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Translations:Proto:Hover! (1995)/15/en

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ID Hotkey Description
-32763 None Enable sticky pads (Checkbox). If disabled, the player still sinks temporarily when hovering such a pad, and the sound is heard, but does not stop moving.
-32762 Ctrl+T
Hover TuningParameters.png

Tuning Paramaters (sic) dialogue. It sets up the duration of power-up effects as "Speed", "Slow", "God", "Smoke" and "Tmp Wall" and jump physics as "Accel", "Velocity" and "Velocity Deg", but the jump physics seem to have no effect.

-32730 Alt+F11
Hover PlayerMotionPhysics.png

Player Motion Physics dialogue. It sets the HXxxParams registry keys which remain working in the final version, but can be set here with the comfortability of a user interface to configure them. According to this window, they map to "Max Velocity", "Normal Accel", "Turn Rate", "Friction Constant", "Turn Lag Factor", "Rotation Stability", "Rotation Kick", "Rotation Accel", and, for the speed manipulating pods, to "Speed Multiplier" and "Slow Multiplier". There is even a button to clear the custom settings called "Clear Registry".

-32729 Alt+F12
Hover DroneMotionPhysics.png

Drone Motion Physics dialogue. Same as the Player Motion Physics dialogue, setting the RXxxParams registry keys. They affect the opponent team cars, including "Acquire Velocity" to set the speed of drones targeting something.

-32716 None
Hover RobotAITuning.png

A "Robot AI Tuning Parameters" dialog allows the modification of the AI behavior as "Backup Turn Rate", "Backup Game Cycles", "Backup Speed Factor", "Max Target Angle Adjust", "Max Angle for Acceleration", "Max dist to acquire human", "Max dist to acquire flag", "Max beacon distance", "Max beacon height difference" and "Beacon search depth", in different sections for each difficulty mode.

-32760 Ctrl+P
Hover SetPosition.png

Set New Position dialogue, teleports and stops the human car there, with the fields "X Position", "Y Position" and "Angle".

-32745 Ctrl+F1 Get jump power-up.
-32743 Ctrl+F2 Get cloak power-up.
-32742 Ctrl+F3 Get wall power-up.
-32740 Ctrl+F4 Get red light power-up.
-32739 Ctrl+F5 Get green light power-up.
-32738 Ctrl+F6 Get shield power-up.
-32737 Ctrl+F7 Get map eraser power-up.
-32719 Ctrl+I Enable shield / immunity effect (checkbox).
-32733 Ctrl+M
Hover MinimapTestMode.png

Minimap test mode, scales the minimap up to fill the whole screen.

-32731 Ctrl+B Show minimap drone waypoints and paths.
-32718 Ctrl+F Freezes HUD timer bars, but not their effect.
-32720 Ctrl+1 Increase brightness of far-away objects.
-32727 Ctrl+2 Decrease brightness of far-away objects.
-32726 Ctrl+3 Increase red amount of far-away objects.
-32725 Ctrl+4 Decrease red amount of far-away objects.
-32724 Ctrl+5 Increase blue amount of far-away objects.
-32723 Ctrl+6 Decrease blue amount of far-away objects.
-32722 Ctrl+7 Increase green amount of far-away objects.
-32721 Ctrl+8 Decrease green amount of far-away objects.

Additonally, the statusbar and WavMix32 menu items already work as in the final version.