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The Sims 2 (Windows)/Regional Differences

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This is a sub-page of The Sims 2 (Windows).

Multi-Regional Changes

Graphical Changes

All instances of the wooden sign and water tower logo were changed to accommodate the logo in various locales.

Wooden Sign

International French Spanish
TS2 sims sign0 lifo 128x64.png TS2 sims sign0 lifo 128x64 FR.png TS2 sims sign0 lifo 128x64 ES.png|
German Dutch Thai
TS2 sims sign0 lifo 128x64 DE.png TS2 sims sign0 lifo 128x64 DU.png TS2 sims sign0 lifo 128x64 TH.png
Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Japanese
TS2 sims sign0 lifo 128x64 SPCH.png TS2 sims sign0 lifo 128x64 TDCH.png TS2 sims sign0 lifo 128x64 JP.png

Water Tower

International French Spanish
TS2 water-tower-simsign0 lifo 256x64.png TS2 water-tower-simsign0 lifo 256x64 FR.png TS2 water-tower-simsign0 lifo 256x64 ES.png
German Dutch Thai
TS2 water-tower-simsign0 lifo 256x64 DE.png TS2 water-tower-simsign0 lifo 256x64 DU.png TS2 water-tower-simsign0 lifo 256x64 TH.png
Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Japanese
TS2 water-tower-simsign0 lifo 256x64 SPCH.png TS2 water-tower-simsign0 lifo 256x64 TDCH.png TS2 water-tower-simsign0 lifo 256x64 JP.png

Alphabet Graphics

Graphics were changed due to foreign languages having a completely different alphabet set.

International Norwegian/Danish Swedish/Finnish Japanese
TS2 TextFontSettings NW.png TS2 TextFontSettings SW.png TS2 TextFontSettings JP.png

Exclusive Radio Songs

Starting with Nightlife, specific songs only appear in certain locales of the game. They are all found in the locale folder.

Song Artist Station Expansion Pack Locales
Heartbeat Annie Housemix Nightlife Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Danish, Norwegian, UK English
Hubny Harb (Hungry Heart) Christian Forss Housemix Nightlife Czech, Finnish, Norwegian, UK English
Jump The Faders Housemix Nightlife Danish, Finnish, German, Spanish, UK English
What it Takes The Faders Housemix Nightlife UK English
Chewing Gum Annie Housemix Nightlife German, Norwegian
Cry Victora Housemix Nightlife Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Finnish
Madre (Instrumental) Andy & Lucas Housemix Nightlife Spanish
Mi Barrio (Instrumental) Andy & Lucas Housemix Nightlife Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, German, Spanish
O Blay Wobba Zoon (All I Want To Do) LUX Spencers Housemix Nightlife Danish
Run With Me (Instrumental) Jeanette Housemix Nightlife Brazilian Portuguese, German
Summer Lovin' Musikk feat. John Rock Pop Nightlife Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Spanish
Baby, Let's Dance The Smokebreakers Pop Pets Russian
Can't You Be Mind Krezip Pop Pets Dutch, German
Dulce Locura La Oreja de Van Gogh Pop Pets Spanish
Never Coming Back Roni Pop Pets Finnish
Run Away Finley Pop Pets Italian, UK English
Sowieso Kisha Pop Pets French, German
Suburbia West End Girls Pop Pets Danish, Japanese, Korean, Swedish, UK English
What If Lene Martin Pop Pets Norwegian, Swedish
La Otra Princesa Lara Pop Freetime All locales except English
Your Forgiveness Lexington Bridge Pop Freetime All locales except English
Mozdulj Mar Lola Pop Apartment Life Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish, UK English
On & On Vanilla Sky Pop Apartment Life Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish, UK English
Ona Odna (She's Alone) The Ranetki Girls Pop Apartment Life Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish, UK English

UK English Locale Differences

  • While spellings are not changed to British English ones, the time is changed to be in 24-hour format.
  • Renee Andrews, the Newspaper Deliverer in Veronaville was renamed to Katherine Rauscher, likely to distinguish from other Sims sharing the exact same name.
  • The Made a BFF Memory introduced in FreeTime was erroneously replaced with the Made First BFF Memory.

Thai Version Changes

In the Thai release of the game, Sims are never shown nude (for example, while showering or streaking.) Instead, the BHAV "0x039E: SKU - Check - Is Thai?" checks if the game is running in Thai, and if it is, the Sims are dressed in underwear rather than being nude. It also removes the option to streak, although NPCs can still automatically do it.

Chinese Version Changes

Criminal Career

Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!

Unlike the previous game, the Simplified Chinese locale of the game has removed references of crime in the Criminal Career. The Entertainment Career in FreeTime (0x7FDA8633) tries to differentiate from the career, such as the Stand-Up Comedian being translated as "Showman" (卖艺龙套) and Mime being translated as "Mime Actor" (哑剧演员), otherwise their respective descriptions are largely the same.

Adult Stage (0x7F5AA90E)

Simplified Chinese String Translation English String
喜剧新手 Pickpocket
入门级的小丑,但你是自己的老板。敏捷和灵活的速度明显很重要。如果你打算干得更好的话,那么一定的创造力也是有帮助的。 Entry-level joker, but you are your own boss. Dexterity and physical speed are obviously important. A certain amount of creativity is helpful, too, if you plan to do better. Entry-level two-bit thief—but you are your own boss. Dexterity and physical speed are obviously important. A certain amount of creativity is helpful, too, if you are going to distract those marks while you dip into their pockets.
街头喜剧演员 Bagman
你没有固定的表演地点!你有了些安全感,但是还没有成为老大的自豪感。你如果还想往上爬的话就得继续工作。 You don’t have a fixed performance venue! You’ve gained some sense of security, but you haven’t yet achieved the pride of being the Boss. If you still want to climb higher, you’ll have to keep working. You're a foot soldier for a small-time mobster—making pickups and deliveries of dirty cash and "sensitive merchandise." You'll need to be quick on your feet to avoid the heat and rival punks. Work on your body skill will definitely pay off.
知名喜剧演员 Bookie
知名喜剧演员需要对自己的地盘有所了解。你永远不知道什么时候就会出一些状况要用上你的巧舌如簧,所以让自己的创造力技能不停进步。 Well-known comedians need to know something about their turf. You never know when something is going to happen or when you are better to use those talk games, so you need to keep those creative skills sharp. Make book on the dog track, horse races, and stadium games—where, one way or another, "the house" always wins. And this time "the house" is you. You never know when something may go wrong that requires some fast talking, so keep those creativity skills sharp.
喜剧高手 Con Artist
你会进行一些让观众欢呼的机械动作。每个人都会问:这是个机器人,还是个木偶?收益上升了,但是这工作需要创造性的思想和活跃众人的能力。 Run schemes, scams, and swindles—anything to separate a naïve Sim from hard-earned cash. Profits increase, but this job needs inspired thinking and the power to persuade others.
喜剧协会发起人 Getaway Driver
从小混混上升到高级角色。想成为一个发起人,你需要一些强壮的身体技能和一些机械方面的知识。但是你想要加入一些主要行动,对吗?提高你的技能让喜剧协会看看你是多么的优秀。 From two-bit crook to three-bit crook. To succeed as a driver, you'll need some strong physical skills and a mechanic's knowledge. But you want to get in on the main action, right? Work on your skills to show the boss how indispensable you are.
喜剧协会助理 Bank Robber
你是喜剧演员们的老师,有时间去生产一个全新的喜剧风格。你最好自己去尝试一些更激烈、更有挑战性的技巧。更好的大脑,肌肉和伙伴将帮助你进步。 Instead of just driving the money away, now you're inside the SimCity First National Bank when it goes down—which cuts you in for a bigger slice. But you'd like to try your hand at some sneakier, more challenging crimes. Better brains, brawn and buddies will move you up.
喜剧评审员 Cat Burglar
你的工作是评判谁更有资格呆在喜剧协会里。没有你的拍案谁都进不来。 Higher scores, but more risk involved. Suddenly you're on the night shift. You cannot afford to let physical energy flag, or you'll botch a job. Mechanical skills are handy to keep your tools in good order and some creative problem solving will help you stay out of the slammer. Your friends are coming in very handy—more can only help.
喜剧演员星探 Counterfeiter
你越来越老练了。你现在可以有自己的喜剧高手在街头进行喜剧表演了。你正在变得拥有声望,人们都来寻找你的建议。最好保持健康,也许哪天你就要进行出国旅行了。 You're getting more sophisticated. Why steal money when you and your gang can print your own? You're getting quite a reputation and people are seeking your advice. Better keep fit, you might need to do some overseas travelling soon.
喜剧老板 Smuggler
你的名片上写的是“喜剧管理”。你向人们提供想要的喜剧幽默。你带来一切的天才并以此获得大量的金钱。你的技能需要继续提高以到达这一有前途职业的顶端。 Your business card says you're in the "Import/Export" business. Let's just say you supply everything people want that the law says they cannot have. You're bringing in and sending out goods by land, sea, and air, and earning the large profits all that implies. Your skills need to be fully honed to reach the apex of this illustrious career.
喜剧大师 Criminal Mastermind
大多数的喜剧演员敬畏你。你有自己的喜剧高手和星探,可以买到任何喜剧剧本。你拥有不同凡响的喜剧文化和眼光。 In your endless pursuit to take over the world, you've learned three things: one, always dress the part, two, crime really does pay, and three, never stop to reveal your nefarious plans before you actually carry them out.
Chance Cards


