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The Impossible Quiz Book

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Title Screen

The Impossible Quiz Book

Developer: Splapp-me-do
Publisher: Splapp-me-do
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: August 14, 2009

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

The Impossible Quiz Book is the third game in the Impossible Quiz series, with 3 chapters, a new powerup, more questions, and cutscenes.

Unused Graphics

Chapter 1 Question 6

Tiqb 6.png

There's 2 offscreen shapes seen in Question 6 of Chapter 1, the one on the top is a small red dot, and the one on the right is a red L.

Debug Grade System

Tiqb debug grade.png

Offscreen on the left, there's your grade so far, and some counters with the names: FIND, USE, and LIFE. The FIND counter shows how many powerups you found, USE shows how many you used, and LIFE shows how many lives you lost, and the big letter on a circle shows your grade.