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Talk:RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 (Windows, Mac OS X)

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This is the talk page for RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 (Windows, Mac OS X).
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Complete Edition changes

This thing went through a boatload of changes when Frontier took it over to develop the 'Complete Edition' (you can't get the vanilla release or DLCs anymore, and Platinum is no longer available on Steam). To name a few:

  • Every mention of 'Atari' was replaced with 'Xtari' and every appearance of the Atari logo or overwritten (via an added folder called 'Overrides') or removed (in the case of the preset laser-writing patterns, and the launch videos). However, although "Atari" was changed in the 'CheatPeepName' part of Main.Common.ovl file, inputting 'Atari' in a peep's name still triggers the laughter. This is probably due to a lazy attempt at removing it, since the cheat names were broken up with invisible characters so as to be harder to locate; I systematically exchanged most of the invisible characters for breaks, spaces, and deletions, and found that 'Atari' was still unaltered. (Todo: debunk whether it was intentional or not, since Frontier and Atari are at odds.)
  • ~15MB was removed from Main.Common.ovl, and much of its contents were shuffled around. The old one was organized alphabetically, whereas the new one is organized chaotically.
  • Although it has a smaller filesize, the new version of Main.Common.Ovl is more readable in UTF-8 than the old one.
  • New 'CheatPeepName' codes were added to the game.
    • The old ones:
      • CheatPeepName_Atari.txt > Atari
      • CheatPeepName_Ati.txt > ATITech
      • CheatPeepName_BigExplosion.txt > Atomic
      • CheatPeepName_CoasterHeights.txt > John Wardley
      • CheatPeepName_Fawkes.txt > Guido Fawkes
      • CheatPeepName_Hitchcock.txt > A Hitchcock
      • CheatPeepName_Lean.txt > D Lean
      • CheatPeepName_Moss.txt > James Hunt
      • CheatPeepName_Mouse.txt > Mouse
      • CheatPeepName_PeepCam.txt > Jonny Watts
      • CheatPeepName_Photostory.txt > PhotoStory
      • CheatPeepName_RideAllCoasters.txt > Jon Roach
      • CheatPeepName_RideAllRides.txt > Sam Denney
      • CheatPeepName_Rockefeller.txt > John D Rockefeller
      • CheatPeepName_Sawyer.txt > Chris Sawyer
        • CheatBonusCheer1Fade.snd
        • CheatBonusCheer1Lp.snd
      • CheatPeepName_Sick.txt > Make Me Sick
      • CheatPeepName_Unbreakable.txt > Frontier
    • The new version makes these changes/additions:
      • TerrainRGCheat.tex —{note: this is a texture, not a text file}
      • CheatPeepName_Xtari.txt > Atari —{Since Frontier broke the connection, this is now triggered by removing a peep's name altogether– much like how they removed Atari altogether… almost.}
      • CheatPeepName_AllGroupsIndividuals.txt > Loner
      • CheatPeepName_FunnyDarts.txt > Jurassic Dart

There are also inclusions of several more Wild! thematic elements:

  • Reset Animal Stats… Reflect any changes in the resources by resetting any genetic mutations… %Age% %Sex%…

This is only scratching the surface of all the changes. Barely any are noticeable in gameplay, though; it's mostly all under the hood.

-OPStellar (talk) 20:51, 15 November 2021 (UTC)

Debug Mode

I just figured out this game has a DEBUG MODE that essentially turns it into OpenRCT3. I don't know how to activate it, but I have proof of its existence. Several files are evidence of this. Here are the filenames and unsorted lines that seem connected:

Here's a few files that are quite likely linked with the Soaked! pool feature codes I listed above (as well as other features):

  • Hgih Dives < PoolDebug_HighDiveCount.txt
  • Diving Boards < PoolDebug_DBCount.txt
  • Sun Loungers < PoolDebug_SunLoungerCount.txt
  • Jacuzis < PoolDebug_JacuzziCount.txt
  • Showers < PoolDebug_PoolShowerCount.txt
  • Excitement < PoolDebug_Excitement.txt
  • Int. points 10 < PoolDebug_IntensityPointsMax.txt
  • Queue Points < PoolDebug_QueuePoints.txt
  • Int. points 5 < PoolDebug_IntensityPointsMed.txt
  • Approx Num People < PoolDebug_NumPeople.txt
  • Int. points 0 < PoolDebug_IntensityPointsMin.txt
  • Ideal Value < PoolDebug_IdealValue.txt