Simplified Chinese String Translation English String
$Me盯上了城区街道上的人群,让自己置身于一堆银行家和富有的社会名流之间,现在是时候收获了。他选中了两个目标,剩下的就是决定是去找高个穿着细纹衣服的股票纪念人,还是带着时尚手提包和大号太阳镜的招摇的妇人。 $Me hits the crowded downtown streets and immerses himself in the steady flow of banker types and wealthy socialites, all ripe for the picking. He zeroes in on a couple of targets, and the only decision left is weather to go for the tall stockbroker in pinstripes, or the flashy woman with the designer handbag and oversized sunglasses.
股票经纪人 Stockbroker
社会名流 Socialite
$Me表演了老套的“钻墙”。他喜欢这个! $Me得到了额外的§130,钱真容易赚。 $Me pulls the old "bump and grab." Brushing up against the fat cat he deftly slips the broker's billfold out of his breast coat pocket before fading back into the faceless crowd. $Me picks up an extra §130 for the day, easy money as always.
$Me表演了老套的“钻墙”。他讨厌这个!商人要求$Me给他点钱作为看了场恶心表演的赔偿。 $Me pulls the old "bump and grab." Brushing up against the fat cat he deftly slips the broker's billfold out of his breast coat pocket before fading back into the faceless crowd. Once alone $Me opens the wallet, only to find it empty, but even worse is that it appears as though the supposed "broker" pulled the same heist on him! Duped, $Me shuffles off to a local coffee shop, having lost a day's pay.
$Me悄悄地躲在穿着时尚的妇人的身后,跟着她的步子。当他们到达一个十字路口后,那位社会名流本能地转过头来看看交通状况,这给了$Me所需的全部时间在这女人面前进行表演。这女人很明显是个喜剧演员星探,给了$Me在当地艺术学院进行独立表演的机会!$Me成为了街头喜剧演员! $Me slips in behind the designer clad woman, matching her stride. As they reach an intersection, the socialite instinctively turns her head to check for traffic, giving $Me all the time he needs to lift the woman's wallet and disappear amongst the masses. Alone in a dark alleyway $Me sorts through his take and finds a "business" card for an up-and-coming mobster. $Me gives the guy a call and talks his way into a new "business" contact, as well as one Charisma point.
$Me悄悄地躲在穿着时尚的妇人的身后,跟着她的步子。当他们到达一个十字路口后,那位社会名流本能地转过头来看看交通状况,这给了$Me所需的全部时间在这女人面前进行表演。这个女人被吓坏了,惊恐地逃走了。这有点让人失望,$Me回到了街上。 $Me slips in behind the designer clad woman, matching her stride. As they reach an intersection, the socialite instinctively turns her head to check for traffic, giving $Me all the time he needs to lift the woman's wallet and disappear amongst the masses. Alone in a dark alleyway $Me sorts through his take, finding only lipsticks and compacts. The take is disappointing, but no harm done, and $Me heads back out to the streets.


Simplified Chinese String Translation English String
作为一个街头表演喜剧演员真的很难。你永远得与许多无聊的人打交道,今天也不例外。有人给$Me难堪,说他的表演臭极了——$Me是应该还击还是继续表演呢? $Me's "employer" has him delivering an endangered SimCity canary, notoriously difficult to catch in the wild, to a well known private "collector" of rare species. $Me's been given a long list of care instructions and some packets of canary food, as well as a dozen additional deliveries on top of his normal routes. Hours into his day, he realizes that he's been neglecting the canary, and when he goes to check on it in the trunk, discovers it lying motionless at the bottom of its cage. $Me's in trouble, and can't possibly admit the truth to the parties involved. Should he lie about the circumstances surrounding the bird's death, or head to the wilderness and try to catch a replacement?
还击! Lie
继续表演 Replace
$Me朝这个恶作剧的人做出了嘲笑的鬼脸,人们完全站在他的一边!每个人都朝那个怪人发出了嘘声!今天再也赚不到钱了,但是至少$Me赢得了尊严! $Me spends the next few hours coming up with a likely story, and planning on sticking with it, heads into his mobster boss' office. $Me claims that the recent repair work on his car must have damaged the exhaust system, and that it appears as though the canary expired due to carbon monoxide poisoning. The mobster vows to get even with the repair shop, and $Me leaves her office, deciding that the fate of the implicated mechanic is out of sight and therefore out of mind.
后来发现这名嘲弄的人原来是个非常有影响力的喜剧演员星探!$Me完全被自己傻了,失去了对观众的吸引力——完全的表演失败!$Me当天损失了§500以及可观的小费! $Me spends the next few hours coming up with a likely story, and planning on sticking with it, heads into his mobster boss' office. $Me claims that the recent repair work on his car must have damaged the exhaust system, and that it appears as though the canary expired due to carbon monoxide poisoning. The mobster isn't buying a word of it though. He charges $Me §500 to replace the bird and informs him that he's on thin ice and better not mess up again.
后来发现这名嘲弄的人原来是个非常有影响力的喜剧演员星探,他正在测试 $Me作为一名演员的忍耐力。他给了$Me§1,250作为在压力下保持冷静的奖励。 $Me quickly finishes up his remaining deliveries, picks up an oversized length of netting, and heads out to the SimCity Wildlife Preserve. He traipses about in the forest for a while without seeing a single canary, but just as he's ready to throw in the towel, he spots one sitting peacefully on a low hanging branch of a nearby willow tree. A few minutes later and $Me is back on the road, canary in hand, heading to his drop off point. The collector recognizes immediately that the bird is not the same bird she arranged to purchase, but informs $Me that she actually likes his bird better. Relieved, $Me buries the expired canary and heads back into town with a §1,250 bonus.
$Me继续表演,但是他无法应付人群中的嘲笑。人们的注意力不在他身上,认为那个嘲弄的人更有娱乐性。$Me当天损失了§750和可观的小费。 $Me quickly finishes up his remaining deliveries, picks up an oversized length of netting, and heads out to the SimCity Wildlife Preserve. He traipses about in the forest for a while without seeing a single canary, but just as he's ready to throw in the towel, he spots one sitting peacefully on a low hanging branch of a nearby willow tree. A few minutes later and $Me is back on the road, canary in hand, heading to his drop off point. The collector isn't fooled for a minute--the canary she agreed to purchase was a near identical match to a bird her grandmother had kept during her youth. She forces $Me to pay for the canary's funeral arrangements, and $Me is out §750.


