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Ty the Tasmanian Tiger

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Title Screen

Ty the Tasmanian Tiger

Developer: Krome Studios
Publishers: EA Games (GCN/Xbox/PS2), Krome Studios (Windows)
Platforms: GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation 2, Windows
Released in US: September 10, 2002 (GCN/Xbox/PS2), March 21, 2016 (Windows)
Released in EU: November 22, 2002 (GCN/Xbox/PS2), March 21, 2016 (Windows)
Released in AU: 2002 (GCN/Xbox/PS2), March 21, 2016 (Windows)

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

You ripper! Ty the Tasmanian Tiger is a fairly solid collectathon platformer released on the sixth-gen consoles, later finding its way to Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PS4.

To do:
Action Replay codes/access method for other platforms/regions.

Unused/Debug Modes

Windows Debug Commands

The Windows release has a few debug command line options.

Command Effect
-e3 Displays E3 DEMO at the bottom of the screen. Crashes on the first loading screen.
-skipvideo Automatically skips all FMVs.
-debug Does nothing.
-devLevelWarp Does nothing.
-disableFrontend Automatically starts a new game when launched.
-dialog When launched, all non FMV cutscenes will play out in order.
-disableLensFlare Self-explanatory.
-disableEnemies Does nothing.
-disableFriends Does nothing.
-disabletriggers Disables cutscene triggers.
-enableBoss Does nothing.
-fastLoad Disables the level model. Objects and collision still remain.
-level The game will act as if there are no save files. Doesn't appear to do anything else.
-3dsound Does nothing.
-chargeBites Does nothing.
-whackyness Does nothing.
-infinitePie Ty will have infinite health and air.
-tydev Automatically starts a new game. Ty will start out with the Flamerang and the Frostyrang plus have unlimited charged bite attacks.
-eadev Same as -tydev, except Ty doesn't get the elemental boomerangs.
-autoLevelSwitch Same as -dialog.
-introOnly Does nothing.
-fastDialogs Does nothing.
-cameraDebug Does nothing.
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Development Mode


Action Replay code

0418F728 60000000

will enable a development mode in the PAL GameCube release. This will give Ty all the boomerangs and invincibility as well as add a Change Level option in the pause menu.

E3 Demo Mode


Action Replay code

040C8198 38600000
04178DE0 38000258
002B2209 00000001

will enable an E3 Demo Mode which crashes at the initial loading screen due to the .lv2 calling for an invalid object. Fixing this allows the demo map to be played as intended, which includes a portal to the level ‘A Walk in the Park’ and ‘Bridge on the River Ty’, as well as 26 rainbow scales to collect.

Unused Text

Doomarang Inventory Description


Although it was later used in the HD releases of the game, as you unlock the Doomarang after the final boss, the original PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox versions include a description for the Doomarang boomerang, where in those versions the only point in the game where you have the Doomarang is at the final boss fight, and even then it doesn't show up in the inventory screen.

Unused Boomerang Text

There is a memory address which alters the text at the top of the screen during a level load.

//0x002A45EC Values
0x0 - Ty the Tasmanian Tiger (TM)
0x1 - Copyright Text
0x2 - Rainbow Cliffs
0x3 - Rainbow Cliffs
0x4 - 
0x5 - 
0x6 - Two Up
0x7 - Walk in the Park
0x8 - Ship Rex
0x9 - Bull's Pen
0xA - Bridge on the River Ty
0xB - Snow Worries
0xC - Outback Safari
0xD - 
0xE - Lyre, Lyre, Pants on Fire
0xF - Beyond the Black Stump
0x10 - Rex Marks the Spot
0x11 - Fluffy's Fjord
0x12 - 
0x13 - Cass Crest
0x14 - 
0x15 - Crikey's Cove
0x16 - Cass Pass
0x17 - Bonus World
0x18 - Bonus World
0x19 - Final Battle
0x1A - Play Game
0x1B - Intro
0x1C - Gallery
0x1D - Loading
0x1E - Boomerang
0x1F - Aquarang
0x20 - Flamerang
0x21 - Frostyrang
0x22 - Smasharang
0x23 - Zappyrang
0x24 - Zoomerang
0x25 - Multirang
0x26 - Infrarang
0x27 - Megarang
0x28 - Kaboomarang
0x29 - Chronorang
0x2A - Doomerang
0x30 - .

"Smasharang" is notable since it's not actually a boomerang in this game but is present in the sequel.

Early Text

Text leftover from an earlier version of the game for the level Walk In The Park.

