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Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Puzzle-Dama (PlayStation)

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Title Screen

Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Puzzle-Dama

Developer: Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo
Publisher: Konami
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: September 27, 1996

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.

Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Puzzle-Dama is a puzzle game like that of the Puyo Puyo series featuring Tokimeki Memorial characters.

Debug Mode

Use the code (8008CA88 0011) to enter debug mode. Press L1 or R1 to select demo scene, press Circle to play the demo, but it doesn't display text.

Debug Text

Present in SLPM_860.05 at address 0x0FD8.

Text Translation
title test = %d
title test = %.5x
title test = %.3d
ストリング = %s
トキメキ メモリアル
title test = %x
test_ascii_num = %x
ファイル ナンバー = %d
       MAX = %d
データ ナンバー = %d
ev_timer = %d
チェック シュウリョウ
チェック チュウ
タイム スタック
セリフ チェック モード
mess_xa        = %d
mess_fnum      = %d
mess_tnum      = %d
mess_stimer    = %d
mess_etimer    = %d
mess_x         = 0x%x
mess_y         = 0x%x
M_mess_w_x     = 0x%x
M_mess_w_y     = 0x%x
M_mess_w_col   = %d
M_mess_w_speed = %d
mess_player    = %d
mess_anime1    = 0x%x
mess_anime2    = 0x%x
mess_lip       = 0x%x
タイトル %x
タイトル シュウリョウ カンシ = %x
kt_obj_step = %x
KONAMI コマンド = %d
konami_w[%d] = %x
siori_turn = %x
title_logo = %x
title_logo2 = %x
title_start = %x
title_option = %x
OBJ_W = %d
rtry = %x
エンディング %x
endingmode = %x
end_nand = %d
end_player = %d
end_victory = %d
end_victory = %d
end_type = %d
エンディング デモ
スタッフ ロール = %x
シャシン = %x
オマケ = %x
エンディング シュウリョウ
kek_load step = %x
ep = %x
zoomx = %x
chibi_win_step = %x
timer_s = %x
BIG3 = %x

String = %s
Tokimeki Memorial


File number = %d

Data number = %d

Check finished
Checking now
Time stack
Line check mode

Title %x
Watch title finish = %x

KONAMI command = %d

Ending %x

Ending demonstlation
Staff roll = %x
Picture = %x
Bonus = %x
Ending finished

Present in SLPM_860.05 at address 0x180C.

Text Translation
option_menu = %x
opw->trg1_w_s[0] = %x
opw->trg1_w_s[1] = %x
opw->trg2_w_s[0] = %x
opw->trg2_w_s[1] = %x
cclpos = %x
opw->game_flag = %x
vposmd = %x
sys0->vpos = %x
memoryf = %x
opw->difficulty = %x
rtry = %x
セーブ メイン
セーブ ret = %x

Save main
Save ret = %x

Bonus Sound

Present in OMAKE. This file is a wave format file.

Bonus Images

There are bonus images in the "HIMITU"(秘密; secret) directory.