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Translations:Proto:Sonic & Knuckles/Sonic 3C 0408/22/en

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The Doomsday Zone

Probably should have gotten those Emeralds, huh?
  • Really incomplete, only having the boss graphics and a background with no Super forms available, so you'll just fall to your death repeatedly. You can use debug mode and fly over to a section with glitchy collision.
  • The background palette used here is different from the final and is more consistent with the colors seen in Death Egg Zone Act 2.
  • The HUD and ring palette is incorrect here.
Sonic3C0408 DDZlayout.png
  • At this point, the level layout only contains a line of placeholder rings and a single ring contained in the object layout. The start location does differ slightly however. The prototype level places Sonic at X $0140 and Y $0020, whereas the final is X $0000 and Y $0100.
  • Other graphics for the zone such as asteroids and missiles already exist in the ROM but go unused since none of the coding is present here.