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Talk:Theme Park (DOS)
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This is the talk page for Theme Park (DOS).
Enter "HORZA" as a nickname at the startup screen. Shift + C gives you $50,000, Alt + Z gives all rides, all shops is Ctrl + Z, and trees, bathrooms, and other facilities is Shift + Z. I'm not sure if there are any more key combos. --From: divingkataetheweirdo (talk) 18:27, 4 March 2018 (EST)
- Those are normal cheat codes, not debug (as far as I'm aware). AdamP (talk) 18:30, 4 March 2018 (EST)
Unused graphic?
I've had a look through the graphics in the game, and I saw an icon of what looks like a handyman with a blue hat, which I've never seen. There are screenshots of the game displaying this icon in the cited guide books, so is this some obscure feature? Or are the screenshots of an earlier version? AdamP (talk) 19:38, 4 March 2018 (EST)