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Translations:Team Fortress 2/30/en

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  • All robot classes minus Engineer have unique animations for dying from headshots and/or being backstabbed. The Engineer's animations for these are the same as its human counterpart (down to having the unused burning animation present), and all robots in-game will simply ragdoll when killed in these ways.

TF2-BotScoutprimary death headshot.gifTF2-BotScoutprimary death backstab.gifTF2-BotSoldierprimary death headshot.gifTF2-BotSoldierprimary death backStab.gifTF2-BotPyroprimary death headshot.gifTF2-BotPyroprimary death backstab.gifTF2-BotDemomanprimary death headshot.gifTF2-BotHeavyprimary death headshot.gifTF2-BotMedicprimary death headshot.gifTF2-BotMedicprimary death backstab.gifTF2-BotSniperprimary death headshot.gifTF2-BotSniperprimary death backstab.gifTF2-BotSpyprimary death backstab.gif