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Translations:Kirby & the Amazing Mirror/Unused Graphics/27/en

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Unused Kirby Sprites

Cupid Kirby

Cupid Kirby has graphics that show him exiting Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land‍ '​s hub doors at 0059C678. The 2003 Demo also has these kind of sprites for Mini and Missile, but they were removed from the final game.

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Proto Unused Cupid Sprites.png

Parasol Kirby

Like Cupid, Parasol also has sprites for the hub door animation from the previous game. They can be found at 00503218.

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Parasol.png

Throw Kirby

Another ability to have sprites of this type is Throw, whose graphics can be located at 00549D78.

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Throw.png

Sword Kirby

Lastly, Sword Kirby has these kind of graphics too, located at 004EA658 for Kirby himself, and 00459598 for the hat.

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Sword.png

(Source: Vyroz)

Kirby Wave Ride

Kirby's hurt sprites from Kirby Air Grind in Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land can be found at 0073F758 in the Japanese version. No other graphics from Air Grind can be found, which may suggest that Kirby Wave Ride originally had damage mechanics, but were scrapped. Aditionally, the last unused sprite, which is not from Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land, can be located at 00740358.

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Wave Ride Hurt.png

One more thing to note is that these sprites are always loaded into memory when playing Kirby Wave Ride.

(Source: Vyroz)