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Translations:Super Smash Bros. Melee/94/en

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Master Hand & Crazy Hand

Master Hand and Crazy Hand were intended to have a fourth team attack, titled "Tagtsukamu" in their animation data. It would have been activated by inputting D-Pad Left + Y while playing as Crazy Hand. However, this will cause the hands to be stuck forever, as inputting D-Pad Up + Y as Master Hand will do nothing. Unlike the other team attacks, there are three other subactions associated with it, "Tagnigiru", "Tagshippai", and "Tagcancel". This would have been a grab move, as the normal grab subactions are named "Tsukamu", "Nigiru", "Shippai", and "Cancel". This attack is incomplete, as Crazy Hand has no hitboxes for the attack.

Tagtsukamu Tagnigiru Tagshippai Tagcance
Tagtsukamu.gif Tagnigiru.gif Tagshippai.gif Tagcancel.gif