Simplified Chinese String Translation English String
今天来了一个流浪喜剧演员,想加入到$Me呆的地方。这对喜剧表演是个严重的威胁!$Me是应该把这个喜剧演员赶出自己的地盘,还是做个大度的人一起分享地盘呢? A few days ago one of $Me's regulars picked a long shot nag to win and ended up winning herself a couple of grand, but before she could collect, she managed to get herself into some "trouble", which led to the accidental explosion of her car. $Me has effectively inherited the money, and if he were to pocket the winnings himself no one would be the wiser, though he could also earn some street rep by splitting the winnings with his boss.
让喜剧演员出去 Keep
分享空间 Split
当这名喜剧演员不注意时,$Me在他的皮带上挂了些美味的香肠,惹得街区最贪婪的狗追着喜剧演员把他赶出了$Me的地盘!现在只有一个喜剧演员了,$Me得到了数额不菲的小费,$Me得到了§2,000! $Me figures what the family doesn't know won't hurt 'em. He writes up a fake ticket, as though he'd paid off the winnings the day before his regular met her untimely doom, hands in her paperwork as usual when the runner comes to pick it up, and goes about his business: 2,000 Simoleons richer.
当这名喜剧演员不注意时,$Me在他的皮带上挂了些美味的香肠,希望惹得街区最贪婪的狗追着喜剧演员把他赶出$Me的地盘!但是$Me不太了解,这名流浪演员也用了同样的方法把一块美味的腊肉挂到了$Me的皮带上,而现在在拐角处已经可以听见狗叫了!$Me冲了出去,以免被咬到,因此损失了1000元钱和可观的小费。 $Me figures what the family doesn't know won't hurt 'em. He writes up a fake ticket, as though he'd paid off the winnings the day before his regular met her untimely doom, hands in her paperwork as usual when the runner comes to pick it up, and goes about his business. Unfortunately, "what the family doesn't know" could fit inside an empty shell casing. $Me's boss looks through his paperwork and knows immediately that he could have never paid out the winnings in time. $Me's dragged into the back room of the 444 Club. There he turns over the two grand plus a hefty 50 percent interest penalty and is shown to the door: 1,000 Simoleons in the red.
看来两个喜剧演员比一个要好!$Me与新伙伴进行了全新的表演,人们都为这疯狂了!谁见过这个呢?这可是新发明!$Me得到了2000元的小费,并因为新的表演得到一个创造力技能点! $Me counts out the winnings and heads to the 444 Club, the base of operations for the local family's "business". He greets the doormen and is escorted to the backroom, where he explains the situation to the boss and drops a roll of 1000 simoleons in front of her. She waves her hand and in a gruff voice informs $Me that she is pleased with his loyalty. She hands the cash back to $Me and dismisses him. $Me leaves the club with §2,000 and 1 Creativity point.
$Me决定作个大度的人让流浪演员与自己一起进行演员。不幸的是,这个流浪演员完全抢走了表演,$Me像个傻子样的站着。$Me靠着同情带着些烤肉回家,但是因此失去了一个创造力技能点,真是丢人! $Me counts out the winnings and heads to the 444 Club, the base of operations for the local family's "business". He greets the doormen and is escorted to the backroom, where he explains the situation to the boss and drops a roll of 1000 simoleons in front of her. She waves her hand and in a gruff voice informs $Me that the winnings really belong to her and the family. $Me has no choice but to turn over all the winnings and lose 1 Creativity skill point.

Con Artist

Simplified Chinese String Translation English String
当$Me进行日常表演的时候,他突然有了个奇妙的想法——如果他能正确地控制自己的身体,他就可以在将来成为喜剧高手:喜剧高手2.0!他是要立刻在大家面前冒险呢,还是试过再决定呢? As of late, pickings have been thin in the con-artist racket. The Vice squad has been breathing down $Me's neck, and the consumer affairs committee has launched an aggressive television ad campaign warning would-be victims to the dangers of recent confidence schemes. $Me has a few tricks left up his sleeve though. A contact has offered him some office space that might work well as the pretext for a classic vacation time-share scam (a sure fire way to swindle the elderly out their retirement funds), or seeing as times are tough, $Me could go with the old door-to-door insurance policy scheme.
立即改变 Time-Share
验证后实行 Insurance
人们完全疯狂了!新闻立刻报道了$Me的创造力天才。今天出生的孩子都以$Me的名字来命名!这一动作成为了所有俱乐部最棒的动作,$Me带来了这一切!$Me今天得到了无数的小费,创造力技能也得到了提高! $Me opens up shop, and within an hour already has his first pair of suckers. He sells them some forged time-share paperwork, some imaginary stock in their local shopping mall, and even ends up throwing in a non-existent speed boat. When all is said and done, $Me's conned them out of §8,000. Job well-done, he closes down the store front, pockets the cash, and earns 1 Creativity point, ready to scam another day.
$Me突然表演了这个以前从没有人见过的动作。但从人们的反应来看,这个动作他们是再也不想看见了。孩子们哭着喊妈妈,老人们晕倒在街上。嘘声响遍四周。也许这就是为什么这个动作5000年来没有得到提高的原因。为什么要修正一个没有错误的东西呢?$Me失去了5000元! $Me opens up shop, and within an hour already has his first pair of suckers. He sells them some forged time-share paperwork, some imaginary stock in their local shopping mall, and even ends up throwing in a non-existent speed boat. $Me thanks the elderly couple and shows them to the door, but the couple is cagier than $Me suspected. They immediately take the paperwork to a lawyer, and the cops arrive at $Me's "office" door before he's even had time to cash the check. $Me is caught red handed and has to hire a shyster attorney to beat the 13 counts of fraud the DA has filed against him. $Me is out §5,000.
$Me按照以往的方法进行表演。幸运的是,一个有名的喜剧演员老板就在观众里,$Me吸引了她的眼球。“这是我看过最棒的喜剧技巧”,这名老板说道,“这让我感到高兴,因为我就是这技巧的发明人!”在她的帮助下,你已经被提升成为了喜剧协会发起人。 $Me sets his/her sights on the easy money of the insurance scam, and the nice thing about it is that $Me knows most insurance companies are bigger crooks than he could ever be, so he doesn't even have to feel guilty about it. Today $Me's chosen one of the more affluent areas, and has donned the guise of a fine art and antiquities appraiser, who happens to also sell expensive insurance policies. At the first door $Me approaches, he is met by a large woman in a silk robe wearing nearly a pound of heavy gold chains and rings. She sees through the scam right away, but tells $Me that her private driver has recently met an untimely end, so she's in the market for a new one. $Me accepts the position and is promoted to Getaway Driver.
平常的表演再也无法满足疲倦的观众了。“我们早就看过了”的喊声从四周爆发了出来。$Me被赶下舞台,并因为墨守陈规损失了两个创造力技能点。 Street after street, door after door, walking until he's no longer able to feel his feet, and $Me hasn't sold a single insurance policy, not a single simoleon conned. It looks like while $Me was busy refining the good old scams, the whole of SimCity got wise to them. $Me's lost his touch as well as 2 Creativity skill points.

