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The Dinosaur Dooley

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Title Screen

The Dinosaur Dooley

Also known as: Agigongnyong Dooly (KR)
Developer: Daou Infosys
Publishers: Daou Infosys (KR), Innovation Technologies (US)
Platform: Unlicensed Sega Master System
Released in US: 1993
Released in KR: January 14, 1991

RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

The Dinosaur Dooley is an unlicensed tie-in to the Korean cartoon Dooly the Little Dinosaur.

Regional Differences

To do:
The music was redone for the overseas version.
Korea US
The Dinosaur Dooley Title K.png The Dinosaur Dooley Title US.png

The publisher for the American release was added to the copyright text on the title screen.

Korea US
The Dinosaur Dooley Stage Clear K.png The Dinosaur Dooley Stage Clear US.png

In the original version, the game showed an image of Dooley and his friends upon beating a stage. The American version changed it t-kill it with fire!