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The Cutting Room Floor:Common Things/Text Strings
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This is a sub-page of The Cutting Room Floor:Common Things.
- Many games will contain a string indicating which compiler was used for that game. Examples include (but aren't limited to) Microsoft's C Runtime Library, Borland, CodeWarrior, and Watcom.
- These strings were often used in decompilers, since it was easy to determine how a compiler worked (especially when the executable has function and variable names left in).
- Compilers tend to leave file listings or directories behind, containing lists of files used to compile the game. These are usually found within executables. Assertion strings may also reference these.
- Lorem ipsum text is often used as a placeholder.
- Executable/cartridge headers can be found in most games. These often contain the game's title in plain text.
- Sega Genesis/Mega Drive ROM headers contain a build date.
- Disc-based games often have text files named ABS.TXT, CPY.TXT, and/or BIB.TXT (or similar). These should not be documented unless their contents are particularly notable (e.g. developer notes, the game's story, etc.).
- One common example in games sold in Japan is "このCD-ROMに収録されているデータは著作権法によって保護されており、無断で転載・複製することはできません。" ("The data contained in this CD-ROM is protected by copyright law and may not be reproduced without permission.")
- Long lists of profanities and vulgarities, sometimes in multiple languages. These are used as word filters, usually to keep profanities from appearing in a game's dialogue or high-score screen. These have also been used to prevent certain words or ban users on game servers. Unless the list is unused by the game itself, contains something very unusual, or causes a notable effect in-game, it isn't worth documenting.
- Games that use the Bink video codec will contain the following error strings:
Error opening file. Not a Bink file. The file doesn't contain any compressed frames yet. The file has a corrupt header. Out of memory. Error reading Bink header. This file has bad frame size data.
- Any SCI-based game will have this string inside the main executable (usually sciv.exe or sierra.exe):
Script Interpreter, Copyright (C) 1987 Sierra On-Line, Inc. Authors: Jeff Stephenson, Bob Heitman, & Pablo Ghenis
- The following strings can be commonly seen:
SRD_WaitForExecServer timeout.(10sec) SRD: SRD Info. srd_enter_fg = %d srd_debug_geterror = %d srd_obj.stat = %d srd_obj.devtype = DVD srd_obj.devtype = HOST Read Status(DVD=2/HST=1) = %d SRD: 64bit Host filesystem. SRD: Enable HostLock SRD: sceLseek64 error = %d SRD: sceLseek error = %d SRD: sceIoctl error = %d SRD: sceOpen error = %d SRD: sceClose error = %d SRD: sceRead error = %d
A scripting engine typically used for Visual Novels.
- The following strings can be commonly found in the executable:
"; ============================================================================\n" "; *DO NOT EDIT* this file unless you are understanding what you are doing.\n" "; FYI:\n" "; Each line consists of NAME=\"VALUE\" pair, VALUE is a series of\n" "; \\xNN, where NN is hexadecimal representation of UNICODE codepoint.\n" "; For example, opt=\"\\x61\\x62\\x63\\x3042\\x3044\\x3046\" means that the\n" "; value of options \"opt\" is alphabets a, b, and c followed by Japanese\n" "; Hiraganas A, I, and U.\n" "; DO NOT PUT non-escaped value like opt=\"abc\". This doesn't work and should\n" "; be like opt=\"\\x61\\x62\\x63\".\n" "; ============================================================================\n" "";
3DO Company
- All 3DO games use the repeated string
to pad out the disc.
- Any game that uses the Speedlock protection system will have this string:
- Likewise, for AMSCopy, this string:
AMSCOPY II (c) Ultratec 198(5)
Mac OS Classic
- The first block of every bootable Mac floppy begins with the initials
(for Larry Kenyon, chief designer of the Macintosh File System). - The header of every Power Mac application's data fork begins with the exclamation
Konami DJ Main Board
- All games contain the string
at the beginning of their PRG ROMs 6a and 8a (which are the odd and even split bytes of one single binary image). This string likely refers to a working title for the original beatmania.
- All games contain
after the header.