And here's everything else:

  • KeySetting_ResetSoldItemNames.txt > Reset sold item names —{note: this is listed before any of the cheat names}
  • KeySetting_PoolRouteFinderTester.txt > Pool RouteFinder Tester
  • Ketting_UnlockAllScenarios.txt > Unlock all scenarios
  • KeySetting_QuickStateChange.txt > Quick State Change
  • KeySetting_EnterSelectMode.txt > Toggle tutorial select mode
  • KeySetting_TutorialSetup.txt > Setup Tutorial —{note: there are 30 mentions of 'TutorialSetup_….txt', so that's something else worth investigating}
  • KeySetting_CreateDuckFlock.txt > Create ducks —{also triggered by 'A Hitchcock' CheatPeepName}
  • KeySetting_CreateSeagull.txt > Create a seagull —{also triggered by 'A Hitchcock' CheatPeepName}
  • KeySetting_KillAnimals.txt > Remove all animals
  • KeySetting_BuyAllLand.txt > Buy all land
  • KeySetting_FlyingCamera.txt > Flying camera set-up —{also triggered by 'D Lean' CheatPeepName}
    • c:\coding\safari\resource\FlyingCamera\FlyingCamera_Control.shs
    • FlyingCamera_Control.shs
    • FlyingCamera_Camera.shs
    • FlyingCamera_Target.shs
  • KeySetting_ToggleAttractSequence.txt > Toggle attract sequence
  • KeySetting_StartAttractSequence.txt > Start attract sequence
  • KeySetting_LoadAttractSequence.txt > Attract sequence
  • KeySetting_FastLoadingAttractSequence.txt > Fast loading attract sequence
  • KeySetting_IncRideCamParameter.txt > Increase ride camera parameter
  • KeySetting_DecRideCamParameter.txt > Decrease ride camera parameter
  • KeySetting_SelNextRideCamParameter.txt > Select next ride camera parameter
  • KeySetting_SelPrevRideCamParameter.txt > Select previous ride camera parameter
  • KeySetting_RideCamToggleRender.txt > Toggle ride camera parameter editing
  • KeySetting_RideCamToggleFixedOrient.txt > Toggle CoasterCam fixed orientation
  • KeySetting_RideCamResetParameter.txt > Reset ride camera parameter
  • KeySetting_IncRideStatsDisplayState.txt > Cycle ride camera stats display
  • KeySetting_IncBoneRenderState.txt > Cycle bone rendering
  • KeySetting_IncRenderSplinesState.txt > Inc render splines state
  • KeySetting_IncRenderSplinesWhichSpline.txt > Inc render spline
  • KeySetting_IncRenderSplinesOffset.txt > Inc render spline offset
  • KeySetting_ToggleLookAt.txt > Toggle guest 'look at' behaviour
  • KeySetting_ToggleUI.txt > Toggle game user interface —{also triggered by 'David Walsh' CheatPeepName}
  • KeySetting_ToggleTerrain.txt > Toggle terrain rendering
  • KeySetting_ToggleDummyTextures.txt > Toggle usage of dummy textures
  • KeySetting_ToggleDetailTimings.txt > Toggle detailed timings
  • KeySetting_TogglePerfGraphs.txt > Toggle performance graphs
  • KeySetting_ToggleRideRatings.txt > Toggle ride ratings breakdown and peep aims
  • KeySetting_CycleOneAnimPeople.txt > People cycle through one animation
  • KeySetting_CycleAnimsPeople.txt > People cycle through all animations
  • KeySetting_SlowMoPeople.txt > People animate in slow motion
  • KeySetting_ToggleGrassGrowing.txt > Toggle grass growing
  • KeySetting_WireFrameChange.txt > Cycle wire frame
  • KeySetting_WeatherTypeChange.txt > Cycle weather type
  • KeySetting_AddPeople.txt > Add people
  • KeySetting_KillAllPeople.txt > Remove all people
  • KeySetting_ToggleFireworksAltPath.txt > Toggle particle designer —{also triggered by the 'Guido Fawkes' CheatPeepName}
  • KeySetting_ToggleFireworks.txt > Toggle firework designer
  • KeySetting_ToggleTestFireworks.txt > Toggle fireworks test
  • KeySetting_OpenSIDSoundEditor.txt > Open the SID sound editor —{note: there are 9 mentions of 'SIDSE_….txt', all related to sound, so that's something else worth investigating}
  • KeySetting_IncExposure.txt > Increase exposure
  • KeySetting_DecExposure.txt > Decrease exposure
  • KeySetting_TogglePackLightGroups.txt > Toggle light group packing
  • KeySetting_IncAutoAtt.txt > Increase automatic attenuation
  • KeySetting_DecAutoAtt.txt > Decrease automatic attenuation
  • KeySetting_IncAutoAttDist.txt > Increase attenuation distance
  • KeySetting_DecAutoAttDist.txt > Decrease attenuation distance
  • KeySetting_IncAutoAttDistSquared.txt > Increase attenuation distance squared
  • KeySetting_DecAutoAttDistSquared.txt > Decrease attenuation distance squared
  • KeySetting_CycleLightDebugState.txt > Cycle light debug state
  • KeySetting_AddTestLight.txt > Add a test light
  • KeySetting_ToggleDebugInfoEditor.txt > Toggle debugging info editor
  • KeySetting_ToggleGuestGroupBehaviourFreq.txt > Toggle guest group behaviour frequency —{perhaps also triggered by the 'Loner' CheatPeepName}
  • KeySetting_BreakAllRides.txt > Cause all rides to break
  • KeySetting_ToggleRenderStats.txt > Toggle statistic rendering
  • KeySetting_InjectTestMessage.txt > Inject a message
  • KeySetting_GameSlowMo.txt > Run game in slow motion
  • KeySetting_DropLitter.txt > Drop Litter
  • KeySetting_RemoveAllLitter.txt > Remove All Litter
  • KeySetting_ToggleSIV.txt > Toggle Visual
  • KeySetting_ToggleUOKeyframes.txt > Toggle Unoptimised Keyframes
  • KeySetting_SITestManualCycle.txt > SI Test Cycle
  • KeySetting_SITestToggleDialog.txt > SI Test Dialog
  • KeySetting_SITestDisable.txt > Disable SI Test
  • KeySetting_SITestManual.txt > Manual SI Test
  • KeySetting_SITestAuto.txt > Auto SI Test
  • KeySetting_SITestAutoScreenshot.txt > Screenshot SI Test
  • KeySetting_WaterFlowSwitchTexture.txt > Water flow switch texture
  • KeySetting_WaterFlowRebuildAll.txt > Water flow rebuild all
  • KeySetting_WaterFlowToggleFlow.txt > Water flow toggle flow
  • KeySetting_WaterFlowToggleDebugRender.txt > Water flow toggle debug rendering
  • KeySetting_AddMoney.txt > Add money
  • KeySetting_ResetPeople.txt > Reset Guests and Staff
  • KeySetting_ResetTime.txt > Zero Time
  • KeySetting_ResetAttractions.txt > Reset Attractions
  • KeySetting_CycleDebugTextRendering.txt > Cycle debug text rendering
  • KeySetting_ResetAnimalStats.txt > Reset animal stats
  • KeySetting_UpdateAnimalStats.txt > Reflect any changes in the resources by resetting any genetic mutations

