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Translations:Proto:Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)/September 14th, 1992/Level Differences/2/en

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General Differences

Only one Act!?
  • Title cards are in a preliminary state. They lack a background, and the number only displays when the level fades in.
  • Boss themes don't stop after a boss is defeated.
  • The score tally does not display after completing an Act, and the level transition interrupts the Act clear music before it can finish, much like previous builds.
  • Animal Capsules have not yet been implemented. Defeating a boss and walking to the right causes the level to complete regardless.
  • There are no checkpoints placed yet, though they can be placed in Debug Mode and still have their design from prior builds.
  • This is the final build to have the level tiles stored in the Nemesis format. From the CENSOR prototype onward, stage tiles are stored in the Kosinski format to speed up load times.