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The Angry Beavers: Break the Dam Game

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Title Screen

The Angry Beavers: Break the Dam Game

Developer: Studio VR
Publisher: Nick.com
Platform: Adobe Shockwave

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Unused Text


At 0xD991 of the "0000060d" file in the game's decompiled data:

Destination Marker:
Initializing Event:
Play Mode:
Go to
Play and Return
Go to
Moves the Playback Head to a designated marker when the specified event occurs.  Drag to a sprite or a frame in the script channel.
¥ Destination Marker - Choose from a list of all marker names in the current movie or choose Previous, Loop (Current), or Next.
¥ Initializing Event - Specify the event that triggers the behavior.
¥ Play Mode - Choose Play and Return to make the Playback Head return to the current location when the Play Done behavior is encountered. Choose Go To to make the Playback Head continue from the specified frame until explicitly sent to a new location.

Developer Credits

Mike H - SVR
Mike H - SVR
5\\Media\root\clients\nickelodeon\eight games\Breakout

The last line is repeated at 0xE1A4 of the "0000060d" file in the game's decompiled data.