The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind/Unused Actors
This is a sub-page of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
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The base game of Morrowind has a total of 30 unused actors, most of which are vampires. These vampires are curiously all named, rather than having generic names like the randomly spawning tomb vampires, indicating they may have either had some role in quests or were supposed to be found in their clan's respective lair along with the other used named vampires. There's also the possibility that these vampires once took the place of the generic lair members, before it was decided that every clan's goons should consist of a single race. It should also be noted that most of the "Acrobats" were probably in fact meant to be in other classes, as Acrobat is the default class in the Construction Set. This would explain the large amount of unused acrobats.
Note: All vampires attack on sight.
- 1 A Shady Smuggler
- 2 Smuggler Boss
- 3 Aleri Duro
- 4 Ano Dran
- 5 Ather Belden
- 6 Atúlg gro-Largúm
- 7 Chulz
- 8 Cinia Urtius
- 9 Corrudus Secunia
- 10 Dalos Golathyn
- 11 Dialog Placeholder
- 12 Dinere Hlen
- 13 Estalenya
- 14 Fomesa Tharys
- 15 Garalo Andalas
- 16 Gerrilgor
- 17 Llandreri Selothan
- 18 Morn gra-Khatub
- 19 Ninimilk Addinibi
- 20 Nush
- 21 Peregrina Cnisia
- 22 Pustula Baenius
- 23 Rangela
- 24 Selman Relas
- 25 Silasson
- 26 Ulwaen
- 27 Varnis Stieve
- 28 Velis Thirothan
- 29 Waylas
- 30 Yatúr gro-Shak
A Shady Smuggler
A male Imperial Smuggler with common clothes and a dagger who will attack the player on sight. Probably used for testing. Also placed in the unused cell "Mournhold, Royal Palace" in the Tribunal expansion. Interestingly, he owns several objects in Seyda Neen's Census and Excise office for some reason.
Smuggler Boss
A female Imperial Smuggler with common clothes and a spear who will attack the player on sight. Probably used for testing.
Aleri Duro
A female Dark Elf Acrobat who is an Aundae Vampire. She carries 100 gold and wears common clothes.
Ano Dran
A male Dark Elf Acrobat who is an Aundae Vampire. She carries 100 gold and wears common clothes.
Ather Belden
A male Dark Elf Pawnbroker who is rank Wet Ear in the Thieves Guild. He buys and sells everything but books, apparatus, and spells. He wears common clothes and has a high Magicka stat.
Atúlg gro-Largúm
Seems to be a duplicate of an existing non-relevant NPC named Atulg gro-Largum, but with accents in his name.
A male Argonian Acrobat who is a Berne Vampire. He carries 100 Gold and wears common clothing.
Cinia Urtius
One of the more notable unused NPCs. She's an Imperial Shipmaster and was supposed to be the Master Trainer of Medium Armor located at the Tel Fyr docks, but due to an oversight she does not offer training. She wears common clothes and has a small selection of demoralize and rally spells. (Her role could be deduced from the official Morrowind Guide)
Corrudus Secunia
Seems to have been an early version of the existing NPC Cunius Pelelius as both have the script corrudusscript attached to them. Unlike his finalized version however, he has no clothing or items so he seems to have been dropped pretty early. Their stats are different and Corrudus is at level 14 rather than level 12. Like Cunius, he was meant to be an Imperial Agent. It seems he didn't have a faction assigned yet before being dropped however.
Dalos Golathyn
A male Dark Elf Pawnbroker who is rank Wet Ear in the Thieves Guild. He offers training in Short Blade, Light Armor, and Security. He only buys picks and probes. He wears common clothes, has a Boiled Netch Leather Cuirass, and has a Small Key that opens nothing in the final game. This key has the ID "key_aldruhn_underground" which two other unused NPCs and two used ones also carry.
Dialog Placeholder
A male Argonian Acrobat probably used for testing dialog during development.
Dinere Hlen
A female Dark Elf Acrobat who is a Berne Vampire. She has 100 Gold and wears common clothes.
A female High Elf Acrobat who is an Aundae Vampire. She has 100 Gold and wears common clothes.
Fomesa Tharys
A female Dark Elf Smith who is rank Wet Ear in the Thieves Guild and has 650 gold to barter with and carries assorted low tier weapons. She wears common clothes and has a Small Key that opens nothing in the final game. This key is ID "key_aldruhn_underground" which was mentioned above.
Garalo Andalas
A female Dark Elf Acrobat who is a Berne Vampire. She has 100 Gold and wears common clothes.
A male Wood Elf Acrobat who is a Berne Vampire. He has 100 Gold and wears common clothes.
Llandreri Selothan
A female Dark Elf Master-at-Arms. She wears common clothes and has a Small Key that opens nothing in the final game. This key is ID "key_aldruhn_underground" which was mentioned above.
Morn gra-Khatub
A female Orc Acrobat who is a Berne Vampire. She has 100 Gold and wears common clothes.
Ninimilk Addinibi
A female Dark Elf Acrobat who is a Quarra Vampire. She has 100 Gold and wears common clothes.
A female Argonian Acrobat who is an Aundae Vampire. She has 100 Gold and wears common clothes.
Peregrina Cnisia
A female Imperial Blacksmith who is also a Berne Vampire and a merchant. She has 600 gold. Her fight is set at 30 instead of 90 like other vampires.
Pustula Baenius
A male Imperial Acrobat who is an Aundae vampire. He has 100 Gold and wears common clothes.
A female Nord Acrobat who is a Quarra Vampire. She has 100 Gold and wears common clothes.
Selman Relas
Seems very similar to the existing NPC Selmen Relas. Selman is level 15 instead of 14, carries an ebony mace instead of a steel longsword and wears an expensive amulet instead of an Indoril Helmet.
A male Redguard Acrobat who is an Aundae vampire. He has 100 Gold and wears common clothes.
A male Wood Elf Master-At-Arms that is a member of the Imperial Legion, with the rank of Spearman. Offers training in Axe, Long Blade, and Blunt Weapon.
Varnis Stieve
A male Breton Acrobat who is a Quarra Vampire. He has 100 Gold and wears common clothes.
Velis Thirothan
A male Dark Elf Monk who is a Berne Vampire. He wears common clothes. (Yup, no gold this time)
A male Redguard Acrobat who is a Quarra vampire. He has 100 Gold and wears common clothes.
Yatúr gro-Shak
Another duplicate of an existing NPC named Yatur gro-Shak. The only differences are the accents in the name and a skillbook in the inventory is missing.