// CREATED 10th August 2001
// Miscellaneous scenes
EVENT First see Rhino Beetles
CAMEO Maurie
SAY Be careful Ty, these Rhino Beetles 
SAY are tough buggers. The armor plating 
SAY and sharp horns protect their front… 
SAY maybe a rear attack could do the
SAY trick?
EVENT First see Sentinel
CAMEO Maurie
SAY Watch out Ty, there’s a Sentinel ahead. 
SAY Avoid the eye. If it sees you it will 
SAY alert Boss Cass’ henchmen to your presence.
EVENT Explain water slide
SAY This water slide is pretty slippery, but 
SAY you’ll soon get the hang of it.
SAY When you’re on the slide press X to jump 
SAY over rocks and holes, press SQUARE to speed 
SAY up and duck under logs and branches.
SAY Push forward on the analogue stick to move 
SAY faster, pull back to slow down.
SAY Have fun!
// Thunder Egg 4 Race the wombat down the water slide (Time Attack)
EVENT Introduce Race
SAY Hey there rat boy, you wanna race?
SAY Catch me if you can!
EVENT Win Race
SAY Ooooh! You won. 
SAY No fair, you must have cheated!
SAY Well, I guess you earned this. 
SAY But next time I’ll beat you!
ASK Race again? | Yes | No
EVENT Win Race Again. Beat time
SAY Man, that was the fastest time yet.
SAY You must have taken shortcut.
SAY Anyway, here’s a consolation prize.
ASK Race again? | Yes | No
EVENT Win Race Again. Didn’t beat time
SAY You beat me again!!
SAY But still, you didn’t beat your record time.
ASK Race again? | Yes | No
EVENT Lose race
SAY I won, I won, I won!
SAY I’m a winner and you’re a loser.
SAY Nyah, nyah, nyah.
ASK Race again? | Yes | No
EVENT Restart Race
SAY So, you wanna try again huh?
SAY Let’s do it!
SAY See you at the finish line!
// Thunder Egg 5 Protect Shazza (Mini Game)
EVENT Maurie tells Ty Shazza is in trouble
CAMEO Maurie
SAY G’day Ty. A good friend of mine is in a bit
SAY of strife. Her truck has broken down at the
SAY end of the forest road and she needs help.
SAY If you can find her and give her a hand I’d 
SAY really appreciate it. Thanks mate!
EVENT Talk to Shazza 1
CAMEO Shazza
SAY Oh, I didn’t see you there. I’m in a bit of
SAY a bind here. I need to refill my radiator 
SAY but those darned Blue Tongues keep stealing 
SAY my water can. If you could keep an eye out 
SAY for me while I visit the creek I’d really 
SAY appreciate it!
EVENT Talk to Shazza 2
CAMEO Shazza
SAY I almost made it that time. 
SAY Let’s try it again I know you can do it!
// Shazza says this if the player is on screen and hasn’t fired a shot for 5 seconds.
EVENT Shazza hint
CAMEO Shazza
SAY How are those Blue Tongues looking Ty? Why 
SAY don’t you try aiming your boomerangs at the 
SAY rocks? Maybe you can dislodge them so they 
SAY knock the blue tongues away from me.
EVENT Blue Tongues Reach Shazza
CAMEO Shazza
SAY Those thieving mongrels took my watering can again. 
SAY Luckily I’ve got another one.
EVENT Ty Successfully Protects Shazza
CAMEO Shazza
SAY Thanks heaps for what you did back there. 
SAY My radiator’s full andI’m ready to roll.
SAY By the way, my name’s Shazza. 
SAY You must be Ty. Maurie has told me all 
SAY about you.
SAY If you’re ever in the Outback look me up. 
SAY I run the Dusty Burrow’s Health Farm and 
SAY Sheep Station. 
SAY Oh, I almost forgot. I found this down by the 
SAY creek. You can have it as a token of my 
SAY appreciation.
TRIGGER GetThunderEgg5
SAY I better get a move on. I have some overweight 
SAY Emu’s checking in today. 
SAY See you soon! Byeeeeee!
// Thunder Egg 6 Herd the Cave Bats
EVENT Ranger Ken asks for help
SAY Why, hey there little fella. During the rainy 
SAY season this whole area floods. 
SAY Now that wouldn’t be a problem except there’s 
SAY a flock of stubborn cave bats inside who refuse 
SAY to move!
SAY If you could herd them out of the caves to safety 
SAY that would make me happy!
EVENT Saved the bats
SAY Thanks for your help Ty. You did a great job. 
SAY Now the bats will be safe during the rainy 
SAY season. Here, you deserve this.
TRIGGER GetThunderEgg6
EVENT Thanks for saving the bats
SAY You did a good thing saving those bats Ty.
EVENT TEMP: Scrub Turkey takes Thunder Egg
CAMEO Maurie
SAY A Thunder Egg is on the ground.
SAY A scrub turkey runs in and steals it.
EVENT Stir Matt
CAMEO Maurie
SAY G'day Ty. 
SAY Aren't you wearing the same clothes as yesterday?
SAY Yeah mate. That bloody McKnight forgot to fill 
SAY out his WBTS order form again!

Developer Notes

Present throughout Data.rkv are many developer notes.

