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User:Addy1124/WIP-SimpsonsHit&Run-MainPage/Developer Features

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This is a sub-page of User:Addy1124/WIP-SimpsonsHit&Run-MainPage.

To do:
  • Add images and/or videos (soon?!)
  • Do any of the other unused cheats and CLAs do anything? Look more.
  • Cheat device codes for inaccessible features for different versions would be nice...

Left in the retail game are features that would've been used to test prototype builds once compiled. Many of them were later repurposed as cheat codes.

Used Cheat Code Effects

These exist as cheat codes in the game, with names (as shown here) stored in the executable (but never shown in the game).

To enter cheat codes, view the Options menu (with access to the different categories) and enter that cheat code's four input button/key sequence whilst holding L+R (GameCube/Xbox), L1+R1 (PlayStation 2), or F1 (Windows, may also require holding or pressing Fn on some devices).

Unlock All Reward Vehicles

Platform Inputs
GameCube/Xbox A, B, A, B (L/R in Phone Booth)
PlayStation 2 Cross, Circle, Cross, Circle (L1/R1 in Phone Booth)
Windows Up, Down, Up, Down (F2 in Phone Booth)

The cheat code to access this feature will only be accepted as valid if the game state/save file loaded at entry time has all story missions completed, and this only enables the first effect. To enable the second effect, the game state/save file must be 100% complete.

This feature has two main effects.

Firstly, any New Games that are started will automatically have every Phone Booth-unlockable vehicle available. This will persist if the game is saved to a save file.

Secondly, a hidden text overlay menu (titled "Vehicle") becomes accessible when viewing the Phone Booth screen by pressing a platform-specific input to toggle it. This overlay menu allows the selection and usage of nearly every vehicle in the game (including non-unlockable vehicles and computer-only vehicles, but excluding the unused "tt" vehicle and the Charred Husk) by its language-elected title (or internal name, lacking one).

No Top Speed

Platform Inputs
GameCube/Xbox X, X, X, X
PlayStation 2 Square, Square, Square, Square
Windows Left, Left, Left, Left

Disables top speed limitation for any player-occupied vehicle.

High Acceleration

Platform Inputs
GameCube/Xbox Y, Y, Y, Y
PlayStation 2 Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle
Windows Right, Right, Right, Right

Largely boosts acceleration for any player-occupied vehicle.

Car Jump on Horn

Platform Inputs
GameCube/Xbox X, X, X, Y
PlayStation 2 Square, Square, Square, Triangle
Windows Left, Left, Left, Right

Allows any player-occupied vehicle to leap high into the air when the horn is used whilst grounded. Tapping the horn input will lead to lower jump heights.

One Tap Traffic Death

Platform Inputs
GameCube/Xbox Y, Y, X, X
PlayStation 2 Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square
Windows Right, Right, Left, Left

Allows the player vehicle to instantly destroy other vehicles on collision (traffic vehicles included non-exclusively). This can softlock some missions if a follow/follow-and-collect target vehicle is destroyed mid-route.

Kick Swaps Character Model

Platform Inputs
GameCube/Xbox N/A
PlayStation 2 N/A
Windows Down, Down, Down, Left

The cheat code to access this feature will only be accepted as valid if the game state/save file loaded at entry time has all story missions completed, and this only enables the first effect. To enable the second effect, the game state/save file must be 100% complete.

The cheat code is Windows-exclusive.

  • Alternatively, in US GameCube releases, the Gecko code 04011388 38600000 28442C88 00000040 04011388 38600001 E2000001 80008000 can be used.

Allows cyling of the player's character model (and associated voice line set, if available, though animations remain the same as that level's default character) by performing a ground kick to cycle forward one character model. The list of available character models includes every non-invisible/hack character in the game, allowing access to non-player characters and unused characters.

Unlock All Cameras

Platform Inputs
GameCube/Xbox B, B, B, A
PlayStation 2 Circle, Circle, Circle, Cross
Windows Down, Down, Down, Up

Grants access to additional camera modes during gameplay (whilst not inside of a camera override mode/trigger) for both characters (where there's normally only one mode) and vehicles (where there are normally three modes). Camera mode can be changed in the Options menu under "SETTINGS" or (for vehicle cameras) cycled to via the relevant input if mapped and available in that game version.

