Talk:Final Fantasy VIII
Reference to a debug menu? Has a build date, etc, could be similar to the one in Final Fantasy X (the proto/beta ofc), given the similarity of how it has hotkeys linking to the functions if I'm not mistaken? Eg: pressing L2 would bring up the Debug?
Also, the notes for this game should be linked "Notes for this game are availible" or whatever.
Alternate End to Timber Train Ride
Anybody recognise this? Obviously it usually ends with the recovery from the first dream sequence but if you flip to room 010a before you get to the train in the game (the Gameshark code is on the main page) this sequence plays instead. - DQ slime? - H - Don't know what this is - J
There's more, just need someone to verify that they are intentionally place there. I'll probably rip the rest later.
Einstein95 14:24, 22 April 2013 (EDT)
- I intentionally left the H and J pictures off the page because I didn't think they were interesting enough to warrant it, likewise the random lines that AFAIR are on some of the other textures. Must have got rid of the other two when I culled the uninteresting ones, since those should be included. No idea what the first pic is but the third is a picture of the Mobile Type 8, the boss that the texture is a part of. Thefanman 15:50, 22 April 2013 (EDT)
- And 5 days later, here are the rest:
- - bomb?
- - not sure if this is anything
- - reminds me of the car from Pole Position
- - slime? seems to be the model
- - same as above
- - could just be random lines, or the model
- - if this isn't the model, then ignore it
- I'm not going to upload and add these, as I'll leave it to someone who actually knows what these are.
- Einstein95 06:52, 27 April 2013 (EDT)
I don't have a video of this, and I'm not sure if it qualifies, but once when I had 'The End' as a normal spell for each character via codes, Griever drew one 'The End' and used it against me. The camera angle was backwards, revealing a black abyss behind the camera. All the party members died. Shaorune 13:59, 30 May 2013 (EDT)
Various unused things
Here are some unused things I've found in the PC version if someone would like to update the game's article. Most of this can be verified in Deling.
The past Winhill field gflain2 has a lot of unused dialogue. It seems that at some point the player would actually need to kill at least 10 monsters in order to progress and there is also dialogue explaining that Laguna owes the town a lot of money for his medical bills, which he pays back by killing monsters.
The FFVIII page doesn't currently show the unused past version of the Winhill mansion: It has states/animations for the paintings falling off of the walls and the windows in the back breaking. Also, it has an entrance on field gfvill21, but it's blocked off.
The unused past version of the mansion interior has a couple of interesting things. First is that it's the only indoor map that loads Laguna's car--given the wreckage near the door and the NPC dialogue in present-day Winhill, it's likely that Laguna would have crashed his car through the mansion doors. The second is that this map loads the Esthar Soldier model, something no other Winhill map does. This is also one of the only Winhill maps that does not load Ward's model.
The overhead field has separate broken/unbroken states for each of the three windows: It also contains particle effects that look like glass being broken.
Here is a video of both fields: (The "Test" that appears on the second field is where Laguna's car is supposed to be. It doesn't load on the PC version for some reason. Also, ignore the enemies in the battles being different from normal, as it's from a gameplay mod.) The map transition is actually caused by touching an Esthar Soldier.
All outdoor Winhill fields, including the unused ones, load the textures and model for Laguna's car. Most Winhill fields load Ward despite him never appearing in Winhill.
There are three unused battle scenes in Winhill, all against Esthar Soldiers (176, 177, 178) and all three battles have the "Can't escape" and "Scripted battle" flags.
The field of Laguna's car loads the models of all playable characters but Seifer and has no text other than the generic "Test" message that appears in all fields.
There is also some unused dialogue in the scene where Zell, Selphie, Rinoa, and Quistis are first shown in the D-District Prison:
Selphie ”How's Laguna doin'?“
Zell ”Fine. He seems like a nice, caring guy.“
Zell ”Dunno... I didn't see him.“
Zell ”After that, Ward's been all alone.“
Zell ”He's working in some sort of prison-like place.“
Zell ”But later on, Laguna comes to get him!“
Zell ”Heh-heh, Ward was SO happy.“
Zell ”And he's bored outta his mind!“
Scripting exists for this dialogue and it can be activated by changing variable 258 from 0 to 1. Furthermore, one of the menus in debug room field test1 contains an option called "Laguna saved Ward" that changes this variable. Based on this, it seems likely that we would have seen Ellone being taken in the third Laguna dream, during which Laguna would have driven his car through the front door of the mansion and rammed the soldier with it, crashing through the window and into the other unused field. Whatever decision led to reuniting with Ward would likely have occurred after this, since Ward is not loaded on the past mansion field. It's possible that the strange presence/absence of Ward in the fourth Laguna dream is a remnant of this choice.
