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User:Infamous/Doom 1 & 2 Development

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Development Page

This is all here for investigation. More images may be brought for discussion. Also my god, I hate old wiki formatting.



"Only a spoonful!" *opens mouth*
Experimentation with the Pinkie's stretchy mouth.

Along with the Arch-Vile and the Baron being used for marble wall textures, the Icon of Sin had the most work put into to get it's marble wall and "death teleporter" floor textures.

DevDoom1993-dface4 lbm.png DevDoom1993-dface2 lbm.pngDevDoom1993-dface5 lbm.png DevDoom1993-dface7 lbm.png
More versions of the Arch-Vile, and Baron face wall textures.

Is it just me, or does it look like pizza? DevDoom1993-stuff2 lbm.png DevDoom1993-stuff3 lbm.png DevDoom1993-stuff4 lbm.png
Lava flat textures, which are based off the original blood/slime textures.

I'm not sure if it's just me, or does the energy cell packs look like those late 80s/early 90s cassette/CD players with the visualizers on the display?
Early shell cases, and energy cell packs. The lesser ammo pickups were dumbed down and simplified in the final release.

Early designs of the signs along with new "BAY" signs pointing left and right. There is also new caution, building/sector, and repair signs that were not seen from the other builds. On the right there is also early voltage, and explosive signs that don't have shading. Only the red octagon sign with the "disallowed entry" icon survived development and was properly used within the final game in the Cacodemon room in E2M3.

DevDoom1993-aspr1 lbm.png
Different variations of skull candles. Some of them have different head and skull sprites, and even the Zombieman was used as a reference.

You feel an evil presence watching you... An ocular menace who only appears at night. Wait, wrong game, sorry. This thing doesn't even move at all.
Work in progress graphics of the "Evil Eye" thing object, including cut out versions of the green aura and the eye itself. There is also a mini yellow skull with an unknown purpose.

Still wonder how the Baron got on the wall in the first place.
A sheet that shows tiny skull key icons along with a more early and more accurately colored yellow skull key, a cut out skull from the skull wall that was likely used for the skull switch and skull key poles, and a frame of the Baron that was likely used for the hung Baron corpse wall door that can be seen at the start of E2M8.

Graphic Description
DevDoom1993-tomview3 lbm.png The visor HUD was planned to have more readable stats on-screen, such as an active enemy count, total enemy count, active sprite count(?), area number (probably relating to what room or what episode and map you are on), player ht(?), and degree facing (what angle the player is facing).
DevDoom1993-pix1 lbm.png Elements that were likely to display on the HUD, such as the weapons, weapon names, general numbers, text, and some small lost soul sprites that have an unknown purpose. The Lost Soul sprites seem to have active and inactive states, along with highlighted and untouched states. The same graphics also have versions without their jaws.
DevDoom1993-pix2 lbm.png Early UAC logos along with UAAF (United Aerospace Armed Forces) logos, which is a different agency mentioned from the Doom Bible that coexists with the UAC. The UAAF was never mentioned again after the Doom Bible was made. "Edge of window" is likely meant to be used within the HUD.
DevDoom1993-big2 lbm.png Same style of UI as the previous sheet, but more detailed with more of a 90's techno command-line style instead of the black and blue visor palette. Basic stats such as the current holding weapon, current ammo capacity, other ammo capacities, armor, health, keys, time, and status bar/multiplayer chat (as seen later). Some new stats are stamina, likely related to the speed or how the player is walking or running, lives and score are self-explanatory. The key card colors are pretty bland, as there is one yellow, white, and dark yellow key instead of blue, red, and yellow. A hand and red reticle icons also exist with unknown purposes. There appears to be some sort of a red radar map, and beside that is some sort of unknown vertical rectangle with a red to white gradient. Some single colored dark green digits for two different sizes are also seen on the bottom of the sheet. Some of the UI was used later.
DevDoom1993-stat lbm.png Getting closer to the final release, this shows a similar UI to the visor view, but less obfuscated and more similar to the current HUD. The key cards are also more recognizable, as the blue and yellow cards do exist, but the red one appears to be green in this case. It's notable some of the UI was used for version 0.5.
DevDoom1993-sbar lbm.png The HUD is nearly complete, and has the stone design along with some tabs for the removed and unused score system, and the weapons which also went unused. The weapons tab seems to also have abbreviated text reading "WPNS" and "PONS" as if the weapons tab was going to be shrunken to fit onto the HUD with the other tabs. The arms tab also seems to be unnamed. There is also long unmarked tabs which have unknown purposes; probably just a placeholder. Miniature weapon sprites can be seen, to show what weapons you own and don't own, which Quake would later reuse that concept. Early less detailed large HUD number text in white, yellow, and orange can be seen that was later changed to the iconic red digits.

