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The Magic of Scheherazade

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Title Screen

The Magic of Scheherazade

Also known as: Arabian Dream Scheherazade (JP)
Developer: Culture Brain
Publisher: Culture Brain
Platform: NES
Released in JP: September 3, 1987
Released in US: December 1989

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

To do:
  • Unused graphics.
  • Elaborate more on the regional differences. There are a lot listed here

An action/RPG game that has a bunch of hilariously mistranslated English names for its characters.


Sound Test

Magic of Scheherazade Sound.png

Entering the password SOUND will access the sound test in the US version.


Enter the password ENDING to view the game's ending sequence.

(Source: Flying Omelette)

Room Select

Magic of Scheherazade Room Select.png

Also only for the US version too, Game Genie code GASEULEI re-enables the debug room select cheat. Press Select to enter the game menu, hold B + Start then press Select again. Continue holding the buttons, use the D-Pad buttons to change the hex number at the bottom-center of the screen, press Select to advance to the selected room. This can also be done from the control selection screen (press Start during the game), so you just need to hold B and hold Start to enable this cheat.

(Source: CaH4e3)

Regional Differences

Title Screen

Japan US
Arabian Dream Scheherazade (Japan)- title.png Magic of Scheherazade Title.png


In the Japanese version, the intro is shown right after booting the game. In the US version, the intro is shown when starting a new game.

Japan US
Arabian Dream Scheherazade (Japan)-intro.png Magic of Scheherazade, The (USA)-intro.png


Careful, you'll lose an eye.
This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.
  • When starting a new game, the cat asks you a question in the US version.
  • The game starts you off in different locations depending on the region.
  • The main character has a completely different design.
  • The trees are completely different.
  • The music and sound effects are completely different.