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Tornado Outbreak (Wii)/Debug Menu

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This is a sub-page of Tornado Outbreak (Wii).

To do:
  • Upload more screenshots of TO in Debug Mode
  • Try to upload Videos of Debug mode.
  • Find the actual debug mode and describe how to access it.

By modifying the game's data, players can change models or debug models by forcing them in their default position. This affects animals, people, and other objects that have animations. Another thing players can do is change Zephyr's Tornado size and shape. However, doing this could cause the game to freeze, to make a loud buzzing noise, or to crash. Other things players can do is noclip. However, unlike other games, noclip in Tornado Outbreak allows players to bypass barriers without dying. The player cannot choose where to spawn when entering noclip mode.The Xbox 360 also contains a debug mode. Not much is know about it. since only 3 screenshots of the debug build surfaced online.

The main character "Zephyr forced into a T-Pose in Debug mode"
Nocliping in Chicken Con Carnage!

TornadoOutbreak FisingVillage 04 dbg.jpg