84 strings in total, not counting the division in their listings.

MORE CUT CONTENT!! As it turns out, there are more music genres than the few that are listed by default. Here's a list of all genres validated in the game files (known ones are marked with '√'):

  • MusicGenre_Save_Classical.txt
  • Other < MusicGenre_Save_Other.txt
  • Soundtrack < MusicGenre_Save_Soundtrack.txt
  • World < MusicGenre_Save_World.txt
  • Religious < MusicGenre_Save_Religious.txt
  • Easy Listening < MusicGenre_Save_EasyListening.txt √
  • Jazz < MusicGenre_Save_Jazz.txt
  • House < MusicGenre_Save_House.txt √
  • Dance < MusicGenre_Save_Dance.txt
  • Rap / Hip Hop < MusicGenre_Save_HipHop.txt
  • (MusicGenre_File_Title.txt)
  • Trance < MusicGenre_Save_Trance.txt
  • Industrial < MusicGenre_Save_Industrial.txt
  • Childrens' < MusicGenre_Save_Childrens.txt
  • Pop < MusicGenre_Save_Pop.txt √
  • Electronic < MusicGenre_Save_Electronic.txt √
  • Blues/R&B < MusicGenre_Save_Blues.txt
  • Rock < MusicGenre_Save_Rock.txt √
  • Folk < MusicGenre_Save_Folk.txt
  • Techno < MusicGenre_Save_Techno.txt
  • Alternative < MusicGenre_Save_Alternative.txt
  • (MusicGenre_File_Format.txt)
  • Holiday < MusicGenre_Save_Holiday.txt √
  • New Age < MusicGenre_Save_NewAge.txt √
  • Country < MusicGenre_Save_Country.txt

