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Translations:Doom (PC, 1993)/Revisional Differences/65/en

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v1.1 to v1.2 v1.25 onward
Doom-E3M1Floor12.png Doom-E3M1Floor1666.png

This fix also introduced a crash into the level: A sector in the outside area to the right of the entrance was mistakenly given the same tag as one of the dropping bridge sections. In previous versions, this would only cause this sector's texture to be changed when the bridge was lowered, which was merely a cosmetic issue. The code change in 1.25, however, makes this sector read garbage for its type since there are no lower sectors surrounding it, and the game will crash when the player steps into a sector with an unknown type. This was fixed in v1.666, which was the first registered version of the IWAD to be released after the code change.