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Translations:Proto:Sonic the Hedgehog 3/Stage Differences/4/en

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Marble Garden Zone

To do:
Object & Layout differences
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Nov 3, 1993 prototype) MGZ1.png
  • The player doesn't start up in the sky.
  • The drillbot enemy seen throughout the level does not play any sounds when drilling.
  • Tails seems to be able to influence the spinning top object when both he and Sonic are on it.
  • The spinning top object doesn't fall out of the level when hitting a dead end.
  • The chain with spike ball object plays no sound.
  • The spinning wheel object makes no sound.
  • Neither Sonic nor Tails have animations for grabbing pulleys, instead continuing whatever animation they were playing before grabbing on.
    • The "switch" sound plays when grabbing the pulley.
  • There are some misplaced rings in Act 2.
  • It's possible to see below the level in Act 2.
  • When the player encounters the Act 2 boss, the background is buggy. The player also dies when they hit the bottom of the screen, so two-player Tails must be used to start the fight properly.
  • The game lags a lot during the Act 2 boss, and it's possible to stand on the air.
  • Like with Hydrocity Zone, there's no transition to Carnival Night Zone.
Marble Garden Zone Act 1 Map
November 3rd
Marble Garden Zone Act 2 Map
November 3rd

Carnival Night Zone

Act November 3 Final Sonic & Knuckles Collection
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Nov 3, 1993 prototype) CNZ1.png
  • Both acts use a completely different music track. MIDI renditions of these songs would go on to be used for the same zone in Sonic & Knuckles Collection (although Act 1 is in a different key).
  • The Act 1 boss arena has no walls.
  • Once the Act 1 boss is beaten, there's no way to progress further without using the level select.
  • The underwater palette is very different, identical to the one seen in early screenshots.
  • Knuckles doesn't appear in Carnival Night Zone Act 2 at all, which results in the blackout and subsequent flood never happening, as well as Sonic falling to the ending area of Knuckles' Act 2. It is possible to get to the intended boss arena via Tails, though.
  • The capsule at the end of Act 2 is not present.
  • Touching one of the spinning cylinders as Tails will crash the game, possibly due to the game trying to load incorrect/missing graphics.
Carnival Night Zone Act 1 Map
November 3rd
Carnival Night Zone Act 2 Map
November 3rd