Getaway Driver

Simplified Chinese String Translation English String
在作为喜剧协会发起人——在所有其它喜剧发起人中间时,$Me突然有了一个想法,为什么不进行疯狂的喜剧表演呢?他是应该打断会议,还是继续呆在自己的位置上呢? Speeding down inner-city streets, $Me's on the getaway and heading to the bank job team's rendezvous point. Something went wrong during the heist: $Me's car is occupied with only 3 of the 4 team members he'd dropped off before the job, and one of them is injured. Also, they only managed to make it out with 20K in hard currency. Thinking that the cops might be on to them, and therefore onto their escape route, $Me decides to change the plan, but isn't sure whether to take the turnpike or head down the narrow section of cobblestone surface streets.
喜剧高手时间! Turnpike
酷酷的表演 Surface Streets
突然,$Me站起来,表演了一个疯狂的喜剧动作!所有人都被震住了,欢呼声向自己袭来!$Me知道的下一件事情,就是所有的人都会跟着$Me的表演。小费从所有方向飞来。$Me得到了5000元和一个机械技能点。 $Me hits the gas and guns it for the turnpike, only to find that there's a small police roadblock across the on-ramp. He buckles his five-point racing harness, pulls his leather racing gloves tight and drops the hammer. They break through, but soon have a contingent of highway patrol on their tail. With nothing to lose, $Me pushes the car to its limit, weaving in and out of traffic, crossing the median, dodging spike strips, and after an hour of dangerous pursuit the cops are forced to call off the chase. In the clear, $Me heads to the rendezvous point. The team gives him a double cut of the loot, and $Me walks away with §5,000 and 1 Mechanical skill point.
突然,$Me站起来,表演了一个疯狂的喜剧动作!所有人都被震住了……但糟糕!在感到$Me是要做秀后,所有的喜剧演员都不干了,他们把$Me扔出建筑。喜剧演员老板被强烈地刺激了,感到$Me是个大麻烦。$Me被踢出了喜剧协会……失去了工作! $Me hits the gas and guns it for the turnpike, only to find that there's a small police roadblock across the on-ramp. He buckles his five-point racing harness, pulls his leather racing gloves tight and drops the hammer. They break through, but soon have a contingent of highway patrol on their tail. With nothing to lose, $Me pushes the car to its limit, weaving in and out of traffic, crossing the median, and dodging spike strips, but after a few hours of hot pursuit the engine sputters and dies, out of gas. $Me and the rest of the crew vanish over the guard rails and into the surrounding city, but are forced to abandon the merchandise and the car. $Me makes it out safely, but nobody wants to hire a getaway driver who can't get away. $Me has lost his job.
在这么多的发起人当中,$Me决定继续装酷。突然,他的一名演员朋友让大家把注意力放到了自己的身上!$Me被拖到了舞台的前面,听着“成为喜剧偶像”和“为喜剧偶像欢呼”的声音。$Me做出了有生以来最完美的表演。人们都对他的表演风格大加赞赏,$Me被提升为喜剧协会助理! Already halfway through the intersection, $Me pulls the parking brake, skids through the turn, nearly hitting a baby carriage, goes through a stand of watermelons, and rumbles right over a fishmonger's wooden cart. He hits the windshield wipers to clear the watermelon rinds and fish carcasses, and checks his rearview mirror. The cops are nowhere to be seen. $Me and the team of bank robbers drive off towards the horizon and the rendezvous point. The crew is impressed, and seeing that they lost one of their members during the heist, they ask $Me if he'd like to try it for "real" next time. $Me accepts and is promoted to Bank Robber.
$Me决定继续呆在聚光灯外面好一些。突然,他的一名演员朋友让大家把注意力放到了自己的身上!$Me被拖到了舞台的前面,听着“成为喜剧偶像”和“为喜剧偶像欢呼”的声音,$Me被压力打败了,作出了有生以来最失败的表演。嘘声响遍四周。喜剧演员老板决定他不再适合喜剧协会。$Me被降职为喜剧高手并失去了一点机械技能点! Already halfway through the intersection, $Me skids through the turn, nearly hitting a baby carriage, goes through a stand of watermelons, and rumbles right over a fishmonger's wooden cart. He hits the windshield wipers to clear the watermelon rinds and fish carcasses, but as he looks down an alleyway, a large garbage truck pulls out in front of him. Unable to stop in time, $Me pulls the parking brake and skids into the back of the truck. The three bank robbers are knocked unconscious. $Me frees himself from the wreckage and drags one of the robbers from the passenger seat into the driver's seat, before skirting the garbage truck and disappearing into the crowd. The cops converge and sort out the criminals from the rest of the garbage, but $Me loses 1 Mechanical skill point and is demoted back to Con Artist.