- Every DOS relocatable executable (≈ those that cannot form a valid .com program) has "MZ" to identify it as such to the program loader code (note that file extension is in fact irrelevant). "MZ" refers to Mark Zbikowski, the inventor of this file format.
- Games using the Borland Graphics Interface will contain a string similar to this:
BGI Device Driver (EGAVGA) 2.00 - Mar 21 1988 Copyright (c) 1987,1988 Borland International
- Games using the GX Library will contain a copyright string from Genus Microprogramming.
- Games using the AIL/Miles Sound System will contain a listing of functions from the library, plus errors for memory allocation.
Most, if not all, of the messages.
--AIL_startup() AAIL_shutdown() AIL_set_preference(%d,%d) aResult = %d s AIL_get_real_vect(0x%X) ---Result = 0x%X -AIL_set_real_vect(0x%X,0x%X) --AIL_set_USE16_ISR(%d,0x%X,%u) aAIL_restore_USE16_ISR(%d) AIL_call_driver(0x%X,0x%X,0x%X,0x%X) d AIL_delay(%d) lAIL_API_read_INI(0x%X,%s) %Driver = %s ealDevice = %s %X)IO = %X SE1IRQ = %d ,%uDMA_8 = %d re_DMA_16 = %d Result = %u er(AIL_register_timer(0x%X) L_AIL_set_timer_user(%u,%u) IAIL_set_timer_period(%u,%u) eviAIL_set_timer_frequency(%u,%u) AIL_set_timer_divisor(%u,%u) A_AIL_interrupt_divisor() = AIL_start_timer(%u) imeAIL_start_all_timers() AIL_stop_timer(%u) AIL_stop_all_timers() AIL_release_timer_handle(%u) %uAIL_release_all_timers() u,AIL_get_IO_environment(0x%X) AIL_install_driver(0x%X,%u) L_sAIL_uninstall_driver(0x%X) AIL_install_DIG_INI(0x%X) eAIL_install_DIG_driver_file(%s,0x%X) uAAIL_uninstall_DIG_driver(0x%X) AIL_allocate_sample_handle(0x%X) taAIL_allocate_file_sample(0x%X,0x%X,%d) AIL_release_sample_handle(0x%X) %X)AIL_init_sample(0x%X) eAIL_set_sample_file(0x%X,0x%X,%d) GAIL_set_sample_address(0x%X,0x%X,%u) X)AIL_set_sample_type(0x%X,%d,%u) ,0xAIL_start_sample(0x%X) AIL_stop_sample(0x%X) _AIL_resume_sample(0x%X) et_AIL_end_sample(0x%X) %dAIL_set_sample_playback_rate(0x%X,%d) )AIL_set_sample_volume(0x%X,%d) AIL_set_sample_pan(0x%X,%d) IL_AIL_set_sample_loop_count(0x%X,%d) AIL_sample_status(0x%X) e(0AIL_sample_playback_rate(0x%X) AIL_sample_volume(0x%X) )AAIL_sample_pan(0x%X) x%AIL_sample_loop_count(0x%X) X,%AIL_set_digital_master_volume(0x%X,%d) AIL_digital_master_volume(0x%X) L_sAIL_install_DIG_driver_image(0x%X,%u,0x%X) AIL_minimum_sample_buffer_size(0x%X,%d,%d) AIL_sample_buffer_ready(0x%X) _AIL_load_sample_buffer(0x%X,%u,0x%X,%u) e(0AIL_set_sample_position(0x%X,%u) agAIL_sample_position(0x%X) XAIL_register_SOB_callback(0x%X,0x%X) ,%AIL_register_EOB_callback(0x%X,0x%X) _AAIL_register_EOS_callback(0x%X,0x%X) AIL_register_EOF_callback(0x%X,0x%X) AIL_set_sample_user_data(0x%X,%u,%d) 0xAIL_sample_user_data(0x%X,%u) lAIL_active_sample_count(0x%X) rAIL_install_MDI_INI(0x%X) AIL_install_MDI_driver_file(%s,0x%X) AIL_uninstall_MDI_driver(0x%X) AIL_allocate_sequence_handle(0x%X) AIL_release_sequence_handle(0x%X) rAIL_init_sequence(0x%X,0x%X,%d) nstAIL_start_sequence(0x%X) X)AIL_stop_sequence(0x%X) insAIL_resume_sequence(0x%X) aAIL_end_sequence(0x%X) AIL_set_sequence_tempo(0x%X,%d,%d) AIL_set_sequence_volume(0x%X,%d,%d) ) AIL_set_sequence_loop_count(0x%X,%d) AIL_sequence_status(0x%X) eAIL_sequence_tempo(0x%X) 