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a very nice GBA game. this is just some notes in case someone wants to go dig and find more unused content. once i figure out exactly something works, i'll post it to the main page.

if you find anything nice that isn't here, feel free to edit!

Memory Layout

Brief intro, GBA has 2 main areas of RAM; IWRAM (32 KB) and EWRAM (256 KB). IWRAM is faster to access than EWRAM, so most of the data there contains data that requires quick access (ex. objects & player)

Important note about data in IWRAM GSH often does some type of allocation with data in IWRAM, so don't expect data there to always be in the same location. to help with this, EWRAM often contains pointers to where data should be in IWRAM.


Addresses here are relative to EWRAM's start. (@ 0x02000000)

Offset Type Description
0x02:92C4 u32 Pointer to player's Gunstar struct.


Addresses here are relative to IWRAM's start. (@ 0x03000000)

Offset Description
0x07F4 BIOS vector/interrupt handler.
0x2540 Shot/object table. (※ Offset may change.)

Gunstar Struct

the struct that contains... you! this is just a rough map of the player's struct.

Offset Name Type Description
0x0072 input_table u16[0xF0] Contains a FIFO of the gunstar's previously pressed inputs. Each entry is a button/d-pad press.
0x016D shottype u8 The gunstar's current shot type.
0x017C position vec2.f16 Contains a 16.16 fixed-point vector of the gunstar's current position.
0x0184 velocity vec2.f16 Gunstar's current velocity.
0x01BD shottype_index u8 The gunstar's shot type index. The game finds the shot type to use by reading shottype_table[shottype_index].
0x01BE shottype_table u8[3] A table, with each value being the currently equipped shot type for that slot. For Red, it'd be [01 02 04], and for Blue, [03 02 04]


  • shot type 0 is unused, but functional. it uses the same EX attack as Red's Force, and there doesn't seem to be any known issues when using it.

Object Table

each object should occupy around 0xC0(?) bytes. most of this is just the result of poking around with RAM editors, so it may not be completely accurate.

※ contents of each object changes depending on the type, but the first 0x10 bytes seem to have the same purpose across every object.

Offset Name Type Description
0x0008 type
the object's type(?). for example, D1C5 == yellow's ship.
0x0010 position
contains the object's 2D position.
0x0020 velocity
contains the object's 2D velocity.
0x0028 time
the time the object's been alive, in frames. (※ Only for Red's A shot.)