Talk:The Last Story
Headshots Not Unused?
I used to play this game online quite a bit and I know you were able to play as people in the Gurak army; I specifically remember using the robed skeleton a lot. Is there a list of characters playable online floating about somewhere?
EDIT: Here's a Let's Play that shows a player scrolling through Gurak soldiers (
-DangItBobby (talk) 01:07, 27 November 2015 (EST)
(My english is poor) I think "pack/" is directory for debug menu. (Game version is JP.) this directory is contain files(node_edit_list.ini, special_event_viewer.csv, special_event_viewer_all.csv, stage_select.csv). stage_select.csv has string "■デバッグメニュー"(debug menu). I have no permission to edit the article page, please add this.
by the way, is cheat code of to access debug menu already found? as far as I know, US version found some code of debug display in WiiRD, JP version found code of "Show Actor Info""Show Enamy Info" in this page
[Jpn] "pack/"にデバッグメニュー用と思われるマップリスト、同フォルダ内にイベントリストを見つけました。 私は記事ページを編集する権限がないので、もしよかったら誰か追加してください。
ところで、デバッグメニューにアクセスするチートコードは見つかっていますか?私の知るところでは、WiiRDのUS版のEnable Targeting SystemとDisplay Gamestate ISO Data、JP版のShow Actor Info 、Show Enamy Info など表示に関するものだけです。