0xAIL_sequence_volume(0x%X) (AIL_sequence_loop_count(0x%X) oAIL_set_XMIDI_master_volume(0x%X,%d) loAIL_XMIDI_master_volume(0x%X) LAIL_install_MDI_driver_image(0x%X,%u,0x%X) AIL_MDI_driver_type(0x%X) eAIL_set_GTL_filename_prefix(%s) 0x%AIL_timbre_status(0x%X,%d,%d) eAIL_install_timbre(0x%X,%d,%d) AIL_protect_timbre(0x%X,%d,%d) AIL_unprotect_timbre(0x%X,%d,%d) %XAIL_active_sequence_count(0x%X) s) AIL_controller_value(0x%X,%d,%d) eAIL_channel_notes(0x%X,%d) AIL_sequence_position(0x%X,0x%X,0x%X) xResult = %d:%d AIL_branch_index(0x%X,%u) AIL_register_prefix_callback(0x%X,0x%X) L_cAIL_register_trigger_callback(0x%X,0x%X) _nAIL_register_sequence_callback(0x%X,0x%X) XAIL_register_beat_callback(0x%X,0x%X) eAIL_register_event_callback(0x%X,0x%X) AIL_register_timbre_callback(0x%X,0x%X) lbaAIL_set_sequence_user_data(0x%X,%u,%d) AIL_sequence_user_data(0x%X,%u) calAIL_register_ICA_array(0x%X,0x%X) nAIL_lock_channel(0x%X) AIL_release_channel(0x%X,%d) %XAIL_map_sequence_channel(0x%X,%d,%d) 0xAIL_true_sequence_channel(0x%X,%d) AIL_send_channel_voice_message(0x%X,0x%X,0x%X,0x%X,0x%X) _lAIL_send_sysex_message(0x%X,0x%X) nAIL_create_wave_synthesizer(0x%X,0x%X,0x%X,%d) AIL_destroy_wave_synthesizer(0x%X) Floating-point support not loaded LX 0123456789ABCDEF hrt üDRIVER üDEVICE üIO_ADDR IRQ DMA_8_bit mpDMA_16_bit uCorrupted .INI file al Insufficient memory for driver descriptor lInsufficient low memory AIL3DIG AIL3MDI Invalid driver type E üOut of driver handles pOut of timer handles SOUND/SOUND.DAT SBAWE32.MDI w sound//%s.sbk SOUND/MUSIC.DAT .\ .bat .com .exe COMSPEC CMD COMMAND Minimum DMA buffer size too large for VDM dCould not allocate memory for driver m.DIG driver required reDigital sound hardware not found 0xCould not allocate DMA buffers Could not allocate build buffer r VCould not allocate SAMPLE structures veOut of timer handles reDriver file not found wDIG.INI Unable to open file DIG.INI MA Out of sample handles fmt ldata lCreative WAVE üUnrecognized digital audio file type _Invalid or missing data block %Unrecognized digital audio file type 0xInvalid or missing data block FORM CAT XMID Internal note queue overflow llCould not allocate memory for driver r .MDI driver required nXMIDI sound hardware not found Could not initialize instrument manager Could not allocate SEQUENCE structures Out of timer handles moDriver file not found rMDI.INI Unable to open file MDI.INI noTandy 3-voice music IBM internal speaker music m.AD .OPL COut of sequence handles E sInvalid XMIDI sequence TIMB es RBRN iveEVNT e nNo timbres loaded UDriver could not install timbre bank %u, patch %u IDriver could not install timbre bank %u, patch %u Insufficient memory for HWAVE descriptor Not enough memory to allocate file structures
- Windows programs extend the above-mentioned MZ .exe format with "NE" (New Executable, 16-bit) and later "PE" (Portable Executable, 32- or 64-bit) sections. A single executable is allowed and de facto required to have both Windows and DOS sections, although usually the latter part rarely does more than display an error:
- "This program cannot be run in DOS mode.", "This program requires Microsoft Windows.", or something similar appears in many Windows games when trying to run these in DOS or DOS-likes such as FreeDOS.