//the frill's standard run attack anim.
//  Death by TyBite
//  Death by Rang

//ACT1_28_SeaSnake Bad File
//Run - fast crawl
// Receive blow- when hit by rang 
//Taunt - inna R&B Style- For when the snake can see Ty but he's out of range
//Alert - For when Snake see's Ty for the first time
//Scared - when Ty has the invincable powerup

// MapEd Data File version 2
// Copyright Krome Studios
// Saved by [DAN]   Date: 24/06/2002   Time: 9:09:30 PM

// Material Description file for
// Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
// © 2000,2001,2002 Krome Studios
// new bit-wise texture ID's. To combine ID's, just add the numbers together
#define ID_NONE           0      // no material id
#define ID_WALL           1      // regular walls we can collide with
#define ID_SLIPPERY       2           // slippery slopes
#define ID_CAMERA_IGNORE  4           // the camera will not try to find a better view
#define ID_ICE            8      // will give ty inertia. For ice and oil
#define ID_SAND           16          // sandy floor
#define ID_ENEMY_COLLIDE  32          // enemies only check for collisions with this material
#define ID_MUD            64          // muddy surfaces
#define ID_QUICKSAND      128         // quicksand
#define ID_boomerang_ignore 256         // 
#define ID_LAVA           512         // hot stuff. For lava and coals
#define ID_WATER_BLUE     1024        // Blue water
#define ID_SNOW           2048        // snow
#define ID_WOOD           4096        // bridge
#define ID_TUNNEL         8192        // a tunnel
#define ID_INVISCOLLIDE   16384       // invisible texture used for collision (like the vertical collision on the bridge)
#define ID_UNUSED_15      32768       // snowtop
#define ID_Soft  65536       // 
#define ID_WATER_SLIDE    131072      // material ID for the water slide
#define ID_GRASS_THIN     262144      // Thin grass pattern
#define ID_GRASS_THICK    524288      // Dense grass pattern
#define ID_ROCK           1048576     // Rock ground  
#define ID_TREELEAVES     2097152     // Tree leave texture ID so leaves wobble
#define ID_JUMP_CAMERA    4194304     // Enable the JumpCamera when Ty jumps off the ground with this ID applied
#define ID_NORMAL_CAM     8388608     // if the floor below ty has this ID, the camera's Y will be at it's normal height
#define ID_CAM_GO_THROUGH 16777216    // if the camera collides with a poly with this ID, then it won't register a hit
#define ID_FAST           33554432    // (1<<25) used to mark that movement should be fast here
#define ID_SLOW           67108864    // (1<<26) used to mark that movement should be slow here
#define ID_TURNAWAY       134217728   // used to turn ty away from walls
#define ID_METAL          268435456   // 1<<27 Metal surfaces
#define ID_ICE_SLIDE      536870912   // 1<<28 Waterslide, but icy
#define ID_HOLLOWWOOD     1073741824  // 1<<29 Hollow wood.  Makes a different sound to normal wood

// screen grab used by heat flare
// Ash Tmp Stuff

// All measurement values are in metres
// All time values are in metres/second
[thick_grass]             // Subeffect id = 0
highDetailRadius=10.0f    // Grass is high detail in this radius.  
maxVisibleRadius=50.0f     // Grass is not visible outside this radius.
                          // Grass is low detail between high detail radius and max visible radius.
clumpSize=16              // Specifies the number of grass blades in a clump.
density=2                 // Specifies the number of grass blades in one triangle. Multiple by clumpSize to get the total.
                          // blades of grass.
minHeight=0.6             // Min height of the grass.
maxHeight=1.0             // Max height of the grass.
width=0.3                 // Width of a blade of grass.
movement=0.08             // The max distance of the swaying movement of the grass.
animSpeed=30              // The speed at which the grass sways.
textureAnimSpeed=0        // The speed at which the texture animates, frames/second.
pushAwayRadius=0.83       // The distance in which grass is affected by certain objects.
maxPushAway=1.5           // The max distance grass is pushed away from certain objects.
numTextures=8             // The number of sub-textures in the grass material.
upVector=1.0              // Can make the grass point up or down, 1.0 for up, -1.0 for down.
material=fx_000           // The material to render on the grass

// Global sound file for Ty
// Defines the sound events and the sounds that play when these sound events are
// triggered.
// Only CODERS should ADD or REMOVE entries, as they have to update an enumeration.
// of these sound events in Soundbank.h in Ty.

// Ini file for data used by GameCamera.

// Global model file.
// Defines LOD and other information for models.
// name <model>
// - Name of model.
// collide <subobject>
// - The name of the subobject to use for static collisions.
// frag <subobject>[,<subobject> ]
// - If the model breaks into fragments, the subjects used
//   as fragments are listed here.
// lod <n>
// - Specifies the level of detail range to be used for the
//   next few lines. Valid ranges are 0 7.
// subobj <subobject>[,<subobject> ]
// - The names of the subjects visible in the LOD range
//   specified by the most recent 'lod' command.
// effect <type>,<subobject>,<parameter>
// - The effect used in this LOD range and which subobject
//   is used as a reference point for the effect.
//   Valid types are "shadow", "particles", "sound", "scissor".
// flags <"alpha"|"camerafade"|"scissor"[,<"alpha"|"camerafade"|"scissor"> ]>
// - Flags that affect functionality of the model.
//   alpha:       Update alpha values for this model.
//   camerafade:  This model fades if it comes between the
//                player and the camera.
//   scissor:     This model should have scissor enabled in
//                certain LOD levels.
// radius <size>
// - Size of sphere to check for camera obstruction.
// minalpha <alpha>
// - Minimum alpha level of model.
// height <size>
// - Height of sphere to check for camera obstruction.