Bank Robber

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$Me有个特别麻烦的学生从来没有在传统的喜剧技巧上有所提高。$Me是应该给这个学生看一些极度秘密的喜剧动作,还是就此不理睬这个学生? During the final set-up meeting for the upcoming heist, $Me is informed that a member of the team has been taken ill and won't be coming with them, but that the job will go down as planned. New roles are discussed, and some of the more experienced members of the team will be forced to pick up some of the slack, but it's left up to $Me whether he wants to be a lookout in charge of crowd control or if he'd rather help out the demolitions expert with cracking the bank vault.
泄露秘密 Look-out
不理睬他 Vault
在一个黑暗的教室中,$Me向这个学生展示了一些自己这些年来发展的秘密的喜剧动作。这名学生开始的时候比较怀疑,但不久就变得兴奋,并在喜剧上得到了重大的突破!喜剧演员老板注意到$Me对学生毫不保留的传授,提升他为喜剧评审员! The heist appears to be going as planned, and with all the customers and staff obeying orders, $Me has some free time on his hands, so he decides to do a little browsing of the customers' own personal belongings. $Me suddenly comes to the realization that stealing from other Sims is much easier and far less dangerous than robbing banks. Once the job is done, and the group is in the clear, $Me announces to the other members his intentions to move on to bigger and better things, thusly promoting himself to Cat Burglar.
在一个黑暗的教室中,$Me向这个学生展示了一些自己这些年来发展的秘密的喜剧动作。但不幸的是,这些技巧因为某种原因是被禁止传授的,而这名学生向其他人展示了这些动作。这可引起了大麻烦和无尽的伤害,这让这名学生花了两周的时间才能处理完一切。喜剧演员老板发现$Me要为此负责,罚了他15000元。 The heist appears to be going as planned, and with all the customers and staff obeying orders, $Me has some free time on his hands, so he decides to do a little browsing of the customers' own personal belongings. He pockets a few necklaces and a decent sized wad of cash, but while he's busy acting like a kid in a candy store, the bank manager has "managed" to hit the silent alarm, and the SWAT team has surrounded the building. Outnumbered, and facing superior fire power, $Me and his accomplices are forced to give themselves up. $Me loses §15,000 in bail and lawyers' fees.
$Me只是让这个学生自己去发呆,但是不久以后发现这名学生只是想要有一些自己的空间来发展特别的喜剧技巧。这名学生后来成为了班上最棒的,喜剧演员老板奖励了$Me10000元! The team goes into motion. $Me and the demolitions expert move to the elevator and on down to the vault. All $Me has to do is set a few charges, keep track of a few wires, and then let the expert handle the rest. Once everything is set, they back up to a safe distance and blow the vault door. $Me steps inside and packs up the bearer bonds they came for, but also finds a nice stack of unmarked simoleons in one of the low security locker boxes. $Me decides that the unmarked bills should be their own little secret, hazard pay for having to work with explosives and all. They split the loot and $Me takes home an extra §10,000.
$Me没理睬这名学生,但后来证明这名学生是组织中最有权势的喜剧老板的孩子!因为被不负责的教学所激怒,这名喜剧演员老板把$Me扔出了喜剧协会的窗户,掉在了地上。$Me失去了工作和两个身体技能点。 The team goes into motion. The vault poses no problem, and in minutes they're in and have packed up the bearer bonds they'd come to steal. On the way out, $Me pockets a stack of simoleons, but keeps them to herself for a little extra "hazard" pay. Halfway to the rendezvous point the getaway car is suddenly surrounded by patrol cars, and the leader of the job knows something must be up. He grabs $Me's bag and finds the stack of marked bills, as well as the radio transmitter it contains. Before $Me knows what's hit her, the getaway car has swung into a dark alley, and $Me is thrown out of the moving car. $Me loses her job and 2 Body skill points.

Cat Burglar

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在$Me的每周协会天才搜索会上,$Me看见了一名极具天才的喜剧演员。很明显,这名演员可以让$Me赚到钱,但也会带来竞争。$Me是应该接受这名天才,还是让他去大街上呢? Inside the SimCity Museum of Metropolitan Art, $Me is on the hunt for a world famous diamond currently on display, but he's hit a bit of a snag . . . laser beams, and close to a dozen of them. $Me hates laser beams, but is committed to acquiring the diamond, as he has a very eager buyer waiting in the wings. He could flex some muscle and go for an acrobatic approach, or he could try using the new suction-cup crossbow, recently voted "the preferred tool of Cat Burglars everywhere" by the SimCity local 709 Burglar's Union.
接受 Acrobatics
让他走 Cross-Bow
$Me决定让这名升起的喜剧明星加入到协会里,并教给了他很多技巧。正如预料的一样,新来的成员是个天才,在喜剧演员排行榜上迅速提升。$Me因为找到了新天才而得到了20000元,并因为教授私人喜剧课程而成为了喜剧演员老板,这还让自己得到了一个身体技能点! Flipping and twisting through the conveniently criss-crossed laser beams, $Me executes a gold medal caliber floor routine. He also wonders briefly why laser security systems always seem to be set up with gaps in them, instead of just making an impenetrable wall with the beams, but he decides not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Having earned 1 Body skill point, $Me retrieves the diamond, makes a hasty retreat, and fences the ice for a cool §20,000.
$Me决定让这名升起的喜剧明星加入到协会里,并教给了他很多技巧。不幸的是,他完全不理睬$Me的努力,并要求进行喜剧决斗!$Me必须而且当然的接受了——决斗持续了数个小时。最后以平局结束。$Me过度消耗了自己,失去了两个身体技能点! $Me catapults himself into action, but midway through his floor routine he stumbles through a back half spring, triggering the museum's alarm and smashing into the glass display case. The security cage drops around the diamond, and $Me only nearly avoids being crushed beneath it. He has just enough time to smash through a window and leap the two stories down into the garden below. It's a long drop, and $Me doesn't stick the landing. He crashes into a manicured shrub in the shape of a llama, but manages to drag himself away under cover of darkness, keeping his freedom, but losing 2 Body skill points.
$Me决定不理睬这名升起的明星,让他去大街上。所有的工作都不错,而且不久就发现这名演员其实是个喜剧间谍,想要搞垮喜剧协会!$Me因为避免了威胁而得到了20000元,并因为教授私人喜剧课程而成为了喜剧演员老板,这也让自己得到了两个机械技能点。 $Me readies the suction cup crossbow and attaches its flexible retractable cable. He surveys the lattice of security beams, and wonders only briefly why the lasers around important artifacts aren't ever simply installed in an impenetrable row. $Me finds a decent path for the glass display case to pass through and takes aim with the crossbow. He scores a direct hit on the display case and with a quick flick of his wrist has the glass box, and the diamond, in hand. $Me earns 2 Mechanical skill points and makes a stealthy retreat. The ice sells for a cool 20,000 simoleons, and $Me sends a note to the Burglar's Union singing the praise of the suction cup crossbow.
一切不太好。在被开除出喜剧协会后,这名新星自己导演了一出棒极了的喜剧,不久成为了城市中最被认可的明星。因为自私而放弃了天才的$Me被扔出了喜剧协会的窗户。$Me失去了工作,并因为违反协会的原则而被罚了5000元。 $Me readies the suction cup crossbow and attaches its flexible retractable cable. He steadies himself, aims for the glass display case containing the diamond, and fires. The shot scores on the case, but as he yanks the case back through the latticework of security beams, he misses his mark and triggers the museum's alarm system. Steel grates descend from the ceiling covering every window and door. Trapped like a rat, $Me can only fondle the famous stone and wait for the fuzz to arrive. He's taken down to the station and charged with attempted burglary, a relatively minor rap. He gets off with a §5,000 fine, but makes the decision to retire from the life of crime, for the moment.