- "PADDING" repeated over and over is frequently seen inside Windows executables.
- All executables that are signed for use on devkits will have "TESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTEST" to note that it has been signed with a dummy certificate.
Xbox 360
- Many games include unused strings from the XDK, mostly related to PIX.
{EndCapture} {BeginCapture} {EndCaptureFileCreation} {BeginCaptureFileCreation} {LimitCaptureSize} {Version} {Disconnect} {Connect} PIX!{CaptureEnded} PIX!{CaptureFileCreationEnded} VGT_DEBUG PA_SU_DEBUG PA_SC_DEBUG RBBM DEBUG CP DEBUG RB_DEBUG_0 CP_DEBUG CPU Synchronizaiton crashdump.pix2 commandbuffers with the D3DCREATECB_DEBUG_ALLOCATOR flag set and\n build using instrumented or debug versions of the D3D library.\n \n A likely potential reason for the hang is a bad growable command\n allocator. To rule out that possibility, try creating all growable\n Could the contents have become corrupted? The list of indirect\n buffer physical addresses and dword counts are as follows:\n It was a growable command buffer with its D3DALLOCATECALLBACK routine\n at address 0x%x and a callback context of 0x%x.\n \n o The GPU appears to have hung while executing the command buffer\n represented by the D3DCommandBuffer structure at address 0x%x.\n \nThe GPU state doesn't match any recognized hangs. Please send a repro\nscenario to gameds@microsoft.com so that we can supply a workaround.\n ERR[D3D]: The GPU is hung!
Super A'can
- All games contain the following strings in order near the beginning of the ROM:
(reverse engineer)
Trademark by United Microelectronics Corp. and Funtech Entertainment Corp. All rights reserved. License is permitted.
- In virtually any Game Boy Color or Game Boy Advance game using the GHX or GAX Engine, it is guaranteed that you will find at least one copyright string for the GAX Engine.
- The same also goes for the driver error strings.
Famicom Disk System
- All games contain
after the header.
Game Boy Advance
- Games that use the GBA Link Cable or the GameCube-Game Boy Advance Cable will contain the below strings:
MultiSio4Sio32Load010528 Sio32MultiLoad010214
- Games that have a save function will contain a string to indicate the save type:
- although they may be deliberately misleading.
