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Translations:Sonic & Knuckles/22/en

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Unused Sprites

Sprite Name Description
Super Sonic slot machine panel Reel image for the slot machine bonus stage. Never used in-game.
F-ball An unused gumball intended for the glowing spheres bonus stage. It can be placed in debug mode, but does nothing.
S-ball An unused gumball found in the glowing spheres bonus stage.
Platform An unused platform intended for the glowing spheres bonus stage. It can be placed in debug mode, and stood on.
Death Egg Hologram Projector A machine that displays a hologram of the Death Egg, a reference to Star Wars. It can be found by hex-editing a savestate of Death Egg's Act 2. At address A500 replace 01 with E5, and the most northwestern piece will change to this.
Slot machine pocket This object has no functionality and acts like a solid block. It is found in the Slot Machine Bonus Stage with an object ID of 09. It appears to be based on the slot.
SnKHei Hou.png
Hei Hou pieces A set of unused sprites for the Mushroom Hill mid-boss can be found in the Sub-Boss object data. Some sprites have minor differences from the final version. The body and head are displayed as separate sprites here, unlike the final version of the boss.
SnK FBZ2BossHead.png
FBZ2 boss head A sprite from Flying Battery Zone 2's boss which goes unused due to a programming oversight. It can be restored by using the Pro Action Replay code 067C04:0829. Once restored, it will be seen when it does its swinging attack.
SnKEgg Golem.gif
Egg Golem piece A kind of "screw" that should complete the body of the Egg Golem, the boss of Sandopolis Zone Act 2, is not present, but its sprite is loaded and the object has a sub-value to load it.
SnK LRZ2SteppingStone.png
LRZ2 Stepping Stone A lava stepping stone for Lava Reef Zone Act 2. Though stepping stones appear in Act 1, they do not appear anywhere in Act 2, thus this Act-specific sprite goes unused. It can be placed in debug mode.
Eggrobo jumping Eggrobo never jumps in the game, so this sprite goes unused.
Knuckles intro cutscene Unused Knuckles cutscene sprite for Mushroom Hill Zone Act 2.
S&K-Knuckles death sprite black & white.png
Black & white Knuckles Knuckles also has a black & white version of his death sprite, which, you guessed it, isn't used.
(Source: Sonic Retro)