// TDL additional parameters:-
// power - power of the explosion, defaults to 3.0.
// upVel - amount of upwards lift when exploding, defaults to 0.0.
// life - length frags stay before fading out, defaults to 120 (2 secs).
// bounce - 0->1, 0 is no bounce, 1 is bounce back to full height. Defaults to 0.7.
// gravity - defaults to 1.0.
// spinrate - defaults to 0.1.

// add here animating props with just one anim called "idle" (and make it loop)
// ==================================================================== Actors go here.
// immunue to no rangs.

//Idle 1 is the main idle.  All other idles should be spliced in between idle 1, 
//not after eachother!
//character animates on the spot, needs to be moved backwards as he falls.
//synker stuff.

//roar!! Probably play this when Bull has just shaken off ants and is facing Ty ready for the next charge.
//"standing roar" Bull does after he's hit Ty - victory war cry.
//shake_ground is when Bull hits the ground, his wieght shaking the ground.
//slide loop when bull tries to stop urgently - anim that plays into the crash anim.
//slide loop when Bull doesn't hit the ant hill
//like a dog sliding on carpet 
//Bull slides to a stop, shakes his head and gets back up to idle pose.
//crash into ant hill.
//Bull jumps from the last crash pose to ants pose to start getting ants off.
//shake ants off cycle01.
//swatt ants off head cycle02.
//shake ants off by jumping cycle03.
//move bull around whilst in the air (between leave_ground and land_ground) this can position him facing Ty ready for the next charge.
//gets Bull back to idle pose from any of the ant cycles.
//shake_ground is when Bull hits the ground, his wieght shaking the ground.
//Bull staggers from ant pose and falls over.
//Move Bull -159 in it's local X axis over 19 frames.
//heavy breathe cycle.  maybe start off with a heavy breath, then go to the shallow breathe cycles, and every now and then, give him a heavy breathe.
//a leg twitch death idle.  have these randomly between breathe cycles.

//"attackjump" is now broken up into the following:
//Death animations
//Tank Stuff

//this anim loops 360 in rotation so the anim will have to be set -360 to link properly with other anims.
//PROGRAMMER NOTE: he's animated to stop and then move fowards quite rapidly stop him moving at event "stop" then throw his translate fowards at event "moveFowardStart".
//croc attacks by munching - munch swim attack.
//good for shallow water but will also work in deep or under.
//croc swimming turn quickly animation
//looks pretty wierd by itself until set up properly.
//the croc stops MOVING at event "turnstart" and startmoving again (in the opposite) direction at event "turnEnd"
//the croc starts TURNING from event "turnstart" and stops at event "turnEnd"
//the croc turns clockwise - "the direction the head starts to point" in the beginning of the animation, the anim is designed to turn 180 degrees.

// Dennis's Idle for after he is saved.

//anim comment goes here.

//rotate the model from 0 to 90 over the duration of this anim.
//rotate the model from 0 to -90 over the duration of this anim.
//bashes between his legs with his right arm.
//this hits just in front of each of his feet.
//bashes the area in front of himself.
//bashes the area to his left.
//bashes the area to his right.
//bashes faraway with right hand.
//there is a reference point in fluffy's mouth r_mouth.
//jumps in the air - to blast ty back.
//chest beating - this is the idle that he plays after jumping up in the air (shockwave to blast ty back).

//Idle 1 is the main idle.  All other idles should be spliced in between idle 1, 
//not after eachother!

//anim uses sheild to block from the front.
//anim could also be used as a second taunt anim.
//anim comment goes here.
//Flinches, throws Shield away.
//Butt waving as commanded.
// IDLE ANIMS without shield:
// COMBAT ANIMS with no shield:
//anim uses sheild to block from the front.
//anim defend01NoShield.
//anim could also be used as a second taunt anim.

//FEEDING - do randomly at end of idle.
//hit by rangs but not killed.
// no anim end.
// new stuff.
// all the runAttack anims are friendly with each other.

//  First buckle coming off.
//  Second Buckle coming off.
//  Helmet coming off.
//  Ty bounces off, no damage done.
//  Target hit and Neddy dead.
// Neddy takes a hit from the back.
// SYNCER ANIMATIONS 13001-15000
// Head Anims
//  Lip Anims
//anim LipsSad
//cycle loop
//anim LipsAngry
//cycle loop
//anim LipsHappy
//cycle loop
//  Body Stuff   
// Default animation
//  Ned's greeting
//  mannerism1 Rex smack hands.
//  mannerism2  shake hands angry.
//loop between 1818-1846
//collision sphere diameters

// Dave added - temp.
//stands alert >>then runs alertidle.
//idle anim for the stance.
//star should only appear between frames 40-55.

