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The Neverhood

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Title Screen

The Neverhood

Also known as: The Neverhood Chronicles (Title Screen), Klaymen Klaymen: Neverhood no Nazo (JP)
Developer: The Neverhood, Inc.
Publishers: DreamWorks Interactive (US), Riverhillsoft (JP)
Platforms: Windows, PlayStation
Released in JP: April 23, 1998 (PlayStation)
Released in US: October 31, 1996 (Windows)

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

To do:
A couple more unused graphics. Also lots of codes that need to be documented (in English, since the page itself is in Russian).

What happens when you give the makers of Earthworm Jim way too much free time, a camera and some clay? You get The Neverhood, a point-and-click game almost entirely made out of clay. Even the cursor is clay.

While The Neverhood was not quite successful in its initial release, becoming abandonware, it has since become a cult classic among gamers in Europe during the 2000's and has since been highly sought after by many 90's PC gamers.


Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Debug Passwords

Normally, these passwords are stored as hashes within the executable and thus cannot be retrieved normally. However, efforts have been made to reverse this hashing, allowing the discovery of the following passwords.

Developer Mode

Enter the cheat ahourprofs, then press the Enter key to activate it. This will enable the following keys:

  • F1 - Pauses animation.
  • F2 - Advances paused animation by 1 frame. Hold to slowly advance continuously.
  • F3 - Slows down the animation by half.
  • F4 - Returns the normal speed of the game, after the previous keys.
  • F5 - Show / Hide object positions.
  • F6 - Show / Hide object positions and menu buttons.
  • F7 - Show / Hide HIT_FLOOR areas.
  • F8 - Show / Hide active areas.
  • F9 - Show / Hide layers for a scene.
  • F10 - Open the game's menu bar (as if it were in windowed mode).
  • F11 - Show / hide areas with animation.
  • F12 - Take a screenshot, which will be saved as "Neverhood ###. Bmp", where ### is a number from 001 to 999.

Level Select


First, enter one of the following codes, followed by pressing the Enter key:


Then, enter the cheat chatterpops, then press Enter. After that, open up the main menu and click on the very top of the screen.

(Source: -=CHE@TER=-, nbduckman, Blaizerazer)

Skip Videos

Enter the cheat skipper, then press the Enter key to activate it. This overrides the configuration of all videos, allowing you to skip them in one of the following ways:

  • Press Space bar to jump to the next scene (or end the video if there isn't any next scene);
  • Press Escape to access the Options Menu (option "resume playing" ends the video).

Unused Graphic


A rejected version of Willie's house, likely because it was too blurry for use.

Regional Differences

A PlayStation port was produced exclusively for the Japanese market and introduced several changes. Some made the gameplay more enjoyable, while some were made to accommodate the PlayStation's weaker hardware.

Hardware Accommodations

  • The resolution was halved from 640x480 to 320x240. Videos were compressed and have worse audio as a result.
  • There are short loading screens in-between each room. The current music restarts from the beginning every time a new room is entered. Loading specific animations will cause the music to restart as well (e.g. Klaymen falling into the mouth of the flytrap and being spit out)
  • The cursor was made larger.
  • The music doesn't loop properly. Some songs, like "Dum Da Dum Doi Doi", don't even loop at all.

Gameplay Improvements

  • Klaymen's animations (and the sound effects that accompany them) play at about twice their original speed, making his walking speed significantly faster. This applies to the overworld as well.
  • The player can read new letters from Willie without having to return to the mailroom.
  • Pickup objects are greatly enlarged, making them easier to see.

Neverhood-HallOfRecordsJP-1.png Neverhood-HallOfRecordsJP-2.png Neverhood-HallOfRecordsJP-3.png

  • The infamously long Hall of Records was shortened considerably. The text was erased as well.

Additional Changes

International Japan

The developer logo from Skullmonkeys was used in place of the original.

"Klaymen Klaymen: The Mystery of the Neverhood"

After "The Neverhood Chronicles" intro finishes, the player is taken to a main menu. The international version immediately starts a new game.

An additional intro was added, which shows a clip of Klogg, followed by a letter from him.

Japanese Translation

お前もかつてのネバーフッドの王ホボーグのようになりたいんだな。 ネバーフッドの世界はすでにこの俺様が作り変えてしまったのだ。 この世界をとりもどす勇気があったら俺様のいる国王の間までやってこい! 

支配者 クロッグより
Hmph,you dare to challenge me, Klogg?

You want meet the same fate as Hoborg, the former ruler of the Neverhood, don't you? I'm the one who reconstructed the entire world of the Neverhood. If you have the courage to regain this world to its former glory, you must come to my throne room!

Klogg, The Ruler
International Japan
Neverhood-BeginningNA.png Neverhood-BeginningJP.png

Tutorial messages were added to the beginning of the game.

International Japan
Neverhood-PauseMenuNA.png Neverhood-PauseMenuJP.png

The pause menu is vastly different between regions.

Other Changes

  • The cutscene where Klaymen belches for an entire minute was removed, so picking a third fruit from the mushroom tree will repeat the second belch instead.
  • When Willie feeds the key through the video monitor, the color of the key is mint blue in the PC version, despite being tan brown when lying on the floor. The PlayStation version of this cutscene changed the key's color to brown to keep it consistent. This ended up turning the shadow brown as well.
  • At the end of the game, when the player is given the choice between placing the crown on Hoborg's head or Klaymen's, the cursor turns into a crown on the PlayStation version. In the PC version, the cursor remains unchanged.
  • A sound test was introduced.
  • The "making of" video was removed, so a behind the scenes feature was included in the instruction manual instead.
  • The end credits have a few extra slides to credit the Riverhillsoft staff.


  • The Nursery used a different song in the prerelease demo:


  • The first room of the Aqua House originally contained the spiky ladder that is used to get into the attic of the house.