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User:Enzo a person/Sandbox1/Shantae DSI: March 4th 2009

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This build is the very first publicly available build of Risky's Revenge, being compiled on March 4th of 2009 at 5:55 PM. That is almost 2 years before the games release in 2010.

Debug Menu

When you first run the game, you will see a Debug Menu that shows the date of compilation, a revision number, the region and the type of build. This debug screen evolves a lot throughout later builds, however here its in its simplest form. You only get two pages (conveniently labeled: Page One & Page Two), and you can browse through these using the D-Pad, and the A & B buttons.


Page Two has two menu options labeled "You are Here". Selecting either one will cause the screen to fade to black and then fade back in.

To do:
  • Finish this page