//Idle 1 is the main idle.  All other idles should be spliced in between idle 1, 
//not after eachother!
//character animates on the spot, needs to be moved backwards as he falls.

//Roach Bad File
//this one could be used as a taunt,a fighting Idle or an alert.

//Rufus Bad File
// by Junior.
//run anim - fast hop.  I don't believe this is to be used until the roos get harder to kill??
//may wish to start cycle from frame 105 because it's closer to idle pos.
//walk anim - slow hop.  There's 2 hops, a left and right for arms twisting.
//Move the translate of the roo while in the air.
//between leave_ground and hit_ground only, otherwise the feet will slide!
//use hit_ground for dust as usual
//Idle 1 is the main idle.  All other idles should be spliced in between idle 1, 
//not after eachother!
//attack : roo puts fists up for a short time before he bounces on his tail and kicks foward, lands and hops back to his previous position.
// these hops (02 - 04) can move in any direction hop 01 must move backwards
//when rufus gets hit by a 'rang
//when he sees the bunyip.  This animation follows directly into the bounce_run anim.
//kick while charging at full speed.

//r_beak node for the beak, where the turkey will carry the thunder egg
//r_foot_L bottom of the left foot
//anim walk
//event leftfoot 82
//event rightfoot 71
//cycle loop
//scrub turkey gets hit by a boomerang.  this loops in with the run.
//This animation goes into the stand up anim.
//scratches the ground
//pecking at the ground.  could maybe have a few little particles get thrown up when he pecks.
//been spotted
//scratch dirt caution
//look around caution

//r_mouth is the reference point for the mouth bubbles
//r_flipper_L (and _R) are the ends of the flippers
//r_claw_L (and _R) are his claws
//it would look good if the character was moved forward a bit during attack
//the scare anim follows into the scramble anim
//the scramble is a frantic swim, used for just after he has been scared
//because hes an underwater character, he needs to sink to the floor.
//call the entry, go into the idle, and play the exit anim when he hits the floor
//Speargun anims

// shadow stands up from a crouch position
// this was supposed to be for the knockback from an exploding crate
// this is when shadow hits the ground.
// this is for when shadow gets hit by a boomerang
// shadow gets hit in the air by 'rang
// this is when shadows feet touch the ground
// shadow takes off from the ground.  This animation leads straight
// into "hoverFlap"
// (please ignore) 450-476
// when shadow is confused by the fireworks
// flying forward flapping idle (say that 10 times fast)
// this is for when she is flying around.  there is also a similar animation
// for when she is gliding.  they both flow into each other.
// (plz ignore) 800-826
// transition from flyFlap into flyGlide
// this animation leads into glideFlyTransition, which then goes into flyFlap
//this anim can be held for as long as needs be
//this is an idle as she glides toward ty
//this is the animation leading into the attack
//this is once she is on the ground, kissing ty to death
//wipes her mouth, and launches herself back into the air

//775-790 turn can off

//  WALKS AND RUNS 1-1000
//  Standing Pose is at frame 1
//  Walk
//  Jog
//  Skid to a halt  Tween to this over 5-10 frames
////  Quick 180 turn Move Ty 92cm backwards and rotate him 180 over 21 frames please
//  Recover after skid to a halt
//  JUMPS AND GLIDES 1001-2000
// Jump to the up peak
//// Fall frames
//  IDLES 5001-8000
//// Panting after running a lot
// Just stands, breathing
//// Swing boomerangs like a gunslinger
//// Boomerang flies off
//// Swipe at flies
//// Scratch back with boomerang
//// Ty being talked to special idles
// Throw boomerang from right hand  
// Throw boomerang from left hand
// Catch with left hand
// Catch with right hand
// Throw both boomerangs at once
// Catch both boomerangs at once
//  HITS AND KNOCKS 9001-10000
// knocked backwards by an enemy
// Get up from a splat landing
// Hit animation
// Recovery from Ice Rangs
// DEATH ANIMATIONS  10001-11000
// Regular Death

//note: anim readythrow loops till throw is called or can be //skipped 
//and go straight to the throw depending on the difficulty //setting.
//note: animthrow can be followed by another animpickup or just //back to the anim backtosteering.

// Bad File
//Wombat standing on the spot in the snow. (on the board)
//Wombat pushes off and goes into board_Idle.
//On board moving down hill.
//Quickly crouches the does a jump.
//Mid air idle anim.
// Land from jump on the ground
//Helicopter spin in mid air.
// SYNCER ANIMATIONS 13001-15000
// Head Anims
//  Lip Anims
///////////  Body Stuff  
// Default animation
//  Andy's greeting
//  Mannerism 1 Andy general conversation

//this is a slower version of the walk.
//stationary idle
//looks around
//yabby goes into the scared animation
//knees shaking, eyes covered.
//this is a single right claw attack
//this WILL be a sinle left claw attack
//this WILL be a double

//this is actually a swimming animation to be used where
//walk01 would normally would.
//comment here.
//this is the anim for when her kid is brought back to her.

