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The Book of Pooh: A Story without a Tail

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Title Screen

The Book of Pooh: A Story without a Tail

Developer: Disney Interactive[1]
Publisher: Disney Interactive[1]
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS Classic
Released in US: August 2002[1]

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

The Book of Pooh: A Story without a Tail is an educational game based on the show, though portrayed through CG characters instead of puppets.

Unused Graphics


BookOfPooh TestImage.png

Inside Hub_A.cct is a screenshot of the main menu, but with each activity overlaid in the bottom left corner, and the number 666 in the top-right.


BookOfPooh FPSData.png

Inside BookOfPooh.dcr is this image that somehow relates to the frames per second.

Unused Text

Long Filename Test File.txt

Setup\Test\Long Filename Test File.txt contains this message:

This file is used to test for Long filename support.
