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While the safari zone was a required area in Pokémon Red and Blue, it didn't manage to return in Pokémon Gold and Silver.
Despite being cut some map data for the area was found in the game. Unlike its large sprawling size in the first games, all that survives in Gold and Silver is this small area.
This area has no exits, meaning anyone who saves inside is doomed forever... unless you've been to a Pokémon Center before you accessed the place, then you can white out on the fishable Pokémon.
Why just the fishable Pokémon? No wild Pokémon can be found in the tall grass or on the water's surface, but Krabby, Kingler, Staryu, and Corsola can be caught via fishing.
Like in Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow, this map uses the Evolution music.
The map is missing the enter-exit building. However, it does feature some unique water fountains that use the water palette and its palette animation.
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