverse navigator.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9021_000.GMD"

Some gum branded as "MIDORGUM"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9022_000.GMD"

A mode of I think those things you hold onto when standing on a train? They all have a checker pattern.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9023_000.GMD"

A model of a school bag.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9024_000.GMD"

A model of 9 spears below a metal sheet with 9 holes. The textures refer to it as a trap.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9025_000.GMD"

A model of one of the spears from the previous model.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9026_000.GMD"

Screens for news reports? Meant for inside a train? Has textures for reports showing maybe an early version of the 4/10 train accident in which a train is hitting police cars, a news repot on Madarame (including a drawing of him that kinda looks like concept art where he's smoking his unused pipe), P4 Arena Ultimax's Japanese logo, and more. Replaced by a tiny tag in the final game.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9027_000.GMD"

A model of an iPhone 4. On the model the screen displays a red screen with text saying TEXT in the middle, but the textures have the home menu of the phone used in the previous iPhone 4 model.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9028_000.GMD"

A model of a radio.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9029_000.GMD"

Another model of screens meant for inside a train.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9030_000.GMD"

A model of some keys. The model uses Yusuke's textures, so maybe they were supposed to be the keys he has when wearing his winter uniform.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9031_000.GMD"

Two models of a lineup of 4 early Kamoshida's Palace guards. They have a single animation of them being hit by something before being pulled up into the air. The second model is of them in the position they're in after the end of the previous model's animation, and have an animation of them moving slightly up and down. They both have a texture from Persona 4 Golden in their texture folder because their masks use the bottom right of the texture.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9032_000.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9033_000.GMD"

A bunch of random pieces of armor for the golden armored guard in Kamoshida's Castle.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9034_000.GMD"

A bag with a drink in it.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9035_000.GMD"

A ton of books and bags. Their positioning lines up with the layout of the desk in the Classroom.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9036_000.GMD"

A Starbucks Coffee with the lid.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9037_000.GMD"

An Iced Starbucks coffee.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9038_000.GMD"

A can of Las Cola.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9039_000.GMD"

Some Lays Classic Potato Chips.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9040_000.GMD"

A McDonald's takeout bag.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9041_000.GMD"

A McDonald's drink.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9042_000.GMD"

Some McDonald's fries.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9043_000.GMD"

A school bag.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9044_000.GMD"

A chair that's halfway in the floor

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9045_000.GMD"

A chair that's pushed into a desk to the point where it's clipping into it.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9045_001.GMD"

A couple chairs with desks.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9046_000.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9046_001.GMD"

A metal chair.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9070_000.GMD"

A long line of black and white squares, with a red one with a number on it every 10 squares, counting up to 15 before cutting off 9 squares after it.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9090_000.GMD"

A black splatter.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9091_000.GMD"

A glowing white triangle with some Japanese text on it.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9092_000.GMD"

A flat white model of 3 vertical rectangles.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9100_000.GMD"

Some flat white rectangles.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9100_001.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9100_002.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9100_003.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9100_005.GMD"

A backdrop of the sky and a couple tall buildings.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9100_004.GMD"

A bunch of flat models with textures, meant to create a backdrop when all together. They're all referred to as parts of a hotel in the textures.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9100_006.GMD" A backdrop of a hotel lobby

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9100_007.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9100_008.GMD" A reception desk

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9100_010.GMD"

A backdrop of Madarame's house.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9100_009.GMD"

A flat white circle.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_000.GMD"

Some more flat white rectangles

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_001.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_002.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_003.GMD"

Scratching posts/towers for cats in various sizes.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_004.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_005.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_006.GMD"

More Models that were probably meant for inside a train.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_007.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_008.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_009.GMD"

A box of Calbees Jagariko Sticks. Has an animation in which it's open, revealing the sticks inside. Duplicate of models used for Yusuke's hideout animation.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_014.GMD"

A Jagariko Stick. Duplicate of models used for Yusuke's hideout animation.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_015.GMD"

Some yakisoba.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_017.GMD"

A chair.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_018.GMD"

A desk.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_019.GMD"

I think this is the same train as the one you can board in the final game. Maybe a copy?

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_020.GMD"

A huge blue square.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_021.GMD"

An untextured triangle. Very cool.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_022.GMD"

Silhouettes of Madarame (seems to be for when he's confessing to his crimes on TV? Maybe meant for when the cameras flash?)

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_023.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_024.GMD"

A model that was probably supposed to appear over a TV. Has textures showing 2 edited screenshots of Akechi on the talk show.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_028.GMD"

Supposed to be a model of a phone based off the textures but the model seems to be missing?

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9150_029.GMD"

A flat model showing a drawing of a house. According to some concept art, this was the house Joker and Sae would have lived in early in decelopment.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9151_000.GMD"

A copy of the model of an iPhone 4.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9300_000.GMD"

Symbols. Maybe supposed to be displayed along with cutins?

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9995_000.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9995_001.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9995_002.GMD"


"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9996_000.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9996_001.GMD"

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9996_002.GMD"

Copy of the umbrellas seen in the game

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9998_000.GMD"

Some kind of early phone maybe?

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9999_000.GMD"

Black rectangle? Kinda looks like a super basic hall.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9999_001.GMD"

Starbucks coffee cup.

"F:\0_Persona 5 December 4 patched Beta\DATA.CPK\model\item\it9999_002.GMD"