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This page sucks.
If you could make it suck less, that would be awesome.
Specifically: No, seriously, this page sucks. I wrote this when I was 14 years old. Don't read it.
This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
Notes: I just started this page, so, yeah. That's expected, I guess?

GamingMarine is a 17 year old user, originating from Houston, TX. He plays way too much Doom (As you'll find out later on), and is also "well known" on websites like YouTube. Yeah, he's gonna be one of those guys.
By the way, if you see this man on other forms of social media (This exact image won't appear on YouTube), then you must surrender immediately.

Ooh, who's that handsome devil?

Painfully Forced Q&A

Who the Hell are you and why should I care?

Like the intro to this article said, I'm a 14 year old teen who plays a lot of Doom. I guess I'll tell you a little bit more about myself, if you're that curious.

  • I have a type of autism called Asperger's syndrome (Yes, it really is pronounced "ass burgers")
  • I know a lot about making Doom mods, and I'm currently learning C++ just to use a new coding language for Doom called ZScript

What pages have you worked on so far?

As of the time I'm writing this (5/29/2021, 7:38 PM), I've only worked on 5 pages.
NOTE: This account was not created for major edits/entirely new articles. This is just for minor, small, and even tiny things that I wouldn't be able to find otherwise if I didn't have a program like SLADE (It's a Doom editor) within reach.

The pages I've contributed work to (So far) are as follows:

Are there any other social media pages I can view your activities on?

Why, yes, in fact! Here they are:

  • I make a lot of videos on YouTube (There, I upload modding progress and me reacting to brony cringe videos)
  • You can also view my modding progress (Kinda) on ModDB (Where I upload my mods most of the time)
  • I have accounts on both Doomworld and the ZDoom Forums

Can I get your autograph?

Silly you, you have to meet me in person for that! Even then, that would be stranger danger.