Nintendo DS(i)
- Various SDK compiler strings can be found at the beginning of the ARM9 binary. Below is an example of the ones from Mario Kart DS:
- Games that have Nintendo Wi-Fi support will sometimes contain company certificates somewhere in the ROM. Below is an example of the ones from Diddy Kong Racing DS:
BE, GlobalSign nv-sa, Root CA, GlobalSign Root CA IE, Baltimore, CyberTrust, Baltimore CyberTrust Root US, GTE Corporation, GTE CyberTrust Solutions, Inc., GTE CyberTrust Global Root US, GTE Corporation, GTE CyberTrust Root US, Washington, Nintendo of America Inc, NOA, Nintendo CA, ca@noa.nintendo.com ZA, Western Cape, Cape Town, Thawte Consulting cc, Certification Services Division, Thawte Premium Server CA, premium-server@thawte.com ZA, Western Cape, Cape Town, Thawte Consulting cc, Certification Services Division, Thawte Server CA, server-certs@thawte.com US, VeriSign, Inc., Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2, (c) 1998 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, VeriSign Trust Network US, VeriSign, Inc., VeriSign Trust Network, (c) 1999 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3 US, VeriSign, Inc., Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority US, RSA Data Security, Inc., Secure Server Certification Authority
Super Famicom/SNES
- In many games using Nintendo's sound driver, there's a string with
*Ver S1.20*
in it. - Many games made using Nintendo's development tools also contain the string
NAK1989 S-CG-CADVer1.02 910320
or similar (the date and version number may be different). - Any game that uses or detects the SNES Mouse has the following strings. The version number may differ, but the strings otherwise remain the same:
- Any game that uses or detects the Multitap peripheral has the following strings or something similar:
- Likewise for the Super Scope:
Nintendo 64
- All 64 games have some string to indicate the microcode version used. Below is an example of the microcode credits from Mario Kart 64:
RSP Gfx ucode F3DEX 0.95 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo RSP Gfx ucode F3DLX 0.95 Yoshitaka Yasumoto Nintendo
- Some games will contain these filenames:
reverb.c save.c sprawdma.c sirawread.c sirawwrite.c sirawdma.c pirawread.c epirawread.c
- A couple of common audio-related strings:
N64 PtrTablesV2 N64 WaveTables
- All GameCube games will contain these strings within the executables:
- Apploader strings, which are very common in most games.
- These will often be printed to console, if one is connected (e.g. via the Dolphin emulator).
- A list of controllers, including Nintendo 64 controllers plus peripherals and unreleased controllers like the Steering Wheel.
- A warning about using the PAL debug setting:
! ! ! C A U T I O N ! ! ! This TV format "DEBUG_PAL" is only for temporary solution until PAL DAC board is available. Please do NOT use this mode in real games!!!
- Games that use the GameCube-Game Boy Advance Link Cable will contain a copy of the Game Boy Advance BIOS in the executable which contains the hidden credit
// Coded by Kawasedo
- All Wii games will contain these strings within the executable, in addition to those seen in GameCube games:
- A list of development units.
- IOS strings, including error strings.
- Wii Remote Bluetooth connection debugging messages.
- In almost every Wii game, messages are sent to the console on the initialization (startup) of the game. Most of the messages aren't unique to any game, and are used in other Wii games. The below fragment, for example, came from Wii Sports Resort:
Most, if not all, of the messages.
App_MEMalloc\n App_MEMfree\n __wudSyncFlushCallback() : %d, Sync: %d\n Nintendo RVL-CNT Nintendo RVL-WBC Found the registered WBC in database\n Removed WBC data\n new entry index is %d\n %d devices is stored into SC.\n NANDOpen. [%d]\n NANDSeek. [%d]\n NANDWrite. [%d]\n NANDClose. [%d]\n Pairing Done\n write stored link key\n addr : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n key : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n Cancel searching because 4 connections exist.\n /title/00010004/52464e4a/data/RPHealth.dat WbcSaveData: %s\n WBC to WiiFit\n %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n %02x%02x%02x%02x\n WARNING: Illigal status\n __wudDeleteFlushCallback() : %d, Delete: %d\n hci_version : %02x\n hci_revision : %04x\n lmp_version : %02x\n lmp_subversion: %04x\n manufacturer : %04x\n ==> 2045 firmware ver.002.003.014.