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Talk:Mobile Trainer
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This is the talk page for Mobile Trainer.
Interesting URLs in the ROM
I found text for a number of URLs in the ROM in SHIFT JIS encoding (the same as the debug menu text). Pokémon, Nintendo and Game Freak websites are included (gamefreek.net; appears to be a typo) as well as Missing Link (who I remember are developers that claim to have developed the game according to this), two sample pages and a work.dammy website (the htpp:// is a sic). Sadly I can't find an archived version of work.dammy.co.jp
GAMEFREAK HOMEMissingLink_HOME�samplesample2�N�O/OIOgOyOhttp://www.nintendo.com/ http://www.pokemon.co.jp/http://www.gamefreek.net/http://www.missinglink.co.jp/ http://sample.to/http://sample2.to/テストページhtpp://work.dammy.co.jp
Torchickens (talk) 14:47, 23 October 2016 (EDT)
Test Messages
These interesting messages were discovered by discovered by Háčky.
こんど、またあそぼう マリオ またあそぼうね mario@mario.ne.jp 7がつのさいしょのにちようびに、やきゅうをするからこいよ クッパだいおう やきゅうやるぞ kuppa@mario.ne.jp ついにポケモンのさいしんさくがとうじょうするぞ!「ポケットモンスター苔」くわしくはにんてんどうのホームページへGO! メールマガジンGB GAMER's Life grave01@natird.ad.jp メールセンターのメンテナンスのため、7/14~7/20までのきかん、メールをチェックできなくなります あらかじめごりょうしょうください GBセンター だいじなおしらせ ieve@makopi.ne.jp くくく・・・ むだい p@p.ne.jp
Torchickens (talk) 15:21, 23 October 2016 (EDT)