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Tomodachi Life

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Title Screen

Tomodachi Life

Also known as: Tomodachi Collection: Shin Seikatsu (JP), Chin'gumoa Apateu (KR)
Developer: Nintendo SPD
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Released in JP: April 18, 2013
Released in US: June 6, 2014
Released in EU: June 6, 2014
Released in AU: June 7, 2014
Released in KR: July 17, 2014

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

Tomodachi Life is the quirky sequel to Nintendo's already weird take on the life simulation genre.

While it received two spiritual successors in the form of Miitomo and Miitopia, there still hasn't been any news of a direct sequel for over a decade, despite the numerous fan demands.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
TomodachiLife Icon RegionalDifferences.png
Regional Differences
Ohhhhh boy, there's a LOT.

Unused Text

Enka Lyrics

Located in message/Song/Song_xx_LZ.bin/ArcBase (replace xx with the corresponding Language Code) are lyrics for the Enka song, which was removed from all International releases of the game, in American English and German only. Both of them seem to be a very early and unfinished translation. The rest of the languages are filled with a placeholder while German has only placeholders in the last 2 lines.

A more accurate translation of the song's lyrics can be found at the Regional Differences section for the Concert Hall.

Japanese (used) US_English EU_German
ふられ わかれて Reject and say goodbye Ich träum von dir, nur dir
あまざらし の It's left out in rain wenn das Abendrot naht
おもいで Can you o Sehnsucht mein
どなたか do it that ach, lösch den Schmerz
けして ください delete my memory die Erinnerung an dich
やきついた あなた You are branded on my heart deine Berührung, dein Lächeln
あなた の かげ Your dear feature wie Ketten um mein Herz
なげた The ring Und der Ring
ゆびわ とわ に きゆ which I threw never returns und überhaupt und ach.
あめ の In the rain EU_German
くいなばし Ku i na ba shi EU_German

Demo Leftovers

You can continue where you
left off in the Tomodachi Life:
Move-In Version!

You can continue where you
left off in the Tomodachi Life
demo version!


Leftover text from the demo versions.

Unused Music


Located in sound/clone_sound.bcsar are BGM_SONG_ENKA_CLICK.bcseq and BGM_SONG_ENKA.bcseq – the music sequence files for the Enka song, which is exclusive to the Japanese version of the game. Sadly, the sequences appear to have been blanked out from both files in the international versions of the game, but the instrumentation is still intact in the BANK_ENKA.cbnk file.

Japanese New Year's

The Japanese version of Tomodachi Life plays a special Theme on Japanese New Year's. The Soundtrack has been left over in all versions of the game. The file is called newyear1214.dspadpcm.bcstm and is located in sound/stream, hidden among other soundtracks.

Unused Models


Located in model/sample_TestCube_LZ.bin is... How surprising, an untextured cube! Likely a leftover example from the SDK.

Unseen Geometry


The room from the "Giant" dream has a door which is completely unseen in the game due to the camera angle.

Unused Graphics

To do:
A lot more of these dummy graphics.

Dummy Graphics






TomodachiHeadwearDummy 0.png



Many dummy/placeholder graphics are found in the files. Most are found in several locations, and the blue/white checker pattern is especially common, labeled with red text stating what it's a placeholder for.


In model/sample_DebugTextureRender_LZ.bin, this flat model with a weird texture applied over it can be found. Likely also from the SDK.

To do:
There are more in-game placeholder graphics.

Placeholder Logos

The banner for the Japanese version of the game, on an American console with the language set to English.

The banner data for the original Japanese release of the game contains placeholders for localized versions of the game's logo.

While technically used, these placeholder logos can only be seen by trying to play the Japanese version of the game on a modded out-of-region console.

Internal Project Name

The game's internal project name is "clone", according to the sound/clone_sound.bcsar archive and many of the sound files contained within. This is further evidenced in the partial 3DS lotcheck document that was contained in the December 21st, 2020 Nintendo leak (located in Documents.7z\Documents\セキュリティチーム運営\プロジェクト\Knock_And_Talk_directcnotact\報奨金制度\LEGO抽出CTRdata.xls), which also references the game by this name.

Revision Differences

Please elaborate.
Having more detail is always a good thing.
Specifically: What exactly changed in version 1.1? Nintendo's own changelogs usually aren't of much use here because of how vague they are.
To do:
Document the demo versions.

Version 1.1 - released June 6, 2014 - enhances gameplay stability and performance.

Version 2.0 was released exclusively in Europe on October 16, 2015, adding the option to play the game in Dutch.

(Source: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8178/~/how-to-update-tomodachi-life , https://www.perfectly-nintendo.com/tomodachi-life-new-update-available-ver-2-0-item-distribution-extended/)