//reference points:
// Generic Idle
// Happy Idle
// Scared and Lonely Idle

//this walk cycle is not as good as the other one.  it probably won't be useful.
//this is a very stationary idle.
//blows a kiss.
//could be used when ty comes close to her in the cage.

//ken blows some snot out his very occa nose
//scratches his chest
//chin scratching
//back scratching
//breathe idle
//ken thumps his finger into his palm
//single armed shrug
//points over his shoulder
//shoulder shrug
//point finger at ty
//points at himself  This anim has an entry, loopable idle, and exit, so that he can
//continue the gesture for varied lengths of time.

//Deckchair idles (Switch ocassionally from 
//deckchair_idle_01 to deckchair_idle_02) 
// Body Stuff on Tower.
// Default animation

//////////////Without chest
//This should cycle straight to Run anim
/////////////With chest
//This should cycle straight to Walk anim
//Chest on for pickup start 368-385
//Chest on for drop 400-410
//Chest on for walk 200-230
//Chest on for jump and land 300-348

//the eel moves out about 1300 units or 13 metres
//moves out about 6m
//moves out about 8m
//moves out about 4m

// closed pose is at frame 1 
// open pose is at frame 117

//Catching Emu animations 1001-2000
//anim ThrowAndMiss
//anim ThrowAndHit 
//anim RopeHoldIdle
//anim PullRopeEasy
//anim PullRopeMedium
//anim PullRopeHard
//anim RopeBreaks

// by Junior
//event leftFoot 105
//event rightFoot 115
//emu is caught and tied up, rope is slack
//emu is caught and tied up, emu is struggling slightly
//emu is caught and tied up, emu is struggling hard
//emu is dragged ski style
//beak pecks ground
//when emu is in idle and jeep comes close enough to trigger run
//break out of rope when tied
//yank rope emu flys fowards

//main idle - loop the others less and in between this one
//roar!! Probably play this when Bull has just shaken off ants and is facing Ty ready for the next charge.
//scrapes foot on ground
//"standing roar" Bull does after he's hit Ty - victory war cry
//shake_ground is when Bull hits the ground, his wieght shaking the ground
//event shake_ground 498
//slide loop when bull tries to stop urgently - anim that plays into the crash anim
//anim slide
//slide loop when Bull doesn't hit the ant hill
//like a dog sliding on carpet 
//Bull slides to a stop, shakes his head and gets back up to idle pose
//crash into ant hill
//gets Bull back to idle pose from any of the ant cycles
//shake_ground is when Bull hits the ground, his wieght shaking the ground
//Bull staggers from ant pose and falls over
//Move Bull -159 in it's local X axis over 19 frames
//for when bull slams on the brakes.
//fast run, tween between this run for going REALLY fast, and the run anim for slower running
//turn animations are for when bull is turning while walking
//the walk_180 anims are for when bull turns 180 degrees on the spot
//while walking
//between frames 2514 and 2544 bull needs to rotate around 180¤ on the vertical axis
//use this idle at the beginning of a jump.  bull is angled upwards
//this is the angled downward jump idle.  it goes into the land animation
//when in mid flight bull should tween more and more towards this animation,
//depending on how close to the ground he is.
//leads directly into the run
//  Ty anims
//  Bull charge
//  Dunny Anim - this is a big fudge and I hate it.
//Ty thunderegg claim
//new Bull charge anims
//this one comes from halfway through the run cycle.

//angry idle mode before the swallow
//anim swallow__he then returns to angryidle
//Spits out TY 
//Collision Sphere Diameters 
//R_Sphere_Head  =  95cm
//R_Sphere_Chest =  110cm
//R_Sphere_Back  =  95cm
//R_Sphere_Tail  =  65cm

//idle cage main idle play 2 or 3 times in a row

//still to be done, this frame will serve as an idle for now
//subtle right look motion.  idle01a and idle01b are the main idle animations, split up so they can be
//randomised with a bit more variation.  It also allows a breath idle animaton to be put in every now
//and then.
//this one is just a subtle left look motion.  also see notes above for idle01a.
//this is an animation of bunyip just swinging on the spot.
//this is a breathe idle.
//this is the bunyip's main attack.  its a long overhead swing.
//this is also an overhead swing, but its a bit faster, and snappier.
//this is a left armed swing.  It goes around in front, then swings back.  so it can be used as a double
//for when bunyip appears

// runs away from Ty
// normal speed scamper
//jump alarmed - when Ty come close and crab is about to runAway

//walk cycle effectively
//this animation is when ty comes close to him, and he wakes up, and runs away

// skid 135-140
//panic and run in mid air

//for when he lands on a branch or something
//scratches under wing

//Ibis Bad File
//Fluff wings 
//Look around 
//Walk head down
// It would be prefered if this anim was run in shallow water
//crazy run