%d\n __wudInitFlushCallback() : %d, Init: %d\n name : %s\n Nintendo RVL-CNT-01 Error: the workarea for synchronizing WBC pairing information is not allocated.\n NANDInit. [%d]\n CRC = %d:%08x\n CRC' = %d:%08x\n CRC Error on WiiFit SaveData.\n WiiFit does not register WBC yet.\n LinkKey saved in WiiFit SaveData is invalid.\n WBC from WiiFit\n __wudShutdownFlushCallback() : %d, Shutdown: %d\n __wudClearControlBlock\n BTA_Init() is started\n BTA_Init() is done\n WUDShutdown()\n WUDSetSyncDeviceCallback\n WUDSetClearDeviceCallback\n WUDStartSyncSpDevice()\n WUDStartClearDevice()\n WUDSetDisableChannel()\n BTM_SetAfhChannels() : %d\n WUDSetHidRecvCallback()\n WUDSetHidConnCallback()\n Initialize the BCM2045 firmware complete.\n Reset again!\n Install the patches\n Download the patch codes [%d]\n RemovePatch Callback\n SuperPeekPoke Callback\n RemovePatch\n __wudAppendRuntimePatch()\n SuperPeekPoke\n start __wudInitSub()\n BTA_DmAddDevice(): %d\n BTA_HhAddDev()\n WUDiRemoveDevice : \n handle : %d, addr : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n remove device info from database.\n BTA_HhRemoveDev()\n handle : %d\n BTA_DmRemoveDevice(): %d\n WARNING: USB_CLOSE_FAILURE!\n __wudCleanupStackCallback: BTA_ENABLE_EVT\n host : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n BTA_DISABLE_EVT\n BTA_DM_PIN_REQ_EVT\n BTA_DM_AUTH_CMPL_EVT\n addr : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n key : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n result = %d\n BTA_DM_AUTHORIZE_EVT\n BTA_DM_LINK_UP_EVT\n addr : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n %s --> %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n not paired 4 links exist BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT\n result: %d\n this device in not paired\n WARNING: link num count is reset.\n BTA_DM_SIG_STRENGTH_EVT\n BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT\n INQUIRY RESULT: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %02x%02x%02x %d\n INQUIRY_COMPLETED\n DISCOVER RESULT: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %s (%04x)\n DISCOVER COMPLETED\n SEARCH CANCEL\n\n Warning: Search Callback returns invalid event\n __wudProcSyncEvent()\n __wudProcDeleteEvent()\n MODULE FATAL ERROR\n __wudDeviceStatusEventStackCallback\n ---- WARNING: USB FATAL ERROR! ----\n BTM_CB_EVT_RETURN_LINK_KEYS\n BD_ADDR: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n LINKKEY: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n this device is not stored in NAND\n LAST: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n BTM_CB_EVT_READ_STORED_LINK_KEYS\n status: %d max_keys: %d num_keys: %d\n BTM_CB_EVT_WRITE_STORED_LINK_KEYS\n status: %d num_keys: %d\n BTM_CB_EVT_DELETE_STORED_LINK_KEYS\n WARNING: no entry is deleted\n Unknown event\n __wudPowerMangeEventStackCallback\n hci_status = %d\n Unknown device is connected and changes the connection type!!!!\n addr = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x, status = %d\n _WUDEnableTestMode\n _WUDStartSyncDevice()\n _WUDDeleteStoreDevice()\n dev number = %d\n Not Found Found the registered WBC\n Removed\n Not Found WBC\n BTA_HH_ENABLE_EVT\n BTA_HH_DISABLE_EVT\n BTA_HH_OPEN_EVT\n handle: %d, addr: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n Nintendo RVL-CNT error code: %d\n BTA_HH_CLOSE_EVT\n device handle : %d status = %d\n BTA_HH_ADD_DEV_EVT\n result: %d, handle: %d, addr: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n BTA_HH_RMV_DEV_EVT\n WARNING: link num count is modified.\n BTA_HH_SET_RPT_EVT\n BTA_HH_GET_RPT_EVT\n BTA_HH_SET_PROTO_EVT\n BTA_HH_GET_PROTO_EVT\n BTA_HH_SET_IDLE_EVT\n BTA_HH_GET_IDLE_EVT\n BTA_HH_GET_DCSP_EVT\nBTA_HH_VS_UNPLUG_EVT\n
These messages follow the printf formatting.
- These will often be printed to console, if one is connected (e.g. via the Dolphin emulator).
Wii U
- Multiple Wii games released on the eShop have empty folders removed from the filesystem and a few bytes in the dol changed.
Mark III/Master System/Game Gear
- All officially licensed games contain the following string at 0x7FF0 in the ROM. This string is read by the console's BIOS and will refuse to boot the game if not found.
Mega CD/Sega CD
- Any game using the Cinepak codec will contain a string indicating the version used.
