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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess/Unused Functions

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This is a sub-page of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.




As the magic meter was cut late enough into development it shows up on the back of the box (in the screenshot seen on the right), there's naturally a bunch of leftovers for it.

Offset Size Address Object File Function Translation Identification
0002d29c 00005c 80033bbc 4 d_com_inf_game.o dComIfGs_onGetMagicUseFlag(void) -

(Source: GlitterBerri)

Magic Flags

Offset Size Address Object File Function Translation Identification
0003229c 000038 80038bbc 4 d_save.o dSv_player_status_a_c::onMagicFlag(unsigned char) -
000322d4 00003c 80038bf4 4 d_save.o dSv_player_status_a_c::isMagicFlag(unsigned char) const -

(Source: GlitterBerri)

Magic Meter

Offset Size Address Object File Function Translation Identification
001ec8dc 0002c4 801f31fc 4 d_meter2_draw.o dMeter2Draw_c::initMagic(void) -
001f0a94 0000d8 801f73b4 4 d_meter2_draw.o dMeter2Draw_c::drawMagic(short, short, float, float) -
001f0b6c 000140 801f748c 4 d_meter2_draw.o dMeter2Draw_c::setAlphaMagicChange(bool) -

(Source: GlitterBerri)

Item Functions

# Function Translation Description Used Notes
08 item_func_S_MAGIC(void) Item - Function - SMALL - MAGIC (void) Stores 4 at a temporary address.
09 item_func_L_MAGIC(void) Item - Function - LARGE - MAGIC (void) Stores 8 at a temporary address.
13 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
14 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
15 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
37 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
38 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
39 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
3A item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
3B item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
3C item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
4D item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
4E item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
52 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
53 item_func_LIGHT_ARROW(void) Item - Function - LIGHT - ARROW (void) Fire Arrow
57 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
58 item_func_LURE_ROD(void) Item - Function - LURE - ROD (void) Fishing Rod (?) Double check whether this is used.
62 item_func_GREEN_BOTTLE(void) Item - Function - GREEN - BOTTLE (void) Magic Potion
68 item_func_OIL_BOTTLE2(void) Item - Function - OIL - BOTTLE2 (void) Lantern Oil Double check whether this is used.
69 item_func_RED_BOTTLE2(void) Item - Function - RED - BOTTLE2 (void) Red Potion Double check whether this is used.
6D item_func_HOT_SPRING2(void) Item - Function - HOT - SPRING2 (void) Hot Spring Water Double check whether this is used.
6E item_func_OIL2(void) Item - Function - OIL2 (void) Lantern Oil Double check whether this is used.
6F item_func_OIL(void) Item - Function - OIL (void) Lantern Oil Double check whether this is used.
7A item_func_CHUCHU_GREEN(void) Item - Function - CHUCHU - GREEN (void) Green Chu Jelly
85 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
86 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
87 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
88 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
89 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
8A item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
8B item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
8C item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
8D item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
8E item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
8F item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
92 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
93 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
94 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
95 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
96 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
97 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
98 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
99 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
9A item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
9B item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
9C item_func_CHUCHU_YELLOW2(void) Item - Function - CHUCHU - YELLOW2 (void) Yellow Chu Jelly (Lantern) Double check whether this is used.
9D item_func_OIL_BOTTLE3(void) Item - Function - OIL - BOTTLE3 (void) Lantern Oil (Bottle) Double check whether this is used.
9E item_func_SHOP_BEE_CHILD(void) Item - Function - SHOP - BEE - CHILD (void) Bee Larva Double check whether this is used.
9F item_func_CHUCHU_BLACK(void) Item - Function - CHUCHU - BLACK (void) Black Chu Jelly
A0 item_func_LIGHT_DROP(void) Item - Function - LIGHT - DROP (void) Tear of Light Double check whether this is used.
A4 item_func_FILLED_CONTAINER(void) Item - Function - FILLED - CONTAINER (void) Vessel of Light Double check whether this is used.
A8 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
A9 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
AA item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
AB item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
AC item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
AD item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
AE item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
AF item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
B1 item_func_SMELL_PUMPKIN(void) Item - Function - SMELL - PUMPKIN (void) Pumpkin Scent
B6 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
B7 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
B8 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
B9 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
BA item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
BB item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
BC item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
BD item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
BE item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
BF item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
D8 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
D9 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
DA item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
DB item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
DC item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
DD item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
DE item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
DF item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
E1 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
E2 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
E3 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
E4 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
E5 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
E6 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
E7 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
E8 item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.
EF item_func_POU_FIRE1(void) Item - Function - POE - FIRE1 (void) Poe Fire
F0 item_func_POU_FIRE2(void) Item - Function - POE - FIRE2 (void) Poe Fire
F1 item_func_POU_FIRE3(void) Item - Function - POE - FIRE3 (void) Poe Fire
F2 item_func_POU_FIRE4(void) Item - Function - POE - FIRE4 (void) Poe Fire
F7 item_func_SURFBOARD(void) Item - Function - SURFBOARD (void) Surf Leaf
F8 item_func_KANTERA2(void) Item - Function - LANTERN2 (void) Lantern Double check whether this is used.
FC item_func_KEY_OF_CARAVAN(void) Item - Function - KEY - OF - CARAVAN (void) Double check whether this is used.
FF item_func_noentry(void) Item - Function - noentry (void) Deleted.

(Source: Fkualol)

Canoe Functions

Offset Size Address Object File Function Translation Identification
000e7800 00006c 800ee120 4 d_a_alink.o daAlink_c::procCanoeBoomerangSubjectInit(void) -
000e786c 0000cc 800ee18c 4 d_a_alink.o daAlink_c::procCanoeBoomerangSubject(void) -
000e7938 00006c 800ee258 4 d_a_alink.o daAlink_c::procCanoeBoomerangMoveInit(void) -
000e79a4 0000a0 800ee2c4 4 d_a_alink.o daAlink_c::procCanoeBoomerangMove(void) -
000e7a44 00006c 800ee364 4 d_a_alink.o daAlink_c::procCanoeHookshotSubjectInit(void) -
000e7ab0 0000b4 800ee3d0 4 d_a_alink.o daAlink_c::procCanoeHookshotSubject(void) -
000e7b64 00006c 800ee484 4 d_a_alink.o daAlink_c::procCanoeHookshotMoveInit(void) -
000e7bd0 000088 800ee4f0 4 d_a_alink.o daAlink_c::procCanoeHookshotMove(void) -
000e7c58 00015c 800ee578 4 d_a_alink.o daAlink_c::procCanoeBottleDrinkInit(unsigned short) -
000e7db4 00006c 800ee6d4 4 d_a_alink.o daAlink_c::procCanoeBottleDrink(void) -
000e7e20 0000e0 800ee740 4 d_a_alink.o daAlink_c::procCanoeKandelaarPourInit(void) -
000e7f00 000094 800ee820 4 d_a_alink.o daAlink_c::procCanoeKandelaarPour(void) -

(Source: GlitterBerri)