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$Me已经发现了一名真的很棒的喜剧天才,但是不幸的是也有其它的喜剧演员星探看上了这块肥肉。$Me是应该用一些伟大的前程和空头承诺还是简单地使用金钱来吸引天才呢? $Me's just finished a run of counterfeit simoleons printed with a near perfect reproduction of the treasury's updated watermark, but truth be told, $Me's now got so much funny money he's not exactly sure what to do with it. He could use the cash to grease a few political palms with the hopes of impressing SimCity's Criminal Mastermind, The Llama Queen, or he could pull out all the stops and try to launder the simoleons, and keep them all for himself.
大声讲出来 Bribe
花些钱 Launder
$Me认真的与这个人好好地谈了谈,并设法让天才加入了团队。喜剧演员老板认为$Me真的具有领导才能可以加入他们的行列。$Me成为了喜剧演员老板! $Me packs a briefcase, arranges some meetings with a few local politicians and lobbyists, and sets forth providing the grease that keeps the political (and criminal) gears turning. Almost immediately the cops and the District Attorney's office turn down the heat on much of the Llama Queen's "business" operations. $Me drops the Llama Queen a line and casually mentions his own recent exploits. The criminal mastermind is impressed and asks $Me if he'd be willing to take on some more important tasks, working directly for her. $Me agrees and is promoted to Smuggler.
天才看来不容易被$Me的花言巧语所迷惑,还进入了对手的团队中,这在城市中掀起了一场喜剧风暴。另一个团队完全压过了$Me的团队,还抢走了所有的赚钱机会。$Me可怜的技能让他的老板失去了信心,把他降为喜剧评审员。 $Me packs a briefcase, arranges some meetings with a few local politicians and lobbyists, and sets forth providing the grease that keeps the political (and criminal) gears turning. Everything goes well, but while $Me's out on the town showing some civil servants and police a good time, the vice squad raids his base of operations and clears out all his equipment. $Me's played it smart and made sure that no part of the counterfeit ring could possibly be traced back to him, but without his elaborate equipment $Me has no choice but to go back to being a Cat Burglar. $Me has been demoted.
$Me抽出了一把钞票,作为天才加入的回报。喜剧老板看到$Me采用的好方法可以让大家团结起来,决定奖励他50000元。 $Me packs his briefcase and heads down to the Laundromat. He washes and dries the cash along with a rack of poker chips and some dirt, making sure to set the industrial dryer to "air fluff", and when all's said and done, the two loads of "unmentionables" are undetectable as being anything but good old regular well-circulated simoleons. $Me packs the briefcase once again and heads back to his base of operations, 50,000 simoleons richer.
$Me给了天才一笔25000元的现金引诱他加入。不幸的是,另一伙人用更好的价格和美味的免费午餐为条件签下了他。天才加入了另一团队,还带走了$Me的金钱! $Me packs his briefcase and heads down to the Laundromat. He washes and dries the cash along with a rack of poker chips and some dirt, making sure to set the industrial dryer to 'air fluff', but midway through the 'delicate' cycle the counterfeit cash clogs up the vents of the industrial strength dryer. $Me goes for the power cord, but the dryer bursts into flames, and chaos ensues. The Laundromat owners begin screaming and hitting the dryer with brooms, which also catch fire, then the adjacent dryers burst into flames. Soon a fire truck is on the scene, and shortly thereafter so are the police detectives. All of $Me's counterfeit Simoleons have been destroyed, but unable to explain the charred currency and generally suspicious circumstances of the fire, $Me bites the bullet and pays off the cops, the firemen, and the Laundromat owners to the grand total of §25,000.


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当$Me在喜剧实验室里做研究时,突然发现一本覆盖着灰尘的古代书籍。$Me以前看过这本书的封面 ——它里面有一些封禁的喜剧神秘技巧!$Me曾经听说过使用这本书的力量是非常危险的,但是,$Me是应该把这本书的魔力给自己的喜剧团队还是让它继续留在图书馆的黑暗中呢? $Me's personally handling the sale of a large amount of imported "merchandise", and the deal is going down in a deserted warehouse down by the river. The purchasing party arrives and lays a briefcase down on a low stack of crates. $Me places his own steel briefcase next to it, but as he goes to open them the warehouse is racked by an explosion. The Vice squad has stormed the warehouse, and there is smoke and confusion everywhere. $Me could try to make his escape in the waiting speedboat, or hit the deck and sneak around to the front entrance under cover of darkness.
放出魔力 Speedboat
把它放好 Sneak out
$Me把自己团队召集起来,在他们面前打开了书,放出了里面的神秘魔力。整个团队开始进行疯狂的喜剧动作,这些动作以前从没有人见过!团队在城市中表演了好几个小时,得到了难以想像的小费。$Me自己得到了50000元,自己的团队因为魔力而得到更多。 $Me breaks for the speedboat and dives behind a stack of crates. He knocks over a tower of oil drums on top of a few unsuspecting cops, doubles back for his briefcase, and discovers that his own briefcase and the briefcase full of cash have both been left behind. $Me takes both and jumps into the speedboat just as his right hand man is swinging the boat around. He throws down the throttle, and he and $Me make a clean getaway with their original merchandise AND the briefcase full of cash. $Me tosses his henchman a cut, but keeps §50,000 for himself.
$Me把自己团队召集起来,在他们面前打开了书,放出了里面的神秘魔力。书炸开了,$Me失去了一个身体技能点。更糟的是,喜剧大师发现$Me抢走了他的职责!$Me被解雇了! $Me grabs his merchandise and makes a break for the speedboat, but out of nowhere a forklift sends a towering stack of oil drums down on top of him, and he's knocked to the ground in the avalanche of tumbling Pleistocene cylinders. $Me loses 1 Body skill point, and upon being apprehended is forced to turn state's witness in order to keep himself from doing any hard time. $Me rats out his business associates, but in doing so effectively ends his own life of crime. $Me has lost his job.
$Me决定也许标准的技巧是最好的。他把书放回到书架上,然后回到了自己的职责上。不久后,$Me听说另一个喜剧演员老板看到了同样的一本书,结果使自己的喜剧团队烧成了三度烧伤。$Me因此从喜剧大师那得到了奖励,总共是55000元。 $Me hits the deck and crawls towards a stack of shipping crates. He wrenches a stained black drop cloth out from under one of the boxes and covers himself with it. In all the smoke and confusion, not a single officer notices $Me, or rather, the quickly moving hump of cloth. He doubles back for his briefcase and discovers that his own briefcase AND the briefcase full of cash have both been left behind. $Me takes them both and sneaks out a side door still under the drop cloth. He slips down into the shallows beneath the docks 55,000 Simoleons richer.
$Me决定也许标准的技巧是最好的。他把书放回到书架上,并回到自己的职责上。不幸的是,$Me的喜剧团队已经赚钱想疯了,同时也为了讨好喜剧大师。喜剧演员老板决定冒险。而停滞意味着失败,也就是说,失败意味着失去工作,$Me被开除了! $Me hits the deck and crawls towards a stack of shipping crates. He wrenches a stained black drop cloth out from under one of the boxes and covers himself with it. In all the smoke and confusion, not a single officer notices $Me, or rather, the quickly moving hump of cloth. But as he makes it out the door, he realizes he hasn't thought quite far enough in advance, as the building is surrounded by SWAT vans and squad cars. $Me gives himself up willingly, and turns state's witness in order to keep himself from doing any time. He rats out his business associate, but in doing so has effectively ended his own life of crime. $Me has lost his job.