Several graphics of the HUD or relating to the HUD.

Early graphics of the barrel exploding with less detailed explosions. These explosions may have been repurposed for the Cyberdemon's death animation, as those sprites also have less detailed explosions. Another version of the barrel is seen without any liquid visible.

DevDoom1993-chair2 lbm.png DevDoom1993-chair bmp.png DevDoom1993-chair0 lbm.png
Hey look! It's the chair! And it has a more detailed and higher resolution version too! The direct photographs of the chair in its different rotation frames can also be seen from the first sheet. The early barrel and the storage canister is also here labeled with "anim", likely meaning the canister was going to have an animation of some sort, maybe of it opening, but it never got finished.

Earlier UAC logo and branded door.

I noticed the top skull here is a Cyberdemon's. DevDoom1993-dhit lbm.png
In-progress versions of both wood and metal dungeon doors.

DevDoom1993-door02 lbm.png
More edited and nearly complete versions of other doors from episode 1 and 2.

There is hardly anything here.
Highly work-in-progress marble stair and wall textures.

Marshmallow man is the better screaming demon. DevDoom1993-hell3 lbm.png DevDoom1993-hell4 lbm.png DevDoom1993-hell12 lbm.png
Constantly changing HELL wall textures and the INTERPIC from Doom episode 4 and Doom 2, with the first being a sketch from Adrian Carmack.

Doom DooM DOOM
Revisions of the game's logo, from the direct scan with little editing to nearly complete.

Early toxic waterfall animation.

*Bad to the Bone plays* DevDoom1993-skull2 lbm.png
Revisions of the WALL79_1 wall seen from episode 3.

DevDoom1993-snake4 lbm.png DevDoom1993-snake5 lbm.png
Work-in-progress SNAK (snake) wall textures, starting from Adrian's sketch to being nearly complete.

Several iterations of the SPINE wall textures, starting from a sketch from Adrian Carmack once more, to near completion. The 4th image shows an incomplete and goofy-looking skeleton next to Doomguy with a detailed skull, probably related to making the small skull key sprites.

Graphic Description
DevDoom1993-spr1 lbm (2).png The graphics here are similar or are directly from version 0.3, but now the pickup sprite of the pistol's text is now yellow instead of dark red.
DevDoom1993-spr1 lbm.png A lot of different changes that retain to alpha 0.4 and alpha 0.5. The BFG 2704 didn't have a pickup sprite from alpha 0.5, but on here beside the chainsaw, this is what it would have looked like! Truly does look like a "Big F***ing Gun".
DevDoom1993-spr3 lbm2.png The third sheet shows more of those strange powerup jars, the brown barrel, flag stands without any mounted flags, the small black lamp that breaks, and another barrel, but grey.
DevDoom1993-spr3 lbm.png Within the fourth sheet, the first jar was changed to an early version of the Super Shotgun interestingly (based on an educated guess by the grey colored gauge), the 2nd slot has the jar marked with "NG", likely meaning "not used" in some way, the barrels were changed into the final ones with both of them consisting with the barrel's animation, the first flag stand was changed to the backpack, the second flag stand was removed entirely, and all other textures were marked with "NG".

There's a lot of different sprite changes within these sheets.

Doom is such an interesting and strange game at the same time. DevDoom1993-spr2 lbm.png
The soul jar had a rework, the bloody chalice was changed to the demonic dagger, the skull treasure was changed into the evil sceptre, the unholy bible was changed to be opened, the early mega armor was changed into the completed version, the early cell/shield generator was changed into another jar, and the antenna for the 2nd shield generator was removed.

DevDoom1993-spr3 lbm3.png DevDoom1993-spr4 lbm3.png DevDoom1993-spr5 lbm.png DevDoom1993-spr4skip lbm.png
Early shields, and jars galore. The early barrel (see later), the strange bright column, flags, water, and more lamps.

I can hear them I can hear them laughing at me
Iterations of the WALL25_1 texture.

The source of the lift texture.


More death animations of Doomguy but ripped in half, which both the legs are upper torso would be counted as two different sprites. Interestingly enough, these specific death animations were recycled for the Imp's death animation and sprites.

Why's it blue? There's a gold one too? This isn't Wolfenstein 4D, okay?
Teleporter textures with one being blue and one with the base being silver with the pentagram in gold marked as "NOT USE".

Just walking on the ground, walking on the ground
Some unused stone floor textures.

Berserker powerups, with an unused berserker stimpack, and along with the soul jar. Why is it with the berserker items? Who knows.

Quick, clean the barrel before it's lit on fire!
An (seemingly) empty barrel, a slightly overflowing barrel, and the green armor as well as the early mega armor.