- Module name from the "MARS User Header":
- Words sent and checked during Mega Drive and SH-2 synchronization:
Sinclair Research
ZX Spectrum
- Any game using Speedlock as its protection will have this message near the beginning of the game's data:
SPEEDLOCK Protection System © DJL Software & D. Aubrey Jones 1984 - Tel:0793 724317 * Government Health Warning - Attempting to crack SPEEDLOCK can damage your sanity!
- Virtually every PlayStation game has a list of functions from the standard library.
The region string can usually be found in the game executable's first lines of text.
Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. for North America area Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. for Japan area
Games that use Multitap will include the following string:
PS-X Control TAP Driver Ver 3.0
Common commands visible in most games via the tty debug console or text in the game files.
$Id: sys.c,v 1.104 1995/09/01 02:20:49 ResetGraph:jtb=%08x,env=%08x ResetGraph(%d)... SetGraphReverse(%d)... SetGraphDebug:level:%d,type:%d reverse:%d SetGrapQue(%d)... DrawSyncCallback(%08x)... SetDispMask(%d)... DrawSync(%d)... %s:bad RECT(%d,%d)-(%d,%d) %s:ClearImageLoadImageStoreImageMoveImageClearOTag(%08x,%d)... ClearOTagR(%08x,%d)... DrawOTag(%08x)... PutDrawEnv(%08x)... PutDispEnv(%08x)... GPU timeout:que=%d,stat=%08x,chcr=%08x,madr=%08x,func=(%08x)(%08x,%08x) $Id: intr.c,v 1.71 1995/08/29 11:01:44 suzu Exp $unexpected interrupt(%04x) intr timeout(%04x:%04x) DMA bus error: code=%08x VSync: timeout SPU:T/O [%s] wait (reset)wait (wrdy H -> L)wait (dmaf clear/W)wait (ioctl/IRQ) Can't Open Sequence data any more <!--T:35--> This is not SEP Data. This is not SEQ Data. This is an old SEQ Data Format. <!--T:36--> MDEC_rest:bad option(%d) MDEC_in_syncMDEC_out_sync DMA=(%d,%d), ADDR=(0x%08x->0x%08x) FIFO=(%d,%d),BUSY=%d,DREQ=(%d,%d), RGB24=%d,STP=%d %s timeout: MDEC_vlec: invalid VLC ID noneCdlReadSCdlSeekPCdlSeekLCdlGetTDCdlGetTNCdlGetlocPCdlGetlocL?CdlSetmodeCdlSetfilterCdlDemuteCdlMuteCdlReset CdlPauseCdlStopCdlStandbyCdlReadNCdlBackwordCdlForwardCdlPlayCdlSetlocCdlNopCdlSyncDiskErrorDataEndAcknowledge CompleteDataReadyNoIntr%s:(%s) timeout Sync=%s, Ready=%s <!--T:37--> %s: DiskError(%02x) CDROM: unknown intr(%d) CD_syncCD_ready%s... %s: no param CD_cwCD open(%02x)... CD_init:addr=%08x CD read retry %2d(%02x:%02x:%02x) CD_readCD_datasyncCdInit: Init failed %s: path level (%d) error %s: dir was not found CdSearchFile: disc error CdSearchFile: searching %s... %s: found %s: not found CD_newmedia: Read error in cd_read(PVD) CD001CD_newmedia: Disc format error in cd_read(PVD) CD_newmedia: Read error (PT:%08x) CD_newmedia: sarching dir.. %08x,%04x,%04x,%s CD_newmedia: %d dir entries found CD_cachefile: dir not found CD_cachefile: searching... ...(%02x:%02x:%02x) %8d %s CD_cachefile: %d files found track=%d,%d CdGetToc2: %02x:%02x:00 CdGetToc2: error DMA STATUS ERROR %x 0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF
Adobe Flash
- For games published on Newgrounds, if it includes medals/achievements, chances are a couple of placeholder text strings can be found:
Medal Popup Place this clip on the root of your movie, spanning any frames where medals are called. (this clip is hidden)
- If it includes any ads, this placeholder string can also be found:
Flash Ad