Criminal Mastermind

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有消息说,$Me的一个最有前途的喜剧演员老板要接替他的位置成为喜剧大师!他是应该把这个不顺从的喜剧演员开除出喜剧王国,还是保留些怜悯给他第二次机会呢? There's a new superhero in town, and she's been giving $Me's henchmen a difficult time. $Me could attempt to capture the superhero and place her in an elaborate mechanism that when left to its own devices would invariably cause her slow and complex demise, or he could focus his attention on the "Doomsday Device" he's building, with the hopes of completing it and following through with his plans to hold SimCity for ransom.
解雇他! Capture
怜悯 Doomsday
$Me解雇了这名喜剧演员,结果表明这名不顺从的演员已经有了一批支持者。但是,看到$Me的铁腕力量后,他们都道歉并请求原谅,这让他得到了一笔55000元的资金! $Me lures the misguided superhero with an animatronic cat stuck in a tree, equipped with a high density noxious gas emitter. The superhero falls for it hook, line, and sinker, and awakens hours later within $Me's secret lair. $Me places her in an elaborate hourglass contraption designed to look as though it was attached to a section of railroad, and in a confusing array of electrical and mechanical timers, it begins to count down the superhero's eventual doom. The hero pleads for mercy and breaks down in tears, explaining that her alter ego is a successful business mogul. She promises to give $Me anything he wants, and feeling merciful, $Me asks only for §55,000 and for the pathetic crime fighter to never show her face in SimCity again.
$Me解雇了这名演员,但不久就证明这是个错误!很明显谣言是个误解。而被解雇的喜剧演员老板也在愤怒中离开了组织,这导致了很大一笔利润的损失,这笔钱要从可怜的$Me口袋里掏出来。$Me损失了20000元! $Me lures the misguided superhero with an animatronic cat stuck in a tree, equipped with a high density noxious gas emitter. The superhero falls for it hook, line, and sinker, and awakens hours later within $Me's secret lair. $Me places her in an elaborate hourglass contraption designed to look as though it was attached to a section of railroad, and in a confusing array of electrical and mechanical timers, it begins to count down the superhero's eventual doom. Confident in his mechanism, $Me leaves the sobbing superhero alone and goes about his business. But miraculously the crime fighter manages to free herself and wreak havoc throughout $Me's secret compound. She eventually fights her way free, but the damage is done, and the necessary repairs cost $Me §20,000.
$Me决定给这名可能的不服从的喜剧演员老板第二次机会。这被证明是个明智的决定。结果表明,他从未策划过阴谋,而且还支持$Me的荣誉!作为回报,所有的老板都给$Me一笔60000元的资金。 $Me sends his top men to the SimCity nuclear power facility and sets them on draining the reactor core of all of its nuclear material, providing him with the power he needs to finish the doomsday device. He also unleashes his giant robot on the city, which succeeds in occupying the easily distracted superhero long enough for $Me to get his doomsday device up and running. $Me contacts the leaders of SimCity and outlines the capabilities of his Doomsday Device. He then demands the immediate payment of §60,000 and the release of certain political missionaries wrongly dubbed as criminals, and the politicians have no choice but to agree to his demands.
$Me决定给这名可能的不服从的喜剧演员老板第二次机会,但政变发生了。$Me无法控制组织,结果造成了极大的混乱需要清理。$Me没有其它选择,只有付出30000元作为修理总部的费用。 $Me calls his top henchmen together and they head to the SimCity nuclear power facility with designs on draining the reactor core of all of its nuclear material, and providing the power $Me needs to finish his doomsday device. Unfortunately, the do-gooder crime fighter somehow gets wind of $Me's plans, and manages to show up and spoil the day. She takes out all of $Me's top henchmen, some of them getting knocked out together by a single punch, and $Me has no choice but to abandon the operation and leave his minions behind. $Me escapes safely back to his secret lair, but has to fork out §30,000 for a whole new set of minions.

Teen/Elder Stage (0x7FCC33D4)

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喜剧模仿者 Street Hawker
最重要的事情是要有个模仿对像。一个好的街头喜剧模仿者应当外形不惹人注意,而且可以在不被关注的情况下进入模仿。模仿是一种简单的喜剧技巧,能让市民轻易到掌握入门诀窍。 The important thing to remember when hawking other aspiring criminals' hot goods is to stay under the radar. A good street hawker keeps a low profile and only flashes the goods to customers away from the ever-watchful eyes of the fuzz. Keep the profits high and the merchandise intact, and try to get in good with one of the local bosses higher up in the food chain.
喜剧学徒 Numbers Runner
现在你已经进入当地的一个喜剧家族,他们会让你一天天地掌握到这一内容的所有细节。你可以按照街头喜剧进行表演,并希望能抓住一个大师的目光,学习新的喜剧技巧。 Now you're in with a local "family" and they've trusted you with the day to day activities of a small part of the business. You toil in the seedy underbelly of the SimCity racetrack, crunching numbers and helping to set odds for the day's races. It's not glamorous, but it pays the bills.
喜剧新手 Pickpocket
入门级的小丑,但你是自己的老板。敏捷和灵活的速度明显很重要。如果你打算干得更好的话,那么一定的创造力也是有帮助的。 Entry-level two-bit thief—but you are your own boss. Dexterity and physical speed are obviously important. A certain amount of creativity is helpful, too, if you are going to distract those marks while you dip into their pockets.
Chance Cards

Street Hawker

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$Me发现本地的一个喜剧演员总是可以表演得让人赏心悦目。$Me被周围的人所打动,想靠近些更好地观看。在看的时候,$Me突然有一种想要模仿的冲动。$Me是应该模块喜剧演员还是拒绝这种诱惑呢? The "cheap imitation industry" is a cutthroat one in SimCity, and $Me's turf has been overtaken by the local underground retail mafia. Displaced, he is left to scout out some new territory. Should $Me risk getting busted at a high-profile spot in the ritzy shopping district, or should he choose a street corner closer to the town's farming outskirts?
模仿 Ritzy Shops
观看 Farms
$Me无法抑制模仿的诱惑。$Me的手臂和双腿都伸展开机械地模仿演员的一举一动。人们注意到$Me,给了他更多的关注。喜剧演员停下来看$Me的表演,并注意到他有潜质。喜剧演员给了$Me一个学徒的身份! $Me won't relegate himself to a life of rustic panhandling. He brazenly sets up "shop" on a busy street corner in the shopping district, and immediately begins to use his charm and sense of style to romance shoppers and passersby. Remarkably, $Me becomes a part of the landscape: shoppers expect to see him, and they leave convinced they have purchased quality merchandise from him. A local crime boss notices $Me's inherent skill and skyrocketing profits, and offers $Me a job as a Numbers Runner at the racetrack.
$Me无法抑制模仿的诱惑。$Me的手臂和双腿都伸展开机械地模仿演员的一举一动。人们注意到$Me,给了他更多的关注。喜剧演员看了看$Me后变得非常生气,因为他抢走了观众的注意力。喜剧演员开始表演一些更高级的喜剧技巧,$Me根本无法模仿。$Me崩溃了,决定退出,不再做个喜剧模仿者。 $Me likes to consider himself an "upscale vendor for the masses," and he decides to work his magic on the streets outside SimCity's biggest department store. Business is decent for a while—but when $Me sells a stolen watch to a policewoman's son, things get ugly pretty fast. $Me is arrested and charged with a misdemeanor, and he is ordered to keep off the streets for two months. $Me's "employers" decide he's not worth the risk, and $Me is fired.
$Me决定抑制住模仿的诱惑,只是站在前面看着喜剧演员的表演。喜剧演员注意到$Me有趣的表情,决定用他来进行自己的表演。$Me只是站在演员的身边。因为不错的表现,$Me得到了800元作为回报! $Me chooses a slower spot in town where he can evade the fuzz and sucker a few of the more "rustic" cityfolk. The first week's sales are dismal—the folks round those parts just don't want "Genuine Imitation Simex" Watches. But $Me's luck changes when a large conglomerate buys up the local farms and transforms them into a consumer's paradise—hundreds of stores, 53 movie screens, and an indoor amusement park! $Me's sales surge, and he earns a cool §800 in profits.
$Me决定抑制住模仿的诱惑,只是站在前面看着喜剧演员的表演。喜剧演员注意到$Me有趣的表情,决定让他加入自己的表演。$Me第一次加入表演,完全把表演弄糟了。人们发出了嘘声,决定让$Me赔偿表演失败的损失。$Me损失了500元。 Setting up a cheap watch operation next to a FARMING neighborhood?! What was $Me thinking?? The only pedestrians coming $Me's way are on huge tractors—and something tells him that they won't go for a "Genuine Imitation Simex" watch. To add insult to injury, $Me is repeatedly harassed by local farmhands, and $Me can't do anything about it since he's "beyond the law". Eventually, $Me is chased away, and he loses his §500 investment in his merchandise.

Numbers Runner

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$Me的日常工作是在主人工作时收取小费,但是今天他真的很想加入表演。他是应该进行表演呢,还是不理睬这种感觉呢? Day after day, $Me toils in the seedy underbelly of the SimCity racetrack, crunching numbers and helping to set odds for the day's races. It's not glamorous, but it pays the bills. One day, $Me receives a hot tip from an insider—Lucky Go Pika, commonly a last-place horse, has been doing extremely well in warmups. Should $Me try and place a bet under the table, or should he pass up this opportunity?
加入表演 Place the Bet
不理睬 Pass It Up
$Me提出了申请,并最终打动了他的主人。表演成为了标准演出的一部分,$Me得到了100元的奖金! $Me places a modest bet for Lucky Go Pika under a pseudonym—at impressive 17:1 odds. Inside betting may be frowned upon, but all's fair in love and racing! Several hours later, $Me watches the featured race anxiously . . . "Velocirooster is leading the pack... this looks like a done deal . . . but wait! Lucky Go Pika comes out of nowhere to take the lead!!" Against amazing odds, $Me's horse wins—and he collects a tidy §400 in winnings.
$Me决定自己去加入演出,结果却是悲惨的。$Me的主人认定他不适合进行喜剧表演,并罚了100元作为小费的损失。 $Me places a modest bet for Lucky Go Pika under a clever pseudonym—who would suspect innocent $Me of insider betting? He watches anxiously as the race begins, and is ecstatic to see the prediction come true—Lucky Go Pika emerges as the victor of a very tight race. $Me is so excited that he doesn't notice that his boss is in the room when he helps himself to those winnings. $Me is demoted for dishonesty—hey, even crooks have standards—and he loses his §100 bet.
$Me认为自己并没有为表演准备好,并将这个告诉了主人。他为$Me而欢呼,并称赞他的忍耐力。$Me因为自己对形势的正确判断而得到一个魅力技能点。 $Me's boss has strongly discouraged his employees from cheating, lest the fuzz ever come and discover their "shady" business practices. $Me takes the high road and passes up the opportunity. As it turns out, it was a bum tip—Lucky Go Pika looks lethargic out of the gate and never even makes it to the finish line (poor thing)! $Me discovers that the "informant" was actually an inside guy, trying to sniff out any bad seeds in the organization - and they're impressed with $Me. He gains 1 Charisma point for his demonstration of integrity.
$Me认为自己并没有为表演准备好,并将这个告诉了主人。主人完全理解了这一切,并给了$Me一些时间和空间提升自己。 $Me likes his job, and decides not to risk its security with a poorly placed bet. He watches the race with an interested eye, hoping that the tip was wrong—but as promised, Lucky Go Pika sends the rest of his competition packing. Worse yet, $Me finds out that some of his coworkers got wind of the tip and did quite well—guess all's fair in love and racing. $Me hasn't lost anything, but his cautiousness may have cost him quite a bit in racetrack winnings.


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$Me盯上了城区街道上的人群,让自己置身于一堆银行家和富有的社会名流之间,现在是时候收获了。他选中了两个目标,剩下的就是决定是去找高个穿着细纹衣服的股票纪念人,还是带着时尚手提包和大号太阳镜的招摇的妇人。 $Me hits the crowded downtown streets and immerses himself in the steady flow of banker types and wealthy socialites, all ripe for the picking. He zeroes in on a couple of targets, and the only decision left is weather to go for the tall stockbroker in pinstripes, or the flashy woman with the designer handbag and oversized sunglasses.
股票经纪人 Stockbroker
社会名流 Socialite
$Me表演了老套的“钻墙”。他喜欢这个! $Me得到了额外的§130,钱真容易赚。 $Me pulls the old "bump and grab." Brushing up against the fat cat he deftly slips the broker's billfold out of his breast coat pocket before fading back into the faceless crowd. $Me picks up an extra §130 for the day, easy money as always.
$Me表演了老套的“钻墙”。他讨厌这个!商人要求$Me给他点钱作为看了场恶心表演的赔偿。 $Me pulls the old "bump and grab." Brushing up against the fat cat he deftly slips the broker's billfold out of his breast coat pocket before fading back into the faceless crowd. Once alone $Me opens the wallet, only to find it empty, but even worse is that it appears as though the supposed "broker" pulled the same heist on him! Duped, $Me shuffles off to a local coffee shop, having lost a day's pay.
$Me悄悄地躲在穿着时尚的妇人的身后,跟着她的步子。当他们到达一个十字路口后,那位社会名流本能地转过头来看看交通状况,这给了$Me所需的全部时间在这女人面前进行表演。这女人很明显是个喜剧演员星探,给了$Me在当地艺术学院进行独立表演的机会!$Me成为了街头喜剧演员! $Me slips in behind the designer clad woman, matching her stride. As they reach an intersection, the socialite instinctively turns her head to check for traffic, giving $Me all the time he needs to lift the woman's wallet and disappear amongst the masses. Alone in a dark alleyway $Me sorts through his take and finds a "business" card for an up-and-coming mobster. $Me gives the guy a call and talks his way into a new "business" contact, as well as one Charisma point.
$Me悄悄地躲在穿着时尚的妇人的身后,跟着她的步子。当他们到达一个十字路口后,那位社会名流本能地转过头来看看交通状况,这给了$Me所需的全部时间在这女人面前进行表演。这个女人被吓坏了,惊恐地逃走了。这有点让人失望,$Me回到了街上。 $Me slips in behind the designer clad woman, matching her stride. As they reach an intersection, the socialite instinctively turns her head to check for traffic, giving $Me all the time he needs to lift the woman's wallet and disappear amongst the masses. Alone in a dark alleyway $Me sorts through his take, finding only lipsticks and compacts. The take is disappointing, but no harm done, and $Me heads back out to the streets.