Camera (English text) Notes
Debug Cam Available for both characters and vehicles. Free camera mode, with complete control over position. In console releases, a second controller must be connected to move the Debug Cam - moving the Right Stick allows smooth rotation on any axis, whilst clicking it in and moving it Up/Down allows zooming in/out. In Windows releases, the mapped on-foot LOOK (UP/DOWN/IN/OUT) inputs allow axis rotation, and zoom is controlled by holding the mapped on-foot LOOK UP input and the mapped on-foot LOOK UP/LOOK DOWN inputs.
Kull Cam Available for both characters and vehicles. Is strictly aligned and inflexible so that moving up leads to an increased X position and moving right leads to an increased Z position. This camera can often partially clip into the ground.
Mouselook Cam Available for characters only. This is the same Windows-exclusive Mouselook Cam as accessible normally through "CONTROLLER" configuration.
Comedy Cam Available for vehicles only. Prefers a somewhat distant and right-oriented view of the player vehicle compared to the typical Far Follow Cam. This can be adjusted through normal camera movement but will reset. This camera hangs back when a large jump is made, and then quickly catches up.
Spy Cam Available for vehicles only. A "cinematic" camera - it anchors view to specific preset points throughout each level and tracks player movement from that perspective.
Chase Cam Available for vehicles only. Has a distant overhead perspective. Zooms out (to a limit) following acceleration and zooms back in following a large slowdown or halt.
Tracker Cam Available for vehicles only. Once selected, the camera will stay in the same position and move focus/zoom slightly to track the player's movements, regardless of how far away the player gets or if the player's vehicle is reset.

Play Credits Dialog

Platform Inputs
GameCube/Xbox A, X, X, Y
PlayStation 2 Cross, Square, Square, Triangle
Windows Up, Left, Left, Right

Forces the Kang and Kodos voice lines to play during the credits, even if the current game state/save file is not marked as completed.

Show Speedometer

Platform Inputs
GameCube/Xbox Y, Y, B, X
PlayStation 2 Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Square
Windows Right, Right, Down, Left

Indicates player-occupied vehicle speed via a numeric value displayed above the radar. The value is unlabelled, however the game internally tracks vehicle speeds in km/h.

Red Brick

Platform Inputs
GameCube/Xbox B, B, Y, X
PlayStation 2 Circle, Circle, Triangle, Square
Windows Down, Down, Right, Left

Swaps out each level's free/"secret" vehicle for "redbrick", a test vehicle that can also be accessed via the "Unlock All Vehicles" cheat's overlay menu. If the level's free vehicle has already been loaded and/or driven, it will remain until either it is completely unloaded or the level is fully reloaded via exiting and returning.

Invincible Car

Platform Inputs
GameCube/Xbox Y, A, Y, A
PlayStation 2 Triangle, Cross, Triangle, Cross
Windows Right, Up, Right, Up

Allows any player-occupied vehicle to be immune to damage. If the player's currently occupied vehicle has sustained damage prior to/as the cheat is activated, it will not be repaired (but will still continue to remain immune).

Show Tree

Platform Inputs
GameCube/Xbox B, A, B, Y
PlayStation 2 Circle, Cross, Circle, Triangle
Windows Down, Up, Down, Right

During gameplay, this feature renders the level's k-d tree as red and white outlines within the 3D space. The intersect the player is currently in contact with and nearby ground are are specifically highlighted. Depending on game version and possibly on device specification, this feature may decrease performance.


Platform Inputs
GameCube/Xbox Y, B, Y, B
PlayStation 2 Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Circle
Windows Right, Down, Right, Down

Applies a blur effect to the game's video output. Whilst the cheat has a valid entry code on all release platforms, the blur effect only occurs on PlayStation 2, as a hardware-specific effect is used to apply the blur which was not reimplemented for other platforms.

Unused Cheat Code Effects

These occupy slots in the cheat code index, but lack entry codes or names.

Free Clothing Purchases

Index 2, when active, allows character clothing to be purchased at no cost.

Unlock All Missions

Index 3, when active, unlocks access to every mission in the game via Mission Select and Scrapbook.

Flaming Vehicle

Index 10, when active, makes any player-occupied vehicle enter "ready to explode/on fire" state at the slightest occurance of damage, but immune to all damage afterwards.

5X Time

Index 12, when active, multiplies mission time limit enforcements/adjustments by 5 (1:00 to complete a task becomes 5:00).

1000 Coins on New Game

Index 15, when active, begins New Games with 1000 coins instead of 0.


Indicies 0, 4, 13, and 17 are also unused with no name/input sequence, but with no known activation effects.

Command Line Arguments

Windows releases accept undocumented command line arguments at launch. Some of them work, others are broken, and most don't seem to have any result.

Argument Notes
COINS New Games begin with 1000 coins instead of 0.
FEGAGS Main Menu gags play at the earliest possible interval and more frequently. If a debug output is active, the game logs ahead of time which randomly-selected gag will appear for each instance.
FEUNJOINED Attempts to load and use PNG files directly for frontend sprites, instead of those stored inside of relevant Pure3D files. These files are usually leftover only in the Windows releases. Results are unknown.
LARGEHEAPS At least some memory pools created by the game are enlarged.
MANUALRESETDAMAGE Deliberate player vehicle resets also repair the vehicle to 0% damage.
MUTE Disables most audio and might prevent game configuration from "\simpsons.ini" being loaded.
NOHUD Disables the ingame HUD/interface.
NOPEDS Disables pedestrians and makes some other world NPCs invisible.
NOTRAFFIC Disables road traffic (and parked vehicle traffic?).
PCTEST Allows and forces more parked vehicle traffic to spawn than usual.
RANDOMBUTTONS Simulates highly frequent random game function inputs (select menu item, pause, jump, and so forth).
SHOWDYNALOAD If a debug output is active, information will be printed regarding files handled by the "dyna load" system.
SKIPFE Attempts to skip the main menu, but crashes.
SKIPMEMCHECK Skips attempts to load the most recent saved game at startup, but also breaks the Load Game option in the Main Menu.
SKIPMOVIE Skips at least the Level 1 introductory movie on starting a New Game.
SKIPSUNDAY Skips "Sunday Drive"/pre-mission segments for Story Missions when warping to them, encompassing anything prior to the mission screen. Breaks forced vehicle missions by softlocking during the load.
SPEEDOMETER A numerical value is added to the HUD above the radar and Hit & Run meter, representing current vehicle speed in km/h.



With this feature active, attempting to access the "Unlock All Vehicles" cheat overlay menu above (access to this is required) instead opens an alternative "Teleport" overlay menu. Using this menu, the player can choose to teleport to various locations in the level by name. These locations are defined in that level's setup scripting and the teleport location name text is one of the things defined there, in ASCII - as such, the location names are not altered by the game copy's language.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Simpsons' House Town Square Android's Dungeon Simpsons' House Town Square Android's Dungeon Simpsons' House
Kwik E Mart Moe's Aztec Theatre Kwik E Mart Moe's Aztec Theatre Kwik E Mart
Church Railyard Casino Church Railyard Casino Church
Springfield Elementary Try 'n Save Planet Hype Springfield Elementary Try 'n Save Planet Hype Springfield Elementary
Burns' Mansion Matlock Expy - East Side Docks Burns' Mansion Matlock Expy - East Side Docks Tomacco
Stonecutters Tunnel Matlock Expy - Downtown Krustylu Studios Stonecutters Tunnel Matlock Expy - Downtown Krustylu Studios Trailer Park
Power Plant Interior Monorail Observatory Power Plant Interior Monorail Observatory Cletus' House
Power Plant Parking Lot Stadium Power Plant Parking Lot Stadium Graveyard
Tomacco Tomacco
Trailer Park Trailer Park
Cletus' House Cletus' House
Graveyard Graveyard

The feature and relevant overlay menu have some unique issues:

  • Whilst viewing the "left-most"/first item in the menu, attempting to view the previous item will not loop back around to the "right-most"/last menu item; this feature works in the reverse, however.
  • The camera does not get reset upon performing a teleport, and so it has to very quickly "catch up" to the player's new location.
  • Teleporting skips running into the linear game world's triggers to update current pedestrian candidates, lighting, and audio. Additionally, the teleport mechanism does not have any feature to reset these or enstate them in a controlled way. As such, these attributes are retained into areas they wouldn't normally be within (as an example, performing a teleport from within the Power Plant will retain the worker pedestrians until another "change pedestrian group" trigger is encountered or a mission warp is performed).

The only known access method is on Windows with active memory editing: set byte [[[6C894C]+2C]+CC]+2DC4 to 1 for every full level load.