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Translations:Proto:Sonic & Knuckles/Sonic 3C 0408/13/en

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Flying Battery Zone

This puny gate is no match for me!
  • The echo track of Act 1's music will go off-sync after looping, and will slowly drag more and more behind the lead melody as it continues to play.
  • Various objects are missing in some places, such as badniks, hooks and rings.
  • There are no giant rings in either Act.
  • Some of the magnetic platforms are embedded in spikes. They can still hurt you if the platform isn't raised.
  • Gapsule's position is about 16 pixels to the left in comparison to later prototypes and the final. The coordinates are the same as in Sonic 3.
  • A double set of doors in Act 2 does not open completely.
  • A few level design differences. For example, the pendulums in Act 2 are missing, and in the area after the Act 2 miniboss, there are two ring monitors in place of a red spring, and there are no spikes.
  • Some of the elevator shafts do not have spikes, and some that go upwards do not crush the player at the ceiling, instead pushing them through it.
  • There is an erroneous chunk placement in the background near the end of Act 2.
  • Robotnik stops exploding as soon as he begins to fly away.
  • Your character does not automatically roll when he busts down the door during the transition to Sandopolis Zone. They appear to be rolling in the Sandopolis intro, though.