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UNO & Friends
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Games > Defunct games
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with regional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Ubisoft > Games developed by Gameloft
Games > Games by platform > Android games
Games > Games by platform > IOS games
Games > Games by platform > Windows games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Gameloft
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2012
Games > Games by series > Uno series
UNO & Friends |
Developer: Gameloft
This game is defunct. Do note the game no longer works at all without modifications. This is most likely due to the game's servers being shut down. As a result, further official developments with the game are unlikely to happen. |
To do: Enable the devcheats if possible, also doc them. |
Ladies and gentlemen, Garfield UNO & Friends!
Developer Leftovers
Dummy Save File
Present in json/profile.json:
{ "level": 1, "xp": 0, "language": 0, "_inventory": { "tokens": 0, "coins": 0, "scratches": 0, "jackpotScratches":0 }, "MusicVolume" : [], "SFXVolume" : [], "version": 397, "clan": { "id": "This_is_such_a_bad_idea", "name": "Fake clan" }, "_customFields": { "version": 395, "partialXP": 0, "trackingPrevName": "BAD_PROFILE", "playerName": "BAD_PROFILE", "playerGender": 0, "welcomeScreenLaunchCounter": 0, "store": [ [ 43584, 1, 1 ], [ 43198, 1, 1 ], [ 44180, 1, 1 ], [ 82768, 1, 1 ], [ 43880, 1, 0 ] ], "cardIndex": 0, "inventoryCards": [ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "lastSubmittedWeeklyLBScore": 0, "nextLBResetTime": 0, "pendingXP": 0, "pendingCoins": 0, "loggedIn": 8, "scratchlastplayed": [ 0, 8, 21 ], "LastFreeScratch": 0, "KeepFreeScratchTimer" : 0, "InitialAvatarSelected": 0, "HasSelectedPlayerName": 1, "TotalGamesPlayed" : 0, "TotalWon": 0, "TotalLoss": 0, "TotalPlayPassShown": 0, "TotalPassTurn": 0, "SpecialCardsPlayed": 0, "HasRatedUs" : 0, "bShowRateUsPopup" : 0, "LastWonGame" : 0, "RateUsCounter" : 0, "FirstLaunch" : 0, "TimeSessionStarted" : 0, "TimeSessionEnded" : 0, "MusicVolume" : [], "MusicVol" : 50, "SFXVolume" : 50, "PostFacebookStories" : 1, "Tutorials" : { "FirstTimeInsideMainMenu" : 0, "FirstLevelUpShown" : 0, "FirstGameOfUnoFinished" : 0, "BonusPointTutorialShown" : 0, "ProfileViewCounter" : 0, "PurchasedBoost" : 0, "BoostTutorialShown" : 0, "GiftsTutorialShown" : 0, "TutorialPopupShown" : 0, "FreeTournamentPlayed" : 0 }, "EffectPack": "", "gamebackground":{"bg":"RedBG_InGame.swf", "orb":"RedBGorbOnly.swf"}, "gameBGColourID":0, "serverPricing":[], "equippedclothes":{}, "Track_Today":[2012,10,15], "SS UIDs": { "which SS": -1, "UID": "", "URL": "" }, "giftRecipients" : { }, "friendInviteList": { }, "FirstTimeScratch": 1, "PlayerTurnedOffAds": 0, "TotalPlaytimeSeconds" : 0, "IAP_TokenPacksBought" : 0, "IAP_CoinPacksBought" : 0, "IAP_ScratchPacksBought" : 0, "PurchaseCount" : 1, "PlayedPlatforms" : 0, "PlatformReward" : 0, "SocialLikesReward" : 0, "CurrentWinStreak" : 0, "TopWinStreak" : 0, "RecentlyPlacedSecond" : 0, "LastWinTime" : 0, "RechargeTokenPopupSeen" : 1, "LeaderboardEntered" : 0, "ProgressEntered" : 0, "TournamentsEntered" : 0, "TLTTournamentsEntered" : 0, "PromosEntered" : 0, "MegaCompanionEntered" : 0, "CompanionEntered" : 0, "StreakExperationTime" : 0, "LastSetVisVersion" : 0, "CurrentGameType" : 0, "NumAddedFriends" : 0, "TrackedPlatforms":0, "WasBanned":0, "FriendIncentiveList":{ "Default":{ "HasBeenRewarded":0, "CanBeRewarded":0 } }, "refunds":[], "DailyLoginBonus":{ "DailyLoginCount":0, "LastLogin":1421056800, "CurrentLoginTier":0, "ConsecutiveLoginCount":0, "DailyRewardsPending":0, "ConsecutiveRewardsPending":0, "CurrentDailyLoginTier":0 }, "WeeklyTimePlayed":{ "TotalTimePlayed": 0, "LastWeekTime": 0, "CurrentWeekTime": 0, "DropPercent": 0, "CurrentWeekNumber": 0 }, "prestigeRank":0, "crownsEarned":{ "CROWN_GREEN":false, "CROWN_BRONZE":false, "CROWN_SILVER":false, "CROWN_GOLD":false, "CROWN_PLATINUM":false, "CROWN_RUBY":false, "CROWN_PEARL":false, "CROWN_DIAMOND":false } }, "total_playtime":0, "ContentUnlocked": 0 }
To do: More comment tags in json files. |
Present in readme.txt in json.
Each json tells what the section it is used for -------------------------------------------- ui element: -------------------------------------------- name: name of the element ID: id using in the ui system. Must be unique Position: the location we place ui. positioning: 0,0 is top left of screen 1024,768 is bottom right of screen DrawLayer: layer in which we draw the ui. High amount = on top everything else SpriteID: the sprite id in the DATA.hpp AnimID: the animation number in the sprite file UIType: type of ui. ie: window, button, etc Framerate: the rate in which the animation will play AnimLoop: animation loop whenever it finishes animating ButtonDownState: for buttons only, the animation when the button is pressed soundFile: optional, the sound file it plays when the button was pressed -------------------------------------------- tab items -------------------------------------------- name: name of the item ID: id using in the ui system. Must be unique SpriteID: the sprite id in the DATA.hpp AnimID: the animation number in the sprite file Framerate: the rate in which the animation will play AnimLoop: animation loop whenever it finishes animating
Present in json/textDesignTest.json:
At the moment, please note that alpha on the gradiant color doesn't work, PlayWithText - show the text so that you can see the changes. This text should be shown in main menu, FontSize - the size of our text, BoxSize - size of the box. First value is X and Y for the second, SingleFontColor - the color of our text when we want to be a single color (format : RGBA), UseGradiantColor - use gradiant color, 1 = yes, 0 = no, GradiantFontColor - color of our text using gradiant stuff, values : , 0 = top left, 1 = bottom left, 2 = bottom right, 3 = top right, format : ARGB, BorderSize - size of the text border, FontBGColor - color of the border, SpaceWidth - the size of space, UseShadow - activate shadow, 1 = yes and 0 = no, ShadowOffset - the space between the text and it's shadow. First value is X and second is Y, ShadowColor - Color of the shadow by RGBA format
Present in basically every file in /json that has Tutorials at the end:
Visible - show pop up, PopupAnimation - animation based in the sprite file (use the aurora sprite file for reference), PopupPosition - position of the popup, TextInformation, TextId - text id set to display in the popup (see dev if you need to change this), TextTabId - text tab (instruction/in-game/etc) (see dev if you need to change this), StartingTextPosition - text position relative to the popup position, TextBox - text box width and height (for multi-line purposes), TextSize - text size, OkButton, Position - button position relative to the popup position, Enabled - Show this button for the step, Arrow, Enabled - show an arrow if needed for the step, Position - position of this arrow, Rotation - angle of the arrow
Batch Scripts
To do: Do they exist on iOS too? |
In the root of the game's assets, there are a few batch scripts from an internal SVN.
@echo off ..\..\lib\fml\tools\Python27\python.exe ListLockOwner.py pause
set FLASH_DIR=.\ set TOOL_DIR=..\..\Tools\FlashTools\ for /r %FLASH_DIR% %%I in (*.swf) do ( %TOOL_DIR%SWFParser\Release\SWFParser.exe "%%I" > %%~nI.xml )
Developer Text
To do: Find more if possible. |
FuckingIAPButton I have no clue to what to do here
Watch your language.
The Uno series
| |
PlayStation | Uno |
Game Boy Advance | Uno 52 • Uno, Skip-Bo • Uno Free Fall |
Windows, iOS, Android | UNO & Friends |
J2ME | UNO |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Gameloft
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Gameloft
- IOS games
- Android games
- Windows games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2012
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused text
- Games with regional differences
- Defunct games
- To do
- Uno series
Cleanup > Pages missing date references
Cleanup > Pages missing developer references
Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Cleanup > To do
Games > Defunct games
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with regional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Ubisoft > Games developed by Gameloft
Games > Games by platform > Android games
Games > Games by platform > IOS games
Games > Games by platform > Windows games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Gameloft
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2012
Games > Games by series > Uno series