The final Laguna dream
Battle scenes 290-308 contain unused battle scenes against Esthar soldiers, Elastoids, and Gespers inside of pre-Lunar Cry Esthar.
While this may be unrelated, there is an unused blue-sky variant of the Sorceress Memorial battlefield.
There are many maps in Dollet that load Laguna's party, mostly in the Mountain Hideout, but some of the town maps do as well. What's particularly interesting is that on some maps, the field entity for the X-ATM actually checks to see if Laguna is in the party and will not appear if he is.
(The ISPARTY opcode checks to see if a certain character is in the party; Laguna's assigned character ID is 8; and the UNUSE opcode makes the entity inactive if the condition is true.) Additionally, the soldier standing guard on the mountain path later in the game is also scripted to disappear if Laguna is in the party. (While the X-ATM entity is scripted to hide itself if Laguna is present, the short scene in which it appears on this field is not, leading to a softlock.)
Laguna's party is also loaded by some of Timber's fields and the train station at Fisherman's Horizon. (The third map doesn't load Laguna's party, leading to a softlock, but some of the other Timber fields do.)
There are also duplicates of nearly all of the game's shops, including the unused Trabia Shop accessible with the Call Shop ability. These were likely meant for Laguna's party.
There are two unused and unscripted messages on FH map fhtown1:
{Squall} ”......“
{Squall} ”...Whatever.“
Immediately after this, the drunkard has a line that's scripted but doesn't appear to be used, in which he rises to his feet, turns to Squall and says:
Drunkard ”...Still green as snot.“
Following this are the following lines:
Irvine ”What's the matter? Are you still ticked about being hit?“
Irvine ”Hey, hey, hey, I'm not the physical type.“
Quistis ”What's wrong? Are you still angry about it?“
Quistis ”Hey, wait.“
{Rinoa} ”You OK? You're still mad about being hit?“
{Rinoa} ”Hold on.“
Zell ”Heh-heh. I didn't expect you to get so pissed. Yeah, that's how people should be.“
Zell ”Hey c'mon, gettin' carried away is my trademark.“
Scripting exists for each character's first line, but not the second. The scripts that call the first line are called "hanno" and none of these scripts appear to be called by anything. In each script, the character turns to Squall when saying this. Also, no such lines or scripting exists for Selphie, so whatever this was for must have been set to occur before reuniting with the Missile Base party.
There is a battlefield for the interior of the detachable cells in D-District Prison, but because the player is never able to trigger the fights assigned to this field, the battlefield goes unused.
All of the Centra Ruins fields contain the following unused and unscripted messages:
Odin ”The heavens hath decreed thy fate. PERISH BY MY SWORD!“
Try again Quit
Additionally, while Odin has the same dialogues across Centra Ruins field, his first message is different on field crpower1:
”I am Odin... Knight of Arcadia.“
A screen transition from the near end of the Seaside Station to the Horizon Bridge field exists, but is normally blocked off. The Horizon Bridge field loads all 6 main party members and Edea, and scripting exists showing them walking along the bridge from right to left before transitioning to the train station at FH. Additionally, a transition exists that takes the player from the train station back to Horizon Bridge but is also blocked off.
The following unused dialogue also exists, but there is no scripting for it:
(The transcontinental railroad... No longer in use?)
(Am I going to walk to {Esthar}?) I guess so Nah, forget it
(Yeah, I guess so.)
(Nah, it's too far to walk it.)
Additionally, this map loads the version of Squall's model used for when he's carrying Rinoa on his back, as seen here: However, he doesn't have a walk cycle.
Unused and unscripted dialogue from Edea on field ehback2:
“In no way has Ellone benefited from her mysterious power.” {NewPage} “Sending one's consciousness into another... However, she herself has no place to go.” {NewPage} “She sends someone's consciousness to someone from her past memory...” {NewPage} “What she sees is HER OWN memory from the point of view of another.”
A scripted but unused message on ehenter2 during Squall's inner monologue:
”What's going to happen to the world? Why do something like that?“
(I never got used to stuff like that... I didn't know how to react... Even now.)
”I can't even imagine a world where time is compressed!“
There is a developer message in the present-day version of the lobby of Odine's lab that says:
”Originally, the game was supposed to go to where the lifter is stationed but it will jump straight to the lab.“
Filenames of fields belonging to the same area typically share a two-letter prefix (for example, Galbadia Garden fields are all prefixed "gg"), but the main room inside the Sorceress Memorial shares a prefix with the Lunar Base maps ("ss"). Its full name is "sspack1". Given its similarity in appearance to parts of Lunar Base, I wonder if this field was once part of that area.