Click clack, tick tack
Switches, but now there is very tiny 8x8 switches with 3 different colors, green, red, and white with each of their activation states. What could have these been used for? Who knows.

DevDoom1993-dodad lbm.png Oh God, why is it looking at me?
Episode 3's switch, but with red veins around the eye. The second image has the eye encased in some sort of stone or metal encasing and looking around; probably used for different states or maybe it was to look at the player or around its environment. It is worth noting that the Cacodemon was recycled for making the switch, then was given a more realistic and more human-like eye.

DevDoom1993- backup lbm2.png Funniest graphic related to the game.
None of the ceiling textures here were changed except for the placeholder "tom is king" ceiling that was probably meant for the v0.2 prototype that was changed to "tom is shit" as id Software employees and developers had some beef with Tom and Adrian back then.

Experimentation of the hanging corpse objects, along with burning ones and ones that appear to be gibbed.

DevDoom1993-test4 lbm.png DevDoom1993-cygnus lbm.png
This strange and out-of-place graphic for Doom, is a graphic from Raptor: Call of the Shadows.[1] Probably used as a placeholder for the title screen or cutscenes as the first unfinished graphic was labeled as test4_lbm.

DevDoom1993-floor8 lbm.png
Different variations of the TLITE flat.

DevDoom1993-infopix1 lbm (2).png Holy moly, there is a lot to unpack here.
More HUD elements, but this time with several unused and never before seen item names and messages.

  • Multi-Clip, perhaps early name for ammo box.
  • Lots o' Shells, early name for shell box.
  • Super Cell, early name for cell pack.
  • Std. (standard) armor, likely the regular armor.
  • Officer Armor, the early name for mega armor?
  • Strength, early name for the berserk powerup?
  • Speed, maybe a Sonic speed shoes-like powerup at some point?
  • Vampiric? I guess you can steal enemy health similar to how Glory Kills work in the reboot? Maybe it got reused for the game? Who knows.
  • Soul Jar, likely the early name for the supercharge/soul sphere.

DevDoom1993-labcab lbm.png
The source cabinet sprites, but not stretched out.

DevDoom1993-lamp lbm.png
A yellow switched on lamp that seems to break and spark and fray with incomplete animations.

This is probably the coolest unused sprites related to the game.
An entirely unused version of the armor bonus, likely a more buffed armor bonus, other early armor type, or early invulnerability graphics as the invulnerability sphere's animation is seen below the helmet graphics.

DevDoom1993-spr6 lbm (2).png DevDoom1993-spr4 lbm2.png DevDoom1993-spr4 lbm.png
Hanging wired lights, the barrel, and the storage canister. The storage canister seemed to have an electric sparking animation.

WHAT'S IN THE FREAKING BOX (of rockets)? DevDoom1993-spr8 lbm.png
More wired lights, early light amplification visor, box of rockets, cell pack, ammo box, shell case, a lamp, and some other decorative objects.

Stalagmite. DevDoom1993-spr9 lbm.png
Early key cards, early radiation suit with a soul jar that has the word "DUPE" and an arrow pointing to it, a stalactite that is likely the source of part of episode 3's skybox, and a taller version of episode 1 and 2's column.

Are we in Star Light Zone or something?
Another jar, and different versions of different lamps, but colored brown with the light being blue.

Fire-less blue-less. DevDoom1993-test lbm.png
Interestingly, the left wall texture on the first image was used for the W65 AKA "fireblu" texture. The texture was later replaced for one of the tech walls, with some of the wall being colored incorrectly and clips out of the usual 128x128 resolution. Right texture was reused for WALL63 and WALL64 textures.

What is going on here? Why is there a giant dark corridor?
A test screenshot or some sort of mockup. Some flat textures appear to clip through the player's held weapon, and background monsters are pinky demons. Unknown use purpose.

Very tall versions of the AG128 wall textures.

I can hear the voices again make it stop
An unused small version of the WALL25_1 texture, labeled "Don't use".

Wood. Woody wood.
Unused variants of W96' and WALL97 textures labeled "Don't use".

DevDoom1993-wall61 lbm.png
2 different iterations of an unused stone wall texture. This texture is labeled as Wall61.

DevDoom1993-wall73c lbm.png
An unused frame of the W73 wall texture.

Several different unused iterations of the W98, W99, W101, W92 textures, and other variations. The fifth and ninth appear to have an eye looking at the player or at its environment, similar to the moving eye switch seen earlier.

Open windows, cursed. Doom doesn't even have support on windows unless you use a source port. DevDoom1993-wincra2 lbm.png So this is Doom's gate? What a load of sham.
Different see-through window and what appears to be gate textures.

Doom 2

*warbling screech noise* Did I scare you?

Test capture of the Arch-Vile, oddly titled manmon_lbm.