//  Flying out through the portals

//  WALKS AND RUNS 1-1000
//  Standing Pose is at frame 1.
//  Skid to a halt  Tween to this over 5-10 frames
//  Recover after skid to a halt
//  JUMPS AND GLIDES 1001-2000
// Change to this fall (more frantic) after falling from a large height
//  This is the actual grab
//  Ty pulling himself up from the ledge.  Use N_TyOffset to get Ty's velocity
//  The idle for when Ty is dangling from the ledge.  Ola is a comment Nazi.
// This is when Ty is swimming on the water after he's learnt how to swim
//  BITING 4001-5000
// Bite1 - links to BiteGrowl1 and Bite2
// Bite3 - The air bite and the third bite
// BiteGrowl3 - The bitegrowl on the ground
//  Bite4 - This bite is used only if Ty goes from ground to air as his first bite - it links to bitegrowl3 and Bite3
//  BiteGrowl4 - Same as Bitegrowl3 but in the air
//  Bite1a - An alternative first bite, links to BiteGrowl1
//  Bite into something too hard, (like a wall) goes from BiteFloat to standing pose
//  Charging up the Bite, can be interupted at any time and go into the BiteFly
//  Ty streaks off, spreading destruction and chaos and dog saliva
//  Ty's rolley-polley after the big bite.  This goes into a new state, probably BiteGrowl2 but could be fall or bounce back or death etc.
// Press BITE from jump to dive on to enemy - the antic
// Second part of the dive part - the actual diving bit
// Loop while Bite-diving
//  Ty gets his head stuck in the ground (Does anyone remember why?)
//  Quick bounce off of objects
//  After Freeing Bilbies
//  Idles and Stuff 5001-8000
// Just stands, breathing
// Swing boomerangs like a gunslinger
// Boomerang flies off
// Swipe at flies
// Scratch back with boomerang
// Snap at flies
//  Make ty's hand rise up to show something he has collected
// hold ty's hand out to show his prize
// lower ty's hand
// Wobble at edge
// Big Wobble in really skinny edges
// Done at the end of the level
// Ty being talked to special idles
//  Underwater idles
// Throw boomerang from right hand  
// Throw boomerang from left hand
// Catch with left hand
// Catch with right hand
// Throw boomerang single-handed (right hand)
// Catch boomerang single-handed (right hand)
// Underwater Throws and Catches
// Water Surface Throws and catches
//  HITS AND KNOCKS 9001-10000
// knocked backwards by an enemy
// Get up from a splat landing
// Bitten while dog paddling
// Bitten while swimming underwater (two parts)
// DEATH ANIMATIONS  10001-11000
// Regular Death
//  Regular Sliding idle
//  Occaisional off-balance idle
//  Sliding Turns
//  Slow down and Speed ups
//  Flying out through the portals
// SYNCER ANIMATIONS 13001-18000
// Head Anims
//  Lip Anims
//  Body Stuff  
//  Ty's greeting
//  Ty nodding away.  He seems a little bored
//  Ty scratches his ear
//  Ty looks serious, he's thinking.
//  Ty gazes into the distance and looks heroic
// Angry, Happy, Yes and No.
//  Ty clenches his fists and vibrates with rage
//  For Ty hopping on and off of Bull
//  Bogus dive 
// Doing the bomb dive.  You need to use these new FallDiveCycle_Bomb and FallDive2_Bomb.
// Diving through the air cycle
// After hitting water, goes into swim
//  Changing rang anims
//  Ty shooting out of the warpflower
//    Claim Animations
//          Stuff
//  This is the actual grab
//  Ty pulling himself up from the ledge.  Use N_TyOffset to get Ty's velocity
//  The idle for when Ty is dangling from the ledge.  Ola is a comment Nazi.

Unseen Level Geometry

Rainbow Cliffs has some level geometry hidden out of bounds near the entrance that leads to the second set of levels. Material errors result in some of these faces displaying the debug font in earlier releases of the game, with later Steam releases simply being white.

Unused Graphics

A debug font which is only ever used on some out-of-bounds level geometry.

A color palette.

The textures for the turbine engines on Cass' giant mech at the end of the game has a developer message which translates to "Artur was here!!". Since it's not mapped to any part of the model, it can't be seen in-game. "Artur" refers to Artur Vill, one of the game's artists.

An image of a GameCube controller describing the controls, likely meant for the E3 demo.

A blue arrow.

A rainbow.

A texture with "Here Be Dragons" on it.

Early HUD numbers.

Some early menu options.

A couple of early icons for Maurie and Shazza. Maurie's icon has some red lines drawn over it, while Shazza's icon is based on her earlier design.

A rock placeholder texture.

Some sort of test texture.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Scrapped, Unused, and Early Models

Unused Maps

TYtheTasmanianTiger-Car test.png

"car_test.mdl". Likely was used to test the scrapped car vehicle, with them forgetting to take it out of the final game.

Unused Character/Enemy Models


"Act_06_ShazzaCar". An early version of the Shazza model that would have been used when she is driving her car. It uses the Shazza design from earlier builds of the game.


"Act_54_Chockers". Likely would have been a character for Ty to race against. It would have been used in the cut level No Man Groves.


"act_95_Chopper". An NPC that would have been used in a mission in the scrapped level Min Min, where the Ty would help guide its landing. It would eventually be used in Ty 2.


"act_95_ChopperHook". A hook for the unused chopper model.


"act1_25_nightfrill". An unused variant of frill lizards known as "battery frills" in an unused mission for the scrapped level Min Min, where it would have been used. In that mission, they would terrorize the town, pretending to be Min Min lights.


"act1_17_bearddragon". Likely a 3rd tier of frill, but could have been an NPC or a miniboss.

Unused Item/Weapon Models


"Item_01_opal_A". The original opal model used in the earliest builds of the game.


"ItemAnim_01_opal_A". Likely an animated version of the original opal model used in the earliest builds of the game.


"Prop_0381_EarthOpal". These were originally going to be used in the scrapped 4th area of the game, and can still be seen in the menu icons for the bonus levels.


"prop_0572_ylwthunderegg". Like the earth opals, the earth Thunderegg would have been used in the scrapped 4th area of the game.


"act_05_Parcel". The original concept for the bilby crates.


"act_87_FireBunyip". One of the 3 scrapped elemental Bunyips, with this one corresponding to the fire element. Gameplay implications are unknown. Not intended to be white, it's textures appear to be missing.


"act_88_bunyipWater". Another of the 3 scrapped elemental Bunyips, with this one corresponding to the ice element. Gameplay implications are unknown. Not intended to be white, it's textures are simply missing.


"prop_0490_rang_09". This model belongs to the Smasharang, a cut boomerang, though it may have looked different if it did make it to the final game. However, this boomerang and its model were repurposed into the Kaboomarang, a boomerang used in the final game, though the Kaboomarang has a different model & ID. There are some minor differences between the two, being that the Smasharang has a shorter range, different trail, and higher pitch than the Kaboomarang.


"cse4_50_doomarang". An unused cutscene element which would have been used in the 'Final Battle' level. Note that it uses the original Doomarang model, used in earlier builds of the game.

Unused Object Models


"Prop_0225_Fireworks". Would have been used in the cut Shadow the Bat boss fight in the scrapped level Kumu Caves. According to unused dialogue in the files, launching the fireworks (likely with the Flamerang) would blind Shadow, allowing Ty to attack her.


"act_35_Clam.mdl". An unused object or enemy that would have opened, closed, and spit Ty out.

Scrapped, Unused, and Early Audio

To do:
Instead of writing Some of these songs are only in prototype versions of the game and will not be found within released versions!, put these songs that are from prototypes in their own namespace alongside a comparison with the final version if available.

Scrapped & Unused Music

Some of these songs are only in prototype versions of the game and will not be found within released versions!

The theme for the scrapped outback level, 'Min Min'. This theme was later used in the level 'Cass' Run' in TY 2, though slightly altered.

The theme for the scrapped swamp level, 'No Man Groves'. This theme was later used in the levels 'The Wetlands' and 'Faire Dinkum' in TY 2.

Was intended to play when fighting the Neddy miniboss in the level 'Bridge on the River Ty'. Unknown why it was cut. This song was later used in a TY 2 'Training Grounds' mission.

An unused variant/early version of the credits theme.

Early Music

Some of these songs are only in prototype versions of the game and will not be found within released versions!

Unused Used Description
An early version of the main menu music.
An early version of the time attack music for the level 'Ship Rex'.
An early version of the time attack music for the level 'Rex Marks the Spot'.
An early version of the credits music.

Unused Music Connectors

There appears to be unused music connectors for several of the levels in the game.

For the level 'Snow Worries'.

For the level 'Outback Safari'.

For the level 'Beyond the Black Stump'.

For the level 'Pippy Beach'/'Crikey's Cove'

Unused/Early Jingles

Unused Used Description
Sounds to be an early version or a test version of the guitar sound that plays when you collect a Thunderegg.
Perhaps an earlier version of the jingle for collecting a Golden Cog, though could have also been the jingle for collecting the 10th cog in a level. The second half of the jingle is used when doing a level specific objective.
Not Available Goes unused because you never actually pick up a Talisman in normal gameplay, it's always collected in a cutscene. This implies that you would have been able to pick up the talisman after a boss fight, but the idea was scrapped. This jingle was later used in the HD releases of TY 2, where it plays on the collection of a Kromium Orb.
Early version of the "rescue" sound effect.

Unused Ty Sounds

May have played when Ty took damage.

May have played when Ty picked up a collectible.

Unused 'Friendly Fire' Audio

Audio goes unused because there is never a point in the game where Ty is able to attack them and/or the character is no longer in the game.

Would have played when hitting the Bunyip Elder.

Would have played when hitting the cut character, Chockers.

Misc. Unused Audio

Audio is taken from the Windows version and may not be present in other versions of the game!

Unused Used Description
Originally played when enabling hardcore mode.
An early version of the sound used when Skink enemies hit a can at Ty.
Not Available An unused taunt for the Skink enemy.
Not Available A sound clip of someone, most likely one of the developers, saying "test". This sound will play when the game calls for an invalid sound.