Edea's model is loaded in the following locations that she can't visit:
The post-Lunar Cry Sorceress Memorial fields, in which she also has dialogue and animations for the scene in which the party takes Rinoa from the Sorceress Memorial.
Edea ”{Squall}, go on.“
Edea is also loaded on the White SeeD ship fields (but has no dialogue there).
The side room in the Timber Maniacs building in Timber, in her masked form. This room also has unused animations for using the projector that count down from 3 to 0 as well as a "lights on" version.
Both the past and present versions of the hotel room in Deling City load both the masked and unmasked versions of Edea.
The entrance to the room in which you fight Adel (ebadele2) has unused scripting with several blanked-out text boxes. The field ebadele3 (in which Seifer is shown holding Rinoa) contains several lines of unused dialogue:
{Squall} ”We're going to stop Sorceress Adel's resurrection. Destroy the capsule.“
{Squall} ”So this is...“
{Rinoa} ”...Another sorceress of this time... Sorceress Adel...“
{Squall} ”{Rinoa}!!! Why are you here!?“
{Rinoa} ”But... {Squall}... I always want to be by your side...“
Zell ”LOOK OUT!!!“
Quistis ”Look out!“
Selphie ”Watch out!!!“
{Squall} ”{Rinoa}!!!“
{Rinoa} ”{Squall}!!!“
{Squall} ”SEIFER!!!!!!“
There are as many empty text boxes in ebadele2 as are unused in ebadele3, so it's possible they were meant to be the same messages.
The field the player is taken to immediately after Adel's defeat has the following developer message, indicating that Adel was meant to be the last boss of Disc 3:
That's it for today's CD. Thank you.
There is unused dialogue in the past version of Edea's House (field ehenter3) that the party finds themselves in after the Time Compression FMV:
Quistis ”Edea's house!“
Selphie ”Wait a minute...?“
Irvine ” this...the past?“
{Squall} ”{Rinoa}!!! {Rinoa}!!!“
{Rinoa} ”Alright! I'm here, too!“
{Squall} ”...Time is being compressed. The past, present, and future are fusing?“
{Squall} ”So basically...“
{Squall} ”I don't quite understand.“
Selphie ”{Squall}! Heeey guys!“
Irvine ”Somethin's goin' on here...“
It looks like at some point, there would have been a choice or some other player input to determine whether Squall would give Zell his ring before the Garden battle begins. Scripting exists for the first message, but there is nothing that calls it.
{Squall} ”Sorry. I can't give it to you.“
Zell ”OH C'MON, MAN! After all that beggin'!?“
Zell ”Pshaw, fine!“ {NewPage} ”I forgot. {Squall}'s a stingy scrooooge!“
There are two developer messages on the field sselone1, in which Squall first speaks to Ellone in Lunar Base:
Ellone explains why she's here. She talks about Adel's Tomb. Plan to include these explanations.
Talk about junctioning with the past. {Rinoa} and Ellone must meet.
The White SeeD Ship field secont1 has the following unused and unscripted dialogue suggesting you would have been able to return to this location after returning from space:
Zone ”{Rinoa}......!!! How...are you doin'?“
Zone ”OH...OHHHHH... OUUCHHHH...Oh my stomach...“
There is a walkable path on fields tvglen3 and tvglen4 that is normally blocked off: (The screen transition between the two was added by me.)
In the Japanese version of the game, there is a news ticker on the field titv1. It still exists in other versions but is disabled:
On the D-District map ggpark1, there are inaccessible exits on the sides leading back to the bridge from the previous scene, field gpexit2. Additionally, gpexit2 has the following developer message:
Movie&event in development. Test movie {NewPage} What to do in the parking lot Go to the desert Do not return to prison. It crashes.
ggpark1 also has four exits on the path below the building leading to the world map.
There's an unused field with the name gdtrain2: gdtrain1 is the field in which the Balamb Garden party steals the train on Disc 2, so this unused field may be an overhead view.
The field gdsand1 has enemy encounters despite the field being used only for the scene in which Rinoa makes Irvine return to D-District on Disc 3. The encounters are scenes 162 and 163; I'm unsure whether these are used anywhere else.
There is another generic-looking unused battlefield: (Ignore the presence of Diablos; that would normally be the Dummy enemy.)