Anomalies to investigate:

  • PeepDescription.txt
  • Man
  • Day_Chinese.txt
  • Day_Japanese.txt
  • Day_Korean.txt
  • Day_SChinese.txt

-OPStellar (talk) 22:19, 22 November 2021 (UTC)

Name Changes

There are some apparent changes between filenames and game names. Although there are not any extra games listed in the files, the names given to several parks evidently changed during the course of their production. Here's a complete list (re-sorted to playing order, not by the default order of appearance in the file) with major changes in bold:

  • RollerCoaster Tycoon 3
    • VanillaHills_Filename.txt > Vanilla Hills
    • Goldrush_Filename.txt > Goldrush!
    • GoKarts_Filename.txt > Checkered Flag
    • MovieBacklot_Filename.txt > Box Office
    • FrightNight_Filename.txt > Fright Night
    • WaterTemple_Filename.txt > Go With the Flow
    • BroomLake_Filename.txt > Broom Lake
    • ValleyofKings_Filename.txt > Valley of Kings —{This is the only instance where the original name had a lowercase 'o' in 'Of'}
    • OkCorral_Filename.txt > Gunslinger —{This level features a character with the lastname-firstname pattern of 'Oki, Kara', which hints at the pattern of 'OK Corral'– the scenario's original name}
    • GhostTown_Filename.txt > Ghost Town
    • NationalTreasure_Filename.txt > A National Treasure
    • Transylvania_Filename.txt > New Blood
    • IslandHopping_Filename.txt > Island Hopping
    • CliffCanyon_Filename.txt > Cosmic Craggs
    • LaLaLand_Filename.txt > La-La Land
    • MountainRange_Filename.txt > Mountain Rescue
    • TheMoneyPit_Filename.txt > The Money Pit
    • ParadiseIsland_Filename.txt > Paradise Island
  • Soaked!
    • CaptainBlackheartsCove_Filename.txt > Captain Blackheart's Cove
    • OasisOfFun_Filename.txt > Oasis of Fun
    • Atlantis_Filename.txt > Lost Atlantis
    • MonsterLake_Filename.txt > Monster Lake
    • FountainOfYouth_Filename.txt > Fountain of Youth
    • WorldOfTheSea_Filename.txt > World of the Sea
    • TreasureIsland_Filename.txt > Treasure Island
    • AquaMountain_Filename.txt > Mountain Spring
    • CastawayGetaway_Filename.txt > Cast Away Get Away
  • Wild!
    • ScrubGardens_Filename.txt > Scrub Gardens
    • OstrichFarm_Filename.txt > Ostrich Farm Plains
    • Pyramids_Filename.txt > Egyptian Sand Dance
    • GeminiBasin_Filename.txt > A Rollercoaster Odyssey —{Still takes place in the 'Gemini Basin'}
    • RunDownZoo_Filename.txt > Zoo Rescue
    • MineMountain_Filename.txt > Mine Mountain
    • InsectWorld_Filename.txt > Insect World
    • RockyCoasters_Filename.txt > Rocky Coasters
    • LostLandOfTheDinosaurs_Filename.txt > Lost Land of the Dinosaurs
    • Jungle_Filename.txt > Tiger Forest
    • RaidersOfTheLostCoaster_Filename.txt > Raiders of the Lost Coaster
    • GolfCourse_Filename.txt > Saxon Farm —{Perhaps the most drastic name change, this park has almost nothing to do with golf except that you can add putt-putt mini-golf attractions}

-OPStellar (talk) 15:05, 23 November 2021 (UTC)