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From The Cutting Room Floor
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"On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." —Satoru Iwata, 1959-2015 Rest in peace.


This is my user page and nothing is here(for now).I look around TCRF every now and then,but im not active very much.

Youtube channel(PUT STUFF HERE)

Steam if you want to yell at me or smth

Do these things you idiot

Terraria,banners,look into 1.3.1/2/3,more revisional differences(AAAAH)

Nuclear Throne,old titlecards in files,wasteland kings prototype

Risk of Rain,make page,see if crab boss is real,add other unused stuff,reddit thread with stuff

Necrodancer,add old items,debug menu holy shit,more unused graphics,DLC IS A THING NOW I GUESS,reddit thread with stuff

Deadbolt,ask hopoo about it,Reddit thread

Hyper Light Drifter,unused rooms/enemies,2 entire videos about it,ask discord about modding to get enemies to appear


Found this on Xkeepers page,so ill try it

Wiki contributions
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