This is a sub-page of User:CebolaBros64.
Karate Man
Karate Man
E-Mail/Rhythm Reference Room
Japanese | Translation |
リズム資料室からお知らせ 「[name]」 を入荷しました。 |
Notification from the Rhythm Reference Room You have received “[name]” |
すぐみる あとでみる |
Read Now Read Later |
Rhythm Samurai's Drum Lessons
Lesson 1
Japanese | Translation |
あ、 どうも。 | Ah, greetings. |
ドラム侍です。 | I'm the Drum Samurai. |
タイコは お好きですか? | Do you like drums? |
キライじゃないですよね。 | You don't dislike them, right? |
では、 私が いろいろと お世話しますね。 |
Then, I'll be doing some looking after you here and there. |
簡単なレクチャーを してさしあげます。 |
I'll give a simple lecture. |
まぁ、 気をラクにして おつきあいください。 |
Well, please follow with your heart at ease. |
too much text aaaaaaaaa :I'll finish this later |
Tanooki and Monkey
Japanese | Translation |
ブブー!! ゲームオーバーです! ボクたちの勝ちでーす! |
Buboooo (sound of a buzzer)!!
It's game over! It's our win! |
また挑戦してネ! |
Please challenge again! |
まいりました! あなたの勝ちです!! |
We are defeated!
It's your win! |
また、 あそんでネ! |
Play again (sometime)! |
こんにちわ! |
Good day! |
サルとポン太です。 ドラム侍さんのご紹介で あそびに来ました。 |
It's Saru (Monkey/Salu) and Ponta.
We came here through the Drum Samurai's introduction. |
今回は ボクたちが レッスンしますネ! |
This time we'll be doing the lesson! |
さっそくですが、 Aボタンの練習です。 |
Moving on, let's practice the A Button. |
よく きいて マネしてネ! |
Please listen carefully and mimic! |
ポン太くんも入ります。 ポン太くんの音は 十字キーの下で鳴ります。 |
Ponta-kun is going to join in.
Ponta-kun's sound activates with Down on the D-pad. |
次は、 速いやつです。 Aボタンと十字キーの右を 交互に押すとラクだヨ。 |
Next is a fast one.
It'll be easier if you alternate between the A Button and Right on the D-pad. |
練習は 次で最後です。 |
With the next one is the last of the practice. |
むずかしいかな? がんばってネ! |
Pretty hard!
Do your best! |
それでは、 ボクたちと リズムバトルを してみましょう! |
OK then, how about a Rhythm Battle against us!? |
各パターンにつき 3回 チャンスが あります。 |
You get 3 chances for each pattern. |
さて、 どこまで ついてこれるかな? |
OK then, I wonder how far you can follow? |
To do: Should the short and remix00 variants of the small Fillbot also be here? |
The small Fillbot goes unused because of the lack of an arranged variant of Fillbots (DS's Fillbots 2). They still have leftover code; and when hacked into the game they function just as they did in Rhythm Heaven.
short, long, wario | remix00 (Honeybee Remix) |
Sprite 112 in robot00.bccad appears to be a layout test featuring the unused ROBO-S.
Early | Final |
The animation location in robot01.bccad contains an early version of the factory that appears at the beginning of Fillbots 2. The version used by the game features a very different design, has a smaller resolution, is stored as a layout file, and is animated.
To access the debug menu, open a Rev. 0 Rhythm Tengoku ROM (CRC-32: 349D7025) in a hex editor, and edit the byte sequence at the following offset:
Offset | Original | Edited |
0x9DD478 | 60 D2 | 24 DB |
0x9DD480 | 58 D4 | A8 DB |
Rev. 1
Offset | Original | Edited |
0x9DD448 | 30 D2 | F4 DA |
0x9DD450 | 28 D4 | 78 DB |
Prerelease (Pokémon Puzzle League) | Final (Pokémon Puzzle League) | Final